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SH E-wife

from yesterday to today there tomorrow, thank God

let you stay with me heartache of love hearts
because you embrace

first met...


SH E-wife

from yesterday to today there tomorrow, thank God

let you stay with me heartache of love hearts
because you embrace

first met, I'm very relieved anxiety
explore each other may be some blind

found in daily life in this world

I did not know better than you

friends and sisters have not enough to describe the pride

support our understanding and tolerant wife

wife Please join us WANTED TO INVITE
I remember the journey to permanent contract

because of the role of red wine, and now some excitement,mac makeup, was to have three Sleeping, some objective reasons why the plan can be interrupted, but it does not matter, or to thank my wife gave me the intimate and warm, whether I'm happy not happy You are willing to listen to those who do, give me a steady stream of positive energy, and finally attached to our love song:

Although our souls tonight, just a prelude. Three Le Diandian to holding the cake, the point of red wine, sat chatting with impunity inside the box, but unfortunately Qiuqiu and Zhao Zhao did not appear, but I still feel your blessing, huh, huh. Happy go happy birthday this year, I kind of worry may come from a person,Dior sunglasses, may come from something, but the new month, new year, there must be a new beginning. To round down to laugh, continue going and lively, not because of temporary difficulties and lost his own, which is precisely the test. Well go on it! We are toast,Mac makeup!

Photo Description: Cheers ~ Oh to be happy ~

Photo Description: Standard action, blocking BABY FACE ~ ~ ~ hee hee ~

Photos Description: The promise of three wishes, it is important people are in the wish list ~

Photo Description: 12 Rose ~ I Love ~
2010-year birthday, with the pace of the bell come. 8.1 is the Army Day, Lunar New Year is also my birthday, really happened. Shuttles back from Guangzhou, warm home, mom and dad very happy, brother, nephew, his wife is very happy, my wife even more excited, because we can work together last birthday. I used the Lunar birthday, never sensible beginning of the lunar year are with the family, birthday, eat, and then brothers and sisters, sing K, in order to greet the new year. Every this time, I feel most happy, the whole family enjoy the fun and jolly, more than any else.


为什么把边长为1.3m的正方形裁剪为边长为0.8m和2.1m的长方形但面积减小了?把边长为1.3m的正方形裁剪成2个边长分别为1.3m和0.5m的相同的直角三角形,还有有2个上底为0.5m,下底为0.8m,直角边为0.8m 为什么把边长为1.3m的正方形裁剪为边长为0.8m和2.1m的长方形但面积减小了?没有将原有的正方形的任何一部分去掉.把边长为1.3m的正方形裁剪成2个边长分别为1.3m和0.5m的相同的直角三角形,还 请你用2个边长为1的小正方形,裁剪出一个边长为根号2的较大正方形 一张画有五个边长为一的正方形纸片,要把它剪成三块,拼成一个大的正方形,怎样裁剪 一张画有五个边长为一的正方形纸片,要把它剪成三块,拼成一个大的正方形,怎样裁剪 把一张边长为40 cm的正方形硬纸板,进行适当的裁剪,折成一个长方体盒子(1)如图,若在正方形硬纸板我想问为什么不能用1600-4x²-2x(20-x)=550 八一张边长为4十厘米的正方形硬纸板进行适当的裁剪折成一个长方体盒子 把一张边长为40cm的正方形硬纸板,进行适当地裁剪,折成一个长方体盒子(纸板的厚度忽略不计) 1)把一张边长为40cm的正方形硬纸板,进行适当地裁剪,折成一个长方体盒子(纸板的厚度忽略 大正方形的边长为2,小正方形的边长为1,怎样把大正方形剪成四块,与小正方形拼成一个边长为根号5的正方形 边长为一的正方形对角线长为多少?为什么? 如图,把边长为a的正方形的四角,各剪出一个边长为b(b 把边长为1厘米的正方形纸片,用m个正方形拼成的长方形的周长是 现有边长为a的正方形花布,问怎样裁剪,才能得到一个面积最大的正八边形花布来做一个形状为正八边形的风筝 要把边长为1m的正方形蓄水池完全覆盖,至少需要半径为多大的圆? 快来看看吧有一个边长为5厘米的正方形ABCD,要将其剪拼成边长为a,b的两个小正方形使得a平方加b平方等于5的平方 【裁剪一定要具有一般性】 将一个边长为1的正八边形补成正方形.这个正方形的边长等于?把过程..为什么...说下...谢谢谢...急... 算出涂色部分的面积两个正方形,大的边长为8M,小的边长为6M. 正方形的面积为什么是边长乘边长?