来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 17:03:00
缪斯女神生于奥林波斯山麓的彼埃里亚,时常漫游于赫利孔山和帕尔纳索斯山(均为古希腊的名山).她们经常在奥林波斯山群神宴饮时载歌载舞;她们是歌手和乐师的技艺传授者和庇护者,并赋予诗人和歌唱者以艺术灵感,因此尤受文学家和诗人的尊崇.艺术女神(the muses) 宙斯和泰坦mnemosyne的女儿们,共有九人;亦称为缪斯或庇厄利亚的女神们(pierides),因她们生于庇厄利亚地方.她们是卡拉培(calliope,雄辩和叙事诗),克利欧(clio,历史),乌拉妮娅(urania,天文),梅耳珀弥妮(melpomene,悲剧),塔利亚(thalia,喜剧),特普斯歌利(terpsichore,舞蹈),依蕾托(erato,爱情诗),波利海妮娅(polyhymnia,颂歌),优忒毗(euterpe,抒情诗).
Urania the Muse of Astronomy and the Goddess of Heavenly Love. Urania is the female genitive of Ouranos (Uranus) who was the Celestial Hemisphere, the Starry Heaven. Urania is commonly the name of the...
Urania the Muse of Astronomy and the Goddess of Heavenly Love. Urania is the female genitive of Ouranos (Uranus) who was the Celestial Hemisphere, the Starry Heaven. Urania is commonly the name of the Muse of Astronomy, and one of the nine daughters of Zeus (Jupiter) and the Titaness Mnemosyne (Memoria). The muses lived on Mt. Helicon and were the constant companions of their half-brother and half-sister the gods Apollo and Aphrodite (Venus). Urania presided over the arts of Astrology, Astronomy and Romantic Poetry, and her symbol was a celestial globe and a pair of compasses (instruments she used to measure the heavens). Astrologically Urania represents the principle of cosmic knowledge, a deep thinker who draws upon her inspiration to uncover mental treasures. Associated with the Harmony of the Spheres, by Apollo, Urania became the mother of the famous musician hero Linus, the inventor of Rhythm and Melody, and who befriended and taught music to Herakles. Linus was subsequently killed by Herakles in a fit of anger. By Dionysos Urania mothered the God of Marriage, Hymenaeus. It is said that Urania is the youngest of the Muses and took Athena's challenge to raise Pegasus. Urania is also a surname for Aphrodite (Venus) which grants her the title of "Celestial One" and places her as the Queen of Heaven and the goddess of Universal or Heavenly Love. The distinction between Urania the Muse and Urania the Goddess of Heavenly Love is blurred, and it is felt that they are one and the same. Urania is also the name for a minor planet or asteroid (number 30) discovered between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in what is known as the Asteroid Belt. (See: Euippe, Pegasus).