
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:44:17


客满 No vacancy
有空房 Vacancy
服务台 Reception (desk)
接待员 Receptionist
旅客询问台 Informationist
观光服务中心 Tourist Service Center
商务中心 Business Center
钱币兑换处 Money Exchange
值日经理 Duty Manager
请勿打扰 Do not disturb
请打扫房间 Make up the room/Immediate maid service
请勿在床上吸烟 Please refrain from smoking in bed
太平门/安全门 Emergency Exit
火警通道 Fire Exit
意见箱 Suggestion Box
欢迎参观 Welcome
售票处 Ticket Office
来宾请登记 Visitors please register
参观由此进 This way please
肃静 Silence
此路不通 Dead End
禁止通行 No through way
闲人免进 No admittance/No entry
游客止步 Off limits to visitors
禁止逗留 No loitering
谢绝参观 No visitors
禁止进入(军事禁区) Out of bounds
请勿触摸 Hands off / Do not touch
请勿拍照 No photographing,please
油漆未干 Wet Paint
危险,勿近 Danger
勿折花木 Hands off the flowers and trees
请勿践踏草地 Keep off the grass
礼品店 Gift Shop
快餐泠饮 Snack Bar
盥洗室 Rest Room / Toilets
男厕 Men’s (Gentlemen’s) Room
女厕 Ladies’ (Women’s) Room
车辆缓行 Drive slowly
进出门下车(自行车) Please dismount at gate
欢迎光临You are welcome / you are welcome to browse
鸣谢惠顾Thanks for your patronage
营业时间Store Hours / Business Hours
休息 Closed / Resting / Intermission
歇业盘点Closed for stocktaking
八折/七折20% Off / 30% Off
谨防假冒Beware of imitations
谨防扒手Beware of pickpockets
全场(年终)大减价 Store-wide sale
顾客至上 The customer is king./ The customer is always right
付款台 Cashier / Please pay here
本店概不赊账 No layaways/ No credit折价商品,恕不退换 No refunds on sale goods

no smoking,禁止吸烟 no parking,禁止停车