
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/28 14:39:24

《 这学期,同学们都对自己感兴趣的话题做了presentation,在各种各样有趣的话题中,我对“加拿大魁北克的法语”这一话题印象尤其深刻.XX同学介绍了魁北克的历史,文化对其语言的影响,并且以他妈妈的经历为例,让我们了解到魁北克法语与法国法语的不同.这让我想起,我曾在法语杂志上看到过许多关于魁北克文化的文章,我又重新翻阅了这些文章,进而领悟到:四百余年的发展历史使得加拿大法语变成一门独具一格的语言,既有别于北美英语,又不同于法国法语.
当加拿大其它的城市正苦恼着如何与美国的城市区别开来的时候,魁北克却以它独特的法语展现着她的魅力.正如莱昂德尔·贝尔哲翁(Léandre Bergevon)所说的那样:“这是我们的语言,我们喜欢这种语言!” 》

In this semester, our classmates make presentations for interesting topics, and I’m mostly impressed by the topic “Canada Quebec French”. XX told us about how Quebec’s history, politics and culture affect this language, and let us know the difference between Quebec and France language by the own experience of his mother. This makes me recall that I used to read passages about Quebec culture on some French magazines. So I review these passages, feeling that 400 years’ history really make Quebue French unique, different from French of both North America and France.
An ethnic's language always share the same fate with their politics. Since the British Colonists stepped into la Nouvelle-France and rise of economy in US, English eventually influences the Canada French. Meanwhile, Quebec has become the only province using Frech,totally surrounded by areas in English, making nearly half of Quebue people agrees their independence. Though not gain independence, Quebec language notably remains her unique style. People in Quebec constantly reject English by make English words Frenchify, or make a new Frech word to replace. And they guard their language by acts of limitation.
Quebec French is so special, that it is always wrong to evaluate this language by standards of France French. Quebec people try their best to defend their language for centuries, making efforts even more than people in France. So it has to make us consider this: why Quebec people manage to remain their language even after 400 years, along with the departure from France and conflicts with Anglo culture.The fact is, they know that losing their language means the lost of their ethnic identity, and the downfall of this only French-speaking province. A canadian critic once said: language of an ethnic have the functions recording their history and descending their trandition. Progress of a language is also, somehow, the history of living and progress about a race.
While other cities in Canada worry about how to make them distinguishable from those in United States, Quebue shows her own attraction by this unique French, as Léandre Bergevon once said: This is OUR language, and we LOVE that!