来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 08:13:35
Open Heidi, female, in 1955 had been born in Jinan, the HanNationality, philosophy master, the Chinese Communist Party partymember, a Shandong Province creation association level of writer, ninesessions of, ten session of nations commissar of the Chinese People'sPolitical Consultative Conference, China Handicapped Federationvice-president, Chinese Writers' Association national committeecommittee member, Shandong Province writer's associationvice-president.
Open when the Heidi 5 years old because of trouble spinal cordangioma, top digit paraplegia, she therefore has not entered theschool, when childhood starts by the tenacious will to studyindependently the knowledge, she has successively studiedindependently the elementary school, the middle school, university'sspecialized curriculum. Open when the Heidi 15 years old releases aLiaocheng Shenxian poor small mountain village along with the parents,but she has not feared the difficult life, but is offers own by theoptimistic upward spirit youth. Elementary school's child teaches inthere for the village in, and overcomes all sorts of difficult studiesmedicine knowledge, warm-heartedly treats an illness for the fellowvillagers acupuncture and moxibustion, in Shenxian period, she freetreats an illness more than 10,000 people for the people, receivespeople's warm praise.
In 1983, Heidi has stepped onto the literature creation path, sheovercomes the disease and the difficulty by the tenacious will,strives for perfection to carry on the creation, rigid fights for theliterature, until now has published the work includes: Novel "OnWheelchair Dream", "绝顶". Disperses the anthology "Swan goose Tofly In a big hurry", "Window Which Opens wide to Sky", "Life Closelyexamines". The translation work "Seashore Clinic", "Rebecca in NewSchool", "Young Mill Travels Records", "Not a Many Grams - Elephant'sReal Story" and so on. Her work has caused the very strong echo in thesociety in the young people, the novel "On Wheelchair Dream" alreadyin Japan's, South Korea published.
In 1992 Chinese Writers Association grave literature prize;
In 1994 the national first session exerted oneself the civilizedprogress prize novel first award;
In 1997 nation "a five project" books prize;
In 1998 attained Shandong Province "the high-quality goods projectprize" and "the Shandong Province top-notch literary and art worker"the title;
In 1998 the national second session exerted oneself the civilizedprogress prize books prize and individual special prize;
In 1999 national third session of outstanding woman reading materialprize;
In 1999 national fourth session of foreign country literary workoutstanding books prize;
In October, 2002 the novel "绝顶" has listed as by ChinesePropaganda Department and the national news publication bureau to "16is big" offers a gift the key books;
In December, 2002 "绝顶" attains the national third session to exertoneself the civilized progressive books prize;
In October, 2003 "绝顶" wins the first session China publicationgroup books prize;
In December, 2003 "绝顶" wins the eighth session of Chinese youthoutstanding reading material prize;
In December, 2003 "绝顶" wins the second session of Chinese feminineliterature prize;
In December, 2003 "绝顶" attains Chinese Propaganda Department "fiveone" the project books prize.
In 1991 open Heidi after to undergo the cancer surgery, continued bythe unyielding spirit and the destiny resistance, she started to studythe philosophy specialized graduate student curriculum. Has diligentlywritten the paper after unremitting her "In Cultural Philosophy Fieldof vision Disabled person Question". In 1993, she passed the graduatestudent curriculum test in the Jilin University philosophy department,and passed the oral defense, is awarded the master's degree. OpenHeidi to confirm by own courage the life strength, the positive imageshe said "likes the person which all never changes course after makinga vow to be same, I difficult inquire itself treat as the truehappiness." She take overcame own barrier the spirit to enter theknowledge as the disabled person the sea to develop a path.
Open Heidi for many years also to do the massive social work, sheinspires the innumerable young people by own lecture and the singingsound to exert oneself upwardly. She also frequently goes to thewelfare home, especially teaches the school, the disabled personfamily, sees the widowed senior citizen and the children withdisabilities, sends to the gift to them and is warm. In recent years,she for in the village which went to the country has constructed anelementary school, helped impoverished and the children withdisabilities treats an illness studies, but also and the childrendonated money for the disaster area, contributes own payment forpublished piece 60,000 Yuan. She also positively attends the disabledperson enterprise each work and the activity, appealed the entiresociety all supports the disabled person enterprise, cared about thehelp disabled person, drove they strive to improve support oneself,for disabled person enterprise each work and the activity, appealedthe entire society all supports the disabled person enterprise, caredabout the help disabled person, drove they strive to improve supportoneself, has made the prominent contribution for the disabled personenterprise development.
Open Heidi once three on invitation to visit Japan, South Korea, heldthe lecture concert, she strove constantly for self-improvement thestruggle course also was inspiring the different nationality's people.In 1995, she once attended Fourth World Conference on Women as theChinese government members of the delegation. In 1997 is evaluated bythe Japanese NHK television station the world five big outstandingdisabled people.
Open Heidi successively to give to each kind of title of honor:
In 1981 attained the Shenxian broadcast bureau advanced workers;
In 1982 attained the Liaocheng area "the model Communist Youth Leaquemember" the title;
In 1982 attained the Liaocheng area "38 red-banner pacesetters" thetitle;
In 1983 the Communist Youth League Shandong provincial party committeeawarded "the model Communist Youth Leaque member" the title;
In 1983 the Shandong Province government awarded "the model labor" thetitle;
On March 7, 1983 Communist Youth League central awarded "theoutstanding Communist Youth Leaque member" the title;
In 1983 the Shandong Province Women's Federation awarded "38red-banner pacesetters" the title;
In 1983 the All-China Women's Federation awarded "38 red-bannerpacesetters" the title;
In 1989 Chinese Propaganda Department awarded "the outstanding youththought worker" the title;
In 1990 the Shandong group provincial party committee awarded "ten bigoutstanding youths" the title;
In 1991 the Chinese remnant association awarded "the striving toimprove model" the title;
In 1992 the Jinan municipal government recorded great merit;
In 1993 the All-China Women's Federation awarded "the women's work ineighth Five-year Plan pivot man" the title, and awarded "38 red-bannerpacesetters" once more the title;
In 1995 the Shandong provincial party committee propaganda departmentawarded "the model party member literary and art worker" the title;
In 1997 the Shandong provincial party committee propaganda departmentawarded "the top-notch literary and art worker" the title;
In 1997 is evaluated by Japanese NHK "the world five big outstandingdisabled people";
In 2000 is awarded "the nation model labor" by the State Council thetitle;
In 2001 "" the magazine is round the world evaluated by Xinhua NewsAgency "the century female which round the world 20 most has theinfluence".
In May, 1983, the Central Committee of the CCP sent out "to OpenDecision Which Heidi Comrade Studied", the party and national leaderDeng Xiaoping, Ye Jianying, Li Xiannian and so on eight oldergenerations proletariats revolutionaries successively for open Heidito write a few words of appreciation, positively commend her to beenterprising, selfless offer spirit.
Open Heidi once to be elected Communist Youth League 11th session ofmembers of the Central Committee, and held the post of the Chinesedisabled person welfare foundation directors for a long time, ChinaHandicapped Federation presidium committee members, ShandongProvince's Federation of Disabled Persons vice-presidents, duty and soon Shandong Province youth federation vice-presidents. Heidi strivesconstantly for self-improvement in the official duty post and in thesocial work, by filled with zealous and noble moral character servicesociety, offer people, has the very high prestige and the prestige inthe broad masses, is withstand the time test the good model. She isChinese generation of youth's arrogant, also is the Chinese disabledperson's outstanding representative.
Open Heidi, in 1955 autumn was born in Jinan. 5 years old contract themyelopathy, below the chest completely are paralysed. Since then, openHeidi to start her original life. She is unable to go to school, thenin studies independently in the home the middle school curriculum.When 15 years old, Heidi follows the parents, the release (Shandong)the Liaocheng countryside, for child when teaches gentleman. She alsostudies independently the acupuncture and moxibustion medical skill,for fellow villagers free treatment. Afterwards, open Heidi to studyindependently the multi- gates foreign language, but also has workedas radio dresser.
Front the brutal destiny challenge, open Heidi not to be depressedand to perish, she wages the struggle by the tenacious will and theperseverance and the disease, has undergone the stern test, has beenfull of confidence to the life. She although does not have theopportunity to enter the school gate, actually made a determinedeffort to study, studies the elementary school, the middle schoolcomplete curriculum, has studied independently university English,Japanese, German and the universal language, and has studiedassiduously the university and master graduate student's curriculum.In 1983 open Heidi to start to be engaged in the literature creation,successively has translated "Seashore Clinic" and so on hundreds ofthousands of characters English novels, arranged "Window Which Openedwide to Sky", "Life Was closely examining", "On Wheelchair Dream" andso on the books. "On Wheelchair Dream" publishes in Japan and SouthKorea, but "Life Closely examines" does not publish to half year, hasreprinted 3 times, has obtained the nation "a five project" the booksprize. "Closely examines in Life" before, this award item ever has notissued for the prose work. Recently, a minister reached 300,000characters the novels "绝顶", soon was published. Started from 1983,open Heidi to create and the translation work surpasses 1 millioncharacters.
In order to makes a bigger contribution to the society, she hassuccessively studied independently several medicine monographs,simultaneously consulted to experienced doctor, has learned medicalskill and so on acupuncture and moxibustion, reached more than 10,000people for the populace free treatment.
In 1983, "Chinese Youth Daily" published "Is a Meteor, Had To remainLight for the World", open a Heidi chirp China, obtained two finereputations, was "80's newly Lei Feng", was " "ContemporaryPaul".
Open Heidi to cherish "is living must make to the social beneficialpeople" the faith, take Paul as the example, dares and hotly gives toown light the people. She by own words and deeds, answered 100.01million youths extremely nice outlooks on life, the values question.Deng Xiaoping own handwriting preface: "The study open Heidi, does hasthe ideal, has the morals, has the communism new person which theculture, defends the discipline!"
Afterwards, causes open Heidi to become the moral strength.
Open Heidi presently for nation commissar of the Chinese People'sPolitical Consultative Conference, holds public office in the Shandongwriter's association, is engaged in the creation and the translation.
Mozart, W. A.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1,756 ~ 1,791)
Austrian composers, Vienna classical Le Pai representativepersonage. On January 27, 1756 had been born in Salzburg, on December5, 1791 died at Vienna.
Austrian musician Mozart's intelligence quotient: 165
Biography Mozart is born in a palace musician's family. 3 yearsold revealed music ability, 4 years old study the piano with thefather, 5 year old of composing music, 6 years old along with thefather study violin, 8 years old have created one batch of sonatasand the symphony, 11 years old have written the 1st opera. He hasmerely lived 36 years old. The arduous creation, the performance andthe impoverished life have impaired his health, enable him prematurelyto leave the world, his music work became the world music treasurehouse the precious inheritance.
The youth time (1,762 ~ 1,773) in 1762, 6 year-old Mozart underfather's leadership to Munich, Vienna, the Press fort has made anexperiment touring, obtains successfully. In June, 1763 ~ in March,1773, they successively arrived country and so on Germany, Belgium,France, England, Holland, Italy attain as the time 10 yearsperformance on tour successfully. These performance on tours have hadthe positive influence to Mozart's artistic development. He has theopportunity to contact the European present age most advanced musicart - - Italy opera, the French opera, Germany's instrumental music,also has known composer J.C. Bach G.B. Martini, G.B. Sa Martini and soon, studies the composing music technology with them, this will enablehim later to become his time in the creation a style most widespreadcomposer. Young Mozart on the one hand has gradually influenced thearistocrat upper circles of society prevailing custom etiquette andthe magnificent artistic style in the performance on tour, anotheraspect because is at the residential musician's low position, alsofostered aloof from worldly affairs has been proud, despises powerfulofficial's disposition. But has the commercial nature the arduousperformance duty, also has devastated his health.
This time, Mozart has published 6 in London 哈普 西科德 and theviolin (or flute) the sonata, has written 3 symphonies and the opera"False Good intentions" (1,768), "Buss Peduncle Settles with BussPeduncle Is elegant" (1,768), "This All King In Mitter 达特"(1,770), "Lu Qiao West Pulls" (1,772) and so on the work. Some workshave reflected him J.C. Bach's influence. This time work alreadydemonstrated Mozart creates the literature style widespread and he theinterest which creates to the opera.
The maturation period (1,774 ~ 1,781) 1773 year's end, Mozart returnedto Salzburg, under father's counselling, made up has severed the musicand the cultural study, simultaneously used the knowledge and thesource material which in the travel obtained, has created the massiveworks. Including opera "Vacation Cardener" (1,775) and "Herdsman King"(1,775).
By now already adult's Mozart, felt the disaffection to the oneselfbase and low servant status. In order to win over the person and thecreation freedom, he passes through the intense struggle, finallyobtained archbishop's agreement in September, 1777, also has carriedon two years performance on tour with the mother. In order to seeksthe position in addition, in order to forever leaves Salzburg, hesuccessively in Munich and the Mannheim teaching, the performance,further deepened to not the equal system understanding and theexperience. When Mannheim, he obtains some residential musicians' helpand the sympathy, connected in parallel fashion touches at that timethe European important Mannheim happy faction, heard to thefirst-class orchestra's performance. In May, 1778, he returned toParis, because the mother died of illness, in addition has not beenable to seek the position, could not but return to Salzburg inJanuary, 1779.
This time, Mozart has created 2 flutes concertos 1 oboe concerto, 7pianos violin sonata, 3 pianos sonatas in Mannheim, these works havereflected the Mannheim Le Pai influence. In Paris, he has also written"Paris" the symphony, the junction sound concerto, the orchestralmusic overture, the flute and the harp concerto, flute string quartet,4 pianos variations, 4 pianos sonatas and so on. When 2nd wayMannheim, wrote some sacred music 3 symphonies, the violin violasjunction sound concerto, the serenade, swam for fun the tune, twopianos concerto, 3 organs concertos and so on. In 1780 has completedthe opera "Iraqi Multi- Plums Niu" creation.
This time Mozart's work, had reflected in the content at that time thesturm und drang movement ideological trend influence, appeared the newessential factor in the form, like plays the poisonous cry musicalform 1st music movement the presentation department, appeared 2nd (orare more) with the 1st subject relativity the subject in thereappearance department, frequently changes the order which thesubject appears, sometimes also carried on to the subject material hasbeen different with presentation department processing, in during 1st,2 music movements, had intense dynamics contrast and so on. Thesetechniques, strengthened his music work theatrical nature, causes theclassical sonata type further to form.
The Vienna time (1,781 ~ 1,791) Mozart also is unable to endurearchbishop's humiliation again, resolutely proposed to archbishop theresignation, makes a living to Vienna. He is in the Austrian historyfirst has the courage and the determination gets rid of the palace andthe church, defends individual dignity composer. But later he althoughin the name is a free composer, in fact still incapably resisted thefeudal society to his oppression. The life tribulation has had theprofound influence to his thought and the creation, in Vienna's 10years, becomes him to create the most important 10 years. In 1781,after he and archbishop break off, after wrote the famous opera"Palace To tempt Runs away". This play in July, 1782 the firstperformance, obtained is very greatly successful. In 1782, he in hasnot gotten collect requisition in father's agreement situation,identical Mannheim musician's daughter Kang Shitan the silk Webermarried. Mozart and Vienna's J Haydn was tying the deep friendship atthat time, he has studied 四重奏 and the symphony creationexperience to Haydn, and wrote 6 string quartet to bestow for Haydn.In 1784, he participated "共济会", is the Vienna eighth branch'smembers. He warm-heartedly participated in this to have thebourgeoisie initiation thought color the secret religious group'sactivity, publicized the freedom, the equal, the universal lovethought to it has the intense sympathetic chord, and has written manyworks in under this kind of thought enlightenment.
In 1785, went out of business the Vienna nationality theater restores,Mozart had has been engaged in the opportunity which the operacreated. He wrote a farce "Theater Manager" (in 1786 to perform). In1786 completed and has performed "Spent 加罗 Marriage", this playinfluence very big, even was also widely known in Bragg. In 1787 "theTang Semi-annular jade pendant" completed and obtains the performance.
In Vienna, Mozart has discovered J.S. Bach's work. He has carried onthe thorough study and the research to Bach's duplicate accenttechnique. This to him later period creation important influence.
In April, 1789, impoverished center Mozart, hoped Knoff by his studentCull advantage the Si base duke to lead, to Berlin Dresden, placesperformance such as Leipzig. Although creates a stir, actually has notbeen able to extricate his economical difficult position. In January,1790, his opera "the Female Will of the people" performed. InFebruary, emperor died, Mozart to succeeds