英语翻译遗弃罪,是指对于年老、年幼、患病或者其他没有独立生活能力的人,负有扶养义务而拒绝扶养,情节恶劣的行为. (1)因年老、伤残、疾病等原因,丧失劳动能力,没有生活来源; (2)虽有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 08:38:25
英语翻译遗弃罪,是指对于年老、年幼、患病或者其他没有独立生活能力的人,负有扶养义务而拒绝扶养,情节恶劣的行为. (1)因年老、伤残、疾病等原因,丧失劳动能力,没有生活来源; (2)虽有英语翻译遗弃罪,

英语翻译遗弃罪,是指对于年老、年幼、患病或者其他没有独立生活能力的人,负有扶养义务而拒绝扶养,情节恶劣的行为. (1)因年老、伤残、疾病等原因,丧失劳动能力,没有生活来源; (2)虽有

英语翻译遗弃罪,是指对于年老、年幼、患病或者其他没有独立生活能力的人,负有扶养义务而拒绝扶养,情节恶劣的行为. (1)因年老、伤残、疾病等原因,丧失劳动能力,没有生活来源; (2)虽有
The crime of abandonment refers to the vile behavior of those who are obliged but refuse to support the old,the young,the sick or any other person incapable of living independently.
(1) 因年老、伤残、疾病等原因,丧失劳动能力,没有生活来源;
Without source of income due to loss of work ability arising from old age,disability or illness etc.;
(2) 虽有生活来源,但因病、老、伤残,生活不能自理的;
With source of income but cannot provide for oneself due to illness,old age or disability;
(3) 因年幼或智力低下等原因,没有独立生活能力的,除了对于具有这类情况的家庭成员外,不发生遗弃的问题.
No crime of abandonment is considered except for such families with member(s) who cannot provide for oneself due to young or mental retardation etc.

Abandoned sin, refers to the old, young, sick or any other person without independent life ability, have the obligation to bring up and refused to support, if the circumstances are flagrant behavior.<...


Abandoned sin, refers to the old, young, sick or any other person without independent life ability, have the obligation to bring up and refused to support, if the circumstances are flagrant behavior.
(1) by reason of old age, disability, disease, lose labor ability, no source of income;
(2) is the source of life, but due to illness, aging, disabled, the life cannot provide for oneself:
(3) by reason of young or mental retardation, no ability to live independently, in addition to family members with this kind of situation, not abandoned.求采纳!!


The crime of abandonment, refers to the old, young, sick or any other person who cannot live independently, have the obligation to support, vile behavior.
(1) due to old age, disability, disease, ...


The crime of abandonment, refers to the old, young, sick or any other person who cannot live independently, have the obligation to support, vile behavior.
(1) due to old age, disability, disease, loss of ability to work, no source of income;
(2) is a source of life, but due to illness, disability, old, the life cannot provide for oneself:
(3) for the young or mental retardation and other reasons, no ability to live independently, in addition to having this kind of family members, not abandonedproblem.


英语翻译遗弃罪,是指对于年老、年幼、患病或者其他没有独立生活能力的人,负有扶养义务而拒绝扶养,情节恶劣的行为. (1)因年老、伤残、疾病等原因,丧失劳动能力,没有生活来源; (2)虽有 不理解:捕食者所吃掉的大多是中年老、病弱或年幼的个体,客观上促进种群发展吃掉年幼个体也促进种群发展吗 英语翻译最幸福的时刻一位老人在回答一个身处困惑中的年轻人的提问时,说:“我可以坦然地回答你我什么时候是最幸福的.我年幼的时候被父母遗弃,但在孤儿院里我却得到了无数的朋友,那 有一个动漫图片,第一张是一个妈妈拉着年幼的儿子的手,第二张是长大的儿子扶着年老的妈妈,求这个图片! “耄耋”怎样解读,是指年老的意思吗? 英语翻译|就算全世界遗弃了你 我都不会离开你 因为你是我的公主| 谁能帮翻译下 算了 是代替年幼的词语 英语翻译离婚精神损害赔偿,是指婚姻关系的一方当事人实施了诸如通奸、姘居、重婚、遗弃、虐待或谋杀等侵害行为,导致婚姻关系破裂并造成无过错方精神痛苦和内心创伤,过错方给予无过 同卵双胞胎,若其中一个患病,另一个会患病吗?指的是遗传病,那以卵双胞胎呢? 侵华日军遗弃的化学毒剂是日本哪次侵华战争遗弃的? 不知你现在是年老还是年幼?总是听见有人说要有一个远大的目标,才会一直不断的朝着这个目标努力,最终才会成功,甚至有实验为证,说是在一群条件差不多的年轻人中做调查,几十年后发现,当 为何这两年老是地震? 8、下列犯罪中,只能由不作为形式构成的是( ).A、遗弃罪 B、盗窃罪 D、侮辱罪 表示年老的词语是年老,不是老年.不过还是谢谢回答的这位朋友! 一年老一年是那首得胜令一年老一年是哪首得胜令得句子 英语翻译动物来源人兽共患疫病对人类的威胁及对策摘要:人兽共患病是指人和脊椎动物由共同病原体引起的,又在流行病学上有关联的疾病.目前世界上已证实的人兽共患病至少有250种以上, 对于禽流感而言,患病家禽是传染源还是传播途径是不是蚊子自身未被它致病,而家禽却被禽流感致病了? "看着我熟悉而又陌生的脸,有种被遗弃的感觉"这句话是什么意思啊,对于那个人来说又是在说什么呢?是什么感觉呢?希望有知道的人能够帮忙解释一下,