
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 03:50:59


Today is Saturday.In the afternoon.some boys and i were playing football in the street .suddenly one of the boys fell down and hurt himself.so the other children took the boy to the hospital by bike.The doctor checked the boy at once in the hospital .and he said that it didn't matter much.Then the doctor told us not to play football in the street,It was dangerous.I think we shouldn't do that again.

Today is weekend, me and some children are playing football, one of the kids fell down, the other kids with the bike with the injured child to a hospital, the doctor gave the child a check

Today is Saturday so we have no classes. After lunch, I went to play football with some boys in the park. Unfortunately, one boy fell down and got hurt. All of us were so worried. We immediately took him to hospital by bike. A doctor gave him a detailed exam.It was very lucky that he was not serious injuried.

英语作文题今天是周末,你和几个孩子在踢足球,其中一个孩子摔到了,其他的孩子用自行车带着受伤的孩子去医院,医生给那个孩子做了检查.(根据以上提示写一篇不少于50个单词的日记) 今天是周末,现在是晚上九点,观察你的家人在做什么?英语作文要求;现在进行时,60词 今天是周末英语怎么说 六年级的英语作文 你在周末做什么 英语作文:假设你是中学生李华,你和上海的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游但你因故不能赴约.请给他写封今天之内写完 六年级英语作文题这个周末你干了什么事 周末要到了说说你的周末计划英语作文 介绍你的家人和朋友,他们有什么物品,他们喜欢在周末干什么【英语作文】不少于8句 初二英语作文,回答重金酬谢现在人们的周末活动越来越丰富了,家长对于孩子的生活也倍加关注,力求让孩子劳逸结合,希望孩子在增加知识的同时,身体也能得到充分锻炼.假如下面是你上课周 “今天是周末,请问你休息吗?”这句话用英语怎么说 求英语作文,今天晚上要交假如你是tony,上周末你的妈妈带你去了Forest zoo,根据以上信息写一封信告诉你的好朋友你的所见所闻,70字 求英语作文.写出你周末你和朋友或家人的活动安排 求一篇英语作文,我的周末 魔术周末你是怎么怎么过的,要用一般现在时, 英语作文:假如这个周末是你妈妈的生日,你打算怎么过? 你周末在干什么用英语怎么说 你在周末干什么英语短文 假如你是Mike,今天十二岁,你经常去哪里?通常去哪里?有时去哪里?(英语表达)周末 我和家人周末干什么 英语作文