英语翻译What are some "fire" or "smoke" idioms in your language?What do they mean?Are any similar to the idioms in this unit?Learners are also stimulated to reflect on and practice different levels of formality,appropriateness and naturalness in

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英语翻译What are some "fire" or "smoke" idioms in your language?What do they mean?Are any similar to the idioms in this unit?Learners are also stimulated to reflect on and practice different levels of formality,appropriateness and naturalness in
What are some "fire" or "smoke" idioms in your language?What do they
mean?Are any similar to the idioms in this unit?
Learners are also stimulated to reflect on and practice different levels of formality,
appropriateness and naturalness in language by means of re-phrasing activities:e.g.,
(1) This e-mail from Jack to his friend Charlie sounds too formal.Replace the words
in blue with idioms from the box to make it sound more natural; (2) This letter of
application is intended to be formal,but the writer has used some informal idioms.
Replace the idioms so that the style of the letter is more appropriate.
The Reference section acts like a glossary of idiomatic expressions:idioms are listed
alphabetically,given a definition and a usage example,and readers provided with the
reference to the unit where the idioms are covered in the body of the book.The
Answer key makes it possible for students to use at least part of the book
The book's organization allows learners to exploit it conveniently,either focusing on
only a few specific idioms or going through all of them.It is designed to comply with
the needs of students interested in refining their proficiency in EFL and could be
integrated easily with any standard grammar book.Activities which push learners to
re-use the same expressions in different more or less open contexts allow those
learners to become confident with the idioms' actual meaning.
In the know's only fault,if any,is the much too loose sense in which the technical
term "idiom" is used.Different levels of idiomaticity exist,and apparently Cindy
Leaney hasn't selected idioms in the strictest sense of the term (cf.Gramley &
P.tzold,1992; Benson et al.,1997)."In linguistics,idiom is defined [ ...] as a
complex lexical item which is longer than a word form but shorter than a sentence
and which has a meaning that cannot be derived from the knowledge of its
component parts" (Gramley & P.tzold,1992,p.71).Nevertheless,Leaney's selection
occasionally includes multi-word units which would be more accurately identified as
grammatical or lexical collocations (e.g.,to take advantage of; to drink to someone;
to bend the rules; to refresh one's memory) and more or less idiomatic binomials
(e.g.,black and white; day and night; fair and square; crash and burn; on the up and
up).She also includes expressions which might easily fall into the category of
commonplaces (to call a spade a spade) or pragmatic/situational idioms,also
referred to as social formulae,i.e.,fixed expressions whose use and meaning is
determined by a particular social situation (e.g.,you bet; you can say that again as
informal ways to express strong agreement in conversation).

英语翻译What are some "fire" or "smoke" idioms in your language?What do they mean?Are any similar to the idioms in this unit?Learners are also stimulated to reflect on and practice different levels of formality,appropriateness and naturalness in
一些在你的语言中"火"或者"烟"习语是什么?他们意思是什么?一些是和在这个单位中习语相似吗?学习者被利用给活动重新措辞也激励影响和实行在语言中礼仪,适合和自然的不同水平:例如 (1)这从杰克到他的朋友Charlie电子邮件使也甲缩醛发出响声.取代在沮丧有的习语中从盒词听起来像是更自然办成;(2)这封应用的信目的是是正式,但是作者已经使用一些非正式习语.取代习语,因此信的款式是更适合. 参考资料部分法案喜欢一个惯用表示表达的词汇表:被按字母顺序地列出给一定义和一使用例子和读者,为习语提供参考那里习语被盖在书的躯体中单位.答案关键使学生独立使用至少部分书可能. 书的组织允许学习者利用它方便,要么关注仅一点特有习语要么搜寻他们全体.它存在设计遵守需要对提高他们的精通EFL有兴趣学生和能容易是和任何标准语法书一体的.催促学习者再使用同样的表达的在不同或多或少开放上下文中活动允许那些学习者随着习语真实意思变得有信心.
知识的仅有有错,若有的话,技术术语"习语"存在使用的意义的太松是.习语性的不同水平存在, 严格确确实实和明显辛迪Leaney还没有被习语参看Gramley和P.tzold,1992;Benson等等1997. 在语言学中,习语被定义..当一复杂词汇的项目,其是与一词形式相比更长更但是与一句子和哪一个相比更短的有一意思时,那个不能从不了解它的成分parts中派生而来Gramley和 P.tzold,1992,p.71.尽管如此Leaney的选择,偶尔包含将被更准确辨认出是合乎语法或者词汇的搭配的多重词单位例如向拿优势的;为某人干杯;变通规定;使一个人的记忆和或多或少地道二项式神清气爽例如黑白;日以继夜;诚实公道;撞击和烧伤;有关向上的移动和向上的移动.她也包含expressions,其可以容易陷入平常事的范畴呼吁一铲子一铲子或者讲究实际的//情况的习语也社会公式即请参阅同样地固定使用和意思确定expressions的在附近a细目社交活动处境例如当然;你说得对极了同样地非正式表示强烈协议在朝派谈话的方式.