有人说:“在微观物理学中,由于我们不可能同时准确地知道某个粒子的位置和动量,粒子出现位置是无规律可循的.”请你对以上说法做出评论.江苏高中物理选修3-5 第45页

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 21:26:36

有人说:“在微观物理学中,由于我们不可能同时准确地知道某个粒子的位置和动量,粒子出现位置是无规律可循的.”请你对以上说法做出评论.江苏高中物理选修3-5 第45页
江苏高中物理选修3-5 第45页

有人说:“在微观物理学中,由于我们不可能同时准确地知道某个粒子的位置和动量,粒子出现位置是无规律可循的.”请你对以上说法做出评论.江苏高中物理选修3-5 第45页
In quantum mechanics,the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that certain pairs of physical properties,like position and momentum,cannot both be known to arbitrary precision.That is,the more precisely one property is known,the less precisely the other can be known.This is not a statement about the limitations of a researcher's ability to measure particular quantities of a system,it is a statement about the nature of the system itself as described by the equations of quantum mechanics.According to the uncertainty principle,it is,for instance,impossible to measure simultaneously both position and velocity of a microscopic particle with any degree of accuracy or certainty.
In quantum mechanics,a particle is described by a wave.The position of the particle is regarded as being where the wave amplitude is greatest and the momentum is determined by the wavelength.The position is uncertain to the degree that the wave is spread out (well-defined wavelength),but the momentum is certain (well-defined) only to the degree that the wavelength is well-defined.Thus,position and momentum for a particle have opposite requirements for good definition,so that both position and wavelength cannot simultaneously be well-defined.
The only kind of wave with a definite position is concentrated at one point,and such a wave has an indefinite wavelength.Conversely,the only kind of wave with a definite wavelength is an infinite regular periodic oscillation over all space,which has no definite position.So in quantum mechanics,there are no states that describe a particle with both a definite position and a definite momentum.The more precise the position,the less precise the momentum.
The uncertainty principle can be restated in terms of measurements,which involves collapse of the wavefunction.When the position is measured,the wavefunction collapses to a narrow bump near the measured value,and the momentum wavefunction becomes spread out.The particle's momentum is left uncertain by an amount inversely proportional to the accuracy of the position measurement.The amount of left-over uncertainty can never be reduced below the limit set by the uncertainty principle,no matter what the measurement process.
This means that the uncertainty principle is related to the observer effect,with which it is often conflated.The uncertainty principle sets a lower limit to how small the momentum disturbance in an accurate position experiment can be,and vice versa for momentum experiments.
A mathematical statement of the principle is that every quantum state has the property that the root mean square (RMS) deviation of the position from its mean (the standard deviation of the X-distribution):
times the RMS deviation of the momentum from its mean (the standard deviation of P):
can never be smaller than a fixed fraction of Planck's constant:
Any measurement of the position with accuracy collapses the quantum state making the standard deviation of the momentum larger than .

有人说:“在微观物理学中,由于我们不可能同时准确地知道某个粒子的位置和动量,粒子出现位置是无规律可循的.”请你对以上说法做出评论.江苏高中物理选修3-5 第45页 (4).有人说:“在微观物理学中,由于我们不可能同时准确地知道某个粒子的位置和动量,粒子出现位置是无规律可循的.”请你对以上说法做出评论.江苏高中物理选修3-5 第45页 有人说:“在微观物理学中,由於我们不可能同时准确地知道某个粒子的位置和动量,粒子出现的位置是无规律可循的.”请你对以上说法做出评论. 化学反应在宏观上是我们所说的“化学反应”,但是在微观上却是纯粹的物理学反应,因为无论什么样的化学反应都是由于微观上的原子及电子等运动而形成的,这个怎么解释,怎么区分化学反应 高中物理说绝对零度不可能达到!但我们在实验室中能否达到绝对零度? 扩散现象是宏观的还是微观的啊?那转换法是什么啊,题是:::4.通过直接感知的现象推测无法直接感知的事实,这是物理学中常用的方法,我们称之为转换法.前面我们学习电流时,由于无法直接观 有人这样说,量子物理学,乃至整个物理学,都已发展到了极限,再也不可能有什么突破性的进展(例如普朗克,爱因斯坦等),这种说法有道理吗?物理学还会不会有什么突破? 量子物理学在我们日常生活中什么用啊 政治辨析题:有人说:“在我们国家,社会成员收入差距越来越大,实现共同富裕是不可能的”请评论此观点. 釜底抽薪这个词在物理学中说明了什么道理 任何运动的物体都具有做功的能力,这句话正确吗?根据物理学中能量的定义:如果一个物体能对其他物体做功,我们就说这个物体具有能量.还有物理学中 动能的定义:物体由于运动而具有的 我们知道功率是表示物体做功快慢的物理量,想一想在物理学和生活中,还有哪些是表示变化快慢的,请举例说 简答题:如图15-1所示,小刚用力推汽车,汽车没有推动.在物理学中,我们说他是“劳而无功”为什么? 有人说:“这件事百分之百不可能发生”在数学里有没有这种说法?谈理由 有人说:“这件事百分之百不可能发生.”在数学里,有没有这种说法?理由是什么? 作文 那是一首歌生活如歌,在我们的人生道路上由于多动人心弦的歌有人说初二生活是一首歌,有人说亲情是一首歌,有人说青春是一首歌,有人说大自然是一首歌……请以《那是一首歌》为题 上午8点=am 8:00 ,下午15点=pm 15:00,请问晚上20点用英文怎么精确简单表示呢?有人说pm包括晚上,但在我们工作中,常常记录下午发生的事件和晚上发生的事件,不可能都用pm吧?thanks your help,有一点想 到底有没有超光速?相对论说没有超光速,由于速度与时间的关系,我也觉得时间不可能倒流,所以不可能超光速,但有的书上说有人让光在传过某种势垒的速度是真空光速的1.7倍,还有甚至超真空