英语智力题 (测测你的IQ)1.What letter is a drink?It is _____ (包括大小写)2.What is the next number?A.3125 B.625 C.125 D.______3.What never asks questions but you always answer it?_________4.John ,Martin ,Lily and Annie are brothers a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/26 15:13:32

英语智力题 (测测你的IQ)1.What letter is a drink?It is _____ (包括大小写)2.What is the next number?A.3125 B.625 C.125 D.______3.What never asks questions but you always answer it?_________4.John ,Martin ,Lily and Annie are brothers a
英语智力题 (测测你的IQ)
1.What letter is a drink?It is _____ (包括大小写)
2.What is the next number?
A.3125 B.625 C.125 D.______
3.What never asks questions but you always answer it?_________
4.John ,Martin ,Lily and Annie are brothers and sisters .I don't know how old each of them is .I only know that one of them is 18,one is 15,one of the boys is 16 and one of the girls is 17 .I also know that John is older than Lily ,but Annie isn't.How old are Annie,John,Martin and Lily?

英语智力题 (测测你的IQ)1.What letter is a drink?It is _____ (包括大小写)2.What is the next number?A.3125 B.625 C.125 D.______3.What never asks questions but you always answer it?_________4.John ,Martin ,Lily and Annie are brothers a
3.phoon(answer the phoon接电话)
4.John18 ,Martin16 ,Lily17,Annie 15

? question mark
15 18 16 17

测测你的IQ 英语智力题 (测测你的IQ)1.What letter is a drink?It is _____ (包括大小写)2.What is the next number?A.3125 B.625 C.125 D.______3.What never asks questions but you always answer it?_________4.John ,Martin ,Lily and Annie are brothers a 在赛跑中,你超过了第二名,你是第几名啊?测测你的IQ 青蛙的皮肤为什么是绿的?这是一道测测你的IQ的题. 一道数学题:求证:一元=一分.单位是:RMB。测测你的IQ,明天中午我将会公布答案. 经典IQ题目,测测你的智商!11 经典IQ题测试.东区土狼出题 1.蓝色的刀和蓝色的枪(猜一成语) 2.身穿着金色衣服的人 (猜一成语) 3.数字3在路上走呀走...翻了一个跟斗..又接着翻了一个个… 有关IQ测试一类的智力题 两道英语IQ what letter is a question?how can you make 6 out of 7`s?英语智力题 IQ测试题,测测你的智商!1 8 27 ( )1 3 2 6 5 7 ( )961(25)432 932( )732 这是三道世界IQ测试题库里数据类难度较高的试题,请按已给出的数据在括号内添上空缺的数字,并说明你的你所发现的规 英语iq智力题英语iq题,1.THE SURN OF 30 AND X IS 50,WHAT IS 2.THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 8 AND X IS 5,WHAT IS 3.A SHOP HASSOME PORK IN IT 5 KG IS SOLD,AND NOW 90KG IS LEFT HOW MANY KILOGRAMS DID IT HAVE? 测测智力题有一颗很高的椰子树,猩猩,猴子,金刚从下面经过,问谁能最先摘到椰子? 谁能帮我测一下IQ多少?我想测测我的智商! 选马,智力题.(测测你的智商)现在有25匹马,你要将跑的最快的5匹选出来.现在赛马场每次只能让5匹马赛跑,没有计时仪器,只能看它们每次的排名顺序,怎样用尽量少的次数选出? 测测你现在暗恋的人喜不喜欢你 给大家出道题(测测你的IQ)小红计算七个整数的平均数(保留两位小数),小红计算出的结果是14.75,老师说:“除最后一位数字外,其它都是正确的.”正确的结果应该是( ). 智力题,测测你的智商某单位为节约经费,在2个月内将开支从每月2500元降到每月1600元,问该单位平均每月开支降低的百分数是多少.请说出为什么?,不然不算 测测你的智商智力题12个苹果里有一个苹果跟其他苹果重量不一样,一个天平三次使用机会,去把这个不一样的苹果分辨出来”写过程 英语智力题What part of a clock is always old?(钟的哪部分总是旧的?)