问一些英文的数学名词的中文解释some preliminariessuccessive transformationsfunctionsexponential growth and decayextending differentiation and integrationdifferentiating exponentials and logarithmstrigonometrythe modulus functionsolving
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 21:21:01
问一些英文的数学名词的中文解释some preliminariessuccessive transformationsfunctionsexponential growth and decayextending differentiation and integrationdifferentiating exponentials and logarithmstrigonometrythe modulus functionsolving
some preliminaries
successive transformations
exponential growth and decay
extending differentiation and integration
differentiating exponentials and logarithms
the modulus function
solving equations numerically
the chain rule
differentiating products
volumes of revolution
simpson's rule
fidderentiating trigonometric function
parametric equation
the binomial expansion
rational function
differential equation
curves defined implicitly
scalar products of vectors
fidderentiating trigonometric function打错了
是differentiating trigonometric function
问一些英文的数学名词的中文解释some preliminariessuccessive transformationsfunctionsexponential growth and decayextending differentiation and integrationdifferentiating exponentials and logarithmstrigonometrythe modulus functionsolving
some preliminaries 预备知识
successive transformations 连续变换
functions 函数
exponential growth and decay 指数式升降
extending differentiation and integration 微积分之扩展
differentiating exponentials and logarithms 指数和对数的微分
the modulus function 模函数
solving equations numerically 以数值方法解方程
chain rule 连锁律
differentiating products 积的微分
volumes of revolution 旋转体的体积
simpson's rule 辛普生法则
diffrentiating trigonometric function 三角函数的微分
integration 积分
parametric equation 参数方程
vectors 向量/矢量
the binomial expansion 二项式展开
rational function 有理函数
differential equation 微分方程
curves defined implicitly 隐式定义曲线
scalar products of vectors 向量的纯量积(也作"内积")
some preliminaries 预先准备(国外一般有preliminary task)
successive transformations 连续改变。(小数点进位就可以说是successive transformations)
functions 函数(X的N次方之类的的东西)
some preliminaries 预先准备(国外一般有preliminary task)
successive transformations 连续改变。(小数点进位就可以说是successive transformations)
functions 函数(X的N次方之类的的东西)
exponential growth and decay (X得K次方K>0 or K<0;K>0 指数(幂)增长Growth(生长,多用于植物或者细菌幂的增长); K<0 指数(幂)减少Decay(衰变,多用于放射元素Half Decay 半衰期的计算 )
extending differentiation and integration (更深入的微积分学习。这里就该涉及应用题了application)
differentiating exponentials and logarithms (微分e^kX & log(e) 有公式很简单的)
the modulus function 模数函数-涉及到向量Vector
solving equations numerically 以代数方式解算式
the chain rule 微积分用的方法,具体有公式(最基本的那个dy/dx=dy/du*du/dx)中文真不知道
differentiating products 可能出现两个意思1.微分后的产物2.(Product rule -chain rule d(uv)/dx=udv/dx+vdu/dx PS 包含除法的那个叫Quotion Rule d(u/v)/dx=(vdu/dx-udv/dx)/v^2
volumes of revolution 函数图像围绕XorY轴 所显现的体积。
simpson's rule 不知道,没听过。Simpson 的动画片我倒看过,他也会出法则?哈哈
diffrentiating trigonometric function V降级到S降级到L 体积-面积-linear 一次函数
integration 积分
parametric equation 参数方程
vectors 向量/矢量 有方向有大小
the binomial expansion 展开二项式
rational function 有理数方程
differential equation 微分方程 (流水问题流入*浓度-流出*浓度 /总体积 的那个具体看书就明白)
curves defined implicitly 中文不知道 跟微积分有关吧(次条不确定,请高人指点)
scalar products of vectors 中文不知道 直翻向量的大小计算,不包含方向。(给你一个向量 叫你求这个向量在另外一个新向量上所体现的大小)