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能有大神不靠翻译机人工翻译粗来么 好多语法错误T T嘤嘤嘤。

Chinese diet religious culture
National food refers to besides the Han ethnic dishes. Because of the various minority nationalities in different social and historical development of class, region, environment, property, religious beliefs and so different, so almost every ethnic group has the different diet custom and hobbies, and eventually formed a unique food culture.
Many people have their own religious beliefs, every religion in the initial stage of the media, in addition to publicize its established doctrine, but also through a certain building, dress, ceremony and eating people from everyday conditions identified. Single diet, through long-term development, and gradually formed a unique religious diet style. In China culture, religion, diet is the main means of Taoism, Buddhism and Islam diet.
Taoism originated from the primitive witchcraft and Taoism, so the influence of Taoism diet by the Taoist theory. Taoism believes that man is the intrinsic air born of heaven and earth, so should be "first except to raise after fasting, to life", the food fasted fish sheep meat and spicy in the daily diet, mainly vegetarian, and try to eat less food, so as not to make the people's innate strength becomes turbid filth, and should eat fruit, because "every day can become immortal mince". True nature Taoism diet cooking is to keep food raw materials, such as called "Taoist features" of Qingchengshan's "ginkgo chicken", not only light and fresh, and rarely put condiment, keep the original color and taste.
Buddhism in India local is not a vegetarian, incoming China and Chinese customs, eating traditional combination, formed its unique style. The first is to advocate a vegetarian diet, which is consistent with the Buddhism advocates charity, against the killing of the doctrine of. Secondly, tea occupies an important position in the Buddhist diets. The Buddhist temple in the well-known mountains and rivers, these areas is generally suitable for tea, tea, tea nature light elegance, with calm heart, brain tranquilizing effect, so, tea not only become an important content of the monks physical labor, regulating daily monotonous life, also in order to cultivate the nature, love of life love is an important means, while drinking tea, will become the history monks long green below wall Zen, Wu heart meet important way. Thirdly, characteristic of Buddhism diet is obtain raw material locally, Buddhist temple dishes, is good at using various vegetables, fruits, bamboo shoots, mushrooms and bean products as raw materials.
Islamic doctrine emphasizes that "quiet without stain", "it is the only", so its diet formed strike out pattern, known as the "Muslim cuisine". Muslims fast pork, dead, blood, and seventeen kinds of birds and horses, mules, donkeys and other flat hoofed animal. So the Muslim cuisine, rich and colorful in cattle meat cooking is famous, such as light is lamb, there is roast mutton, roast mutton, mutton slices cooked in hot pot, braised mutton, mutton Shouzhua mutton, wax, stir fried lamb, mutton cubes roasted on a skewer, Tang Feng Ren, fried sheep tail, Roasted Whole Lamb, slippery loin, Qing really in the series and some snacks are also characteristic, such as Beijing Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings Boiled dumplings, mutton, Xi'an of Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup, Lanzhou beef noodles, PI, Xinjiang roasted Nang, baked buns, and other flavor.

Chinese diet religious culture
National food refers to besides the Han ethnic dishes. Because of the various minority nationalities in different social and historical development of class, region,...


Chinese diet religious culture
National food refers to besides the Han ethnic dishes. Because of the various minority nationalities in different social and historical development of class, region, environment, property, religious beliefs and so different, so almost every ethnic group has the different diet custom and hobbies, and eventually formed a unique food culture.
Many people have their own religious beliefs, every religion in the initial stage of the media, in addition to publicize its established doctrine, but also through a certain building, dress, ceremony and eating people from everyday conditions identified. Single diet, through long-term development, and gradually formed a unique religious diet style. In China culture, religion, diet is the main means of Taoism, Buddhism and Islam diet.
Taoism originated from the primitive witchcraft and Taoism, so the influence of Taoism diet by the Taoist theory. Taoism believes that man is the intrinsic air born of heaven and earth, so should be "first except to raise after fasting, to life", the food fasted fish sheep meat and spicy in the daily diet, mainly vegetarian, and try to eat less food, so as not to make the people's innate strength becomes turbid filth, and should eat fruit, because "every day can become immortal mince". True nature Taoism diet cooking is to keep food raw materials, such as called "Taoist features" of Qingchengshan's "ginkgo chicken", not only light and fresh, and rarely put condiment, keep the original color and taste.
Buddhism in India local is not a vegetarian, incoming China and Chinese customs, eating traditional combination, formed its unique style. The first is to advocate a vegetarian diet, which is consistent with the Buddhism advocates charity, against the killing of the doctrine of. Secondly, tea occupies an important position in the Buddhist diets. The Buddhist temple in the well-known mountains and rivers, these areas is generally suitable for tea, tea, tea nature light elegance, with calm heart, brain tranquilizing effect, so, tea not only become an important content of the monks physical labor, regulating daily monotonous life, also in order to cultivate the nature, love of life love is an important means, while drinking tea, will become the history monks long green below wall Zen, Wu heart meet important way. Thirdly, characteristic of Buddhism diet is obtain raw material locally, Buddhist temple dishes, is good at using various vegetables, fruits, bamboo shoots, mushrooms and bean products as raw materials.
Islamic doctrine emphasizes that "quiet without stain", "it is the only", so its diet formed strike out pattern, known as the "Muslim cuisine". Muslims fast pork, dead, blood, and seventeen kinds of birds and horses, mules, donkeys and other flat hoofed animal. So the Muslim cuisine, rich and colorful in cattle meat cooking is famous, such as light is lamb, there is roast mutton, roast mutton, mutton slices cooked in hot pot, braised mutton, mutton Shouzhua mutton, wax, stir fried lamb, mutton cubes roasted on a skewer, Tang Feng Ren, fried sheep tail, Roasted Whole Lamb, slippery loin, Qing really in the series and some snacks are also characteristic, such as Beijing Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings Boiled dumplings, mutton, Xi'an of Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup, Lanzhou beef noodles, PI, Xinjiang roasted Nang, baked buns, and other flavor.



英语翻译中国饮食宗教文化民族饮食指的是除汉族之外各少数民族的菜肴.由于各少数民族所处的不同的社会历史发展阶级,所处地域、环境、物产、宗教信仰等的不同,所以几乎每一个少数民 不同民族的饮食风俗 中国的饮食特点 谁知道中国饮食的行为文化的含义及内容 英语翻译饮食对象折射民族性格西方人秉承游牧民族、航海民族的文化血统,以渔猎、养殖为主,以采集、种植为辅,这注定了西方的饮食对象是以肉类和奶制品为主.西方的自然条件不利于发展 古典的,关于欧洲的宗教(如宗教故事,神话传说)、艺术(雕刻,油画、壁画)、文化(如饮食、服关于欧洲的宗教(如宗教故事,神话传说)、艺术(雕刻,油画、壁画)、文化(如饮食、服饰、河流、流行 英语翻译这片论文主要是研究关于韩国饮食的文化特点,以及与中国饮食的相同和不同之处.通过实际考察和见闻听说对韩国的饮食有特点做了详细的介绍分析.可以让我们从侧面跟全面的了解 英语翻译与中国饮食方式的差异更为明显的是美国流行的自助餐 饮食民俗与区域文化的关系 关于闽南文化饮食的作文 能用英语介绍下中西文化的差异,最好能从文化(饮食,宗教,风俗,经济)等方面介绍.多多益善阿.. 英语翻译翻译内容:今天我想给同学们介绍一下朝鲜族,朝鲜族是中国56个民族之一,着重分布在东北三省,下面给同学们播放朝鲜族的民谣 “阿里郎”,这些是朝鲜族的饮食和风俗习惯,这是韩 我表妹的饮食不如我说的饮食健康.英语翻译 过桥米线 是中国哪里的饮食特色? 英语翻译翻译成英语 .中国饮食是世界上最健康的饮食之一 .中国饮食中的糖与脂肪低,不易使人发胖.当前的麦当劳,肯德基等快餐在中国越来越受欢迎,但这些饮食中含有大量的高糖、高脂食 我们饮食的主要成分是() 我们的饮食主要成分是 求:中国各地(民族)的节日习俗,或者富有地方特色的服饰、饮食、民居、也可以是民间工艺品作文450字!