1.父母不应该哄骗孩子.Parent their children.2.这件事我自己能做了.I can do it all .3.明天我得去理发了.I have to my hair tomorrow.4.他们配在一起看起来相当不错.They really .5.争论是没有用的.It’s no use it.6

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 00:59:30

1.父母不应该哄骗孩子.Parent their children.2.这件事我自己能做了.I can do it all .3.明天我得去理发了.I have to my hair tomorrow.4.他们配在一起看起来相当不错.They really .5.争论是没有用的.It’s no use it.6
1.父母不应该哄骗孩子.Parent their children.
2.这件事我自己能做了.I can do it all .
3.明天我得去理发了.I have to my hair tomorrow.
4.他们配在一起看起来相当不错.They really .
5.争论是没有用的.It’s no use it.
6.张三将代替李四去上课.Zhang Shan will have a class Li Si.
7.她没有足够的钱坐出租车.She hasn’t a taxi.
8.对她来说,这是展示她才能的好时机.It is for her her ability.
9.如果你喜欢我,过来坐在我身旁.Come and sit my side you me.
10.秋天的天气不冷不热.It’s cold hot in autumn.
11.如果你尽最大努力的话,你会成功的.If you do ,you succeed.
12.她已经长大了,可以独立生活了.She is old by herself.
13.在英国你得靠左边(车道)行驶.In Britain,you’ll the left.
14.他在网上订了一台数码相机.He a digital camera .
Parent___ ___ ___ their children.
I can do it all___ ___.
I have to___my hair___tomorrow.
They___really___ ___.
It’s no use___ ___it.
Zhang Shan will have a class___ ___Li Si.
She hasn’t ___ ___ ___a taxi.
It is___ ___ ___for her___ ___her ability.
Come and sit ___my side___you___me.
It’s___cold___hot in autumn.
If you do___ ___,you___succeed.
She is old___ ___ ___by herself.
In Britain,you’ll___ ___ ___ ___the left.
He___a digital camera___.
15.什么使她改变了注意?___caused her___ ___her mind?

1.父母不应该哄骗孩子.Parent their children.2.这件事我自己能做了.I can do it all .3.明天我得去理发了.I have to my hair tomorrow.4.他们配在一起看起来相当不错.They really .5.争论是没有用的.It’s no use it.6
呵呵 答案都是对的 就是我把横杠杠给我删了 你自己找找吧

Parent (should not cheat )their children.
I can do it all by myself.
I have to have my hair cut tomorrow.
They make really a couple/match .
It’s no use arguing with it.
Zhang Shan will have a class instead of Li Si.
She hasn’t enough money for a taxi.
It is (a good opportunity ) for her (to show) her ability.
Come and sit by_my side_if__you love_me.
It’s_neither _cold_nor__hot in autumn.
If you do your best you__will_succeed.
She is old enough to live by herself.
In Britain, you’ll have to drive on the left.
He booked a digital camera online15.什么使她改变了注意?_
(what) caused her ( to change ) her mind

1.父母不应该哄骗孩子.Parent their children.2.这件事我自己能做了.I can do it all .3.明天我得去理发了.I have to my hair tomorrow.4.他们配在一起看起来相当不错.They really .5.争论是没有用的.It’s no use it.6 几个汉译英的句子1.她正在做饭时听见有人敲门.2.他大声地讲话,所以我们都听见了3.父母不应该哄骗孩子. 辩论赛:孩子不应该和父母说心里话 孩子应该不应该供养父母 英语作文 完成句子他大声的讲话,所以我们都听见了He spoke loudly ( )( )all of us heard him.父母不应该哄骗孩子Parents( )( )( )their children.这件事我自己能做了I can do it all ( )( )昨天因为交通堵塞,我上课迟到了I w 父母不应该给你们的孩子加压英语翻译 辩题:父母应不应该偷看孩子的日记? 父母不应该给孩子压力辩论词 父母不应该干涉孩子的生活(辩论词)我方:不应该 parent除了 父母之外 一道口语试题describe a good parent you know.who the parent is,how you know the parent.应该翻译成长辈吗 1、When do you f_____ under pressure?2、父母不应该给孩子施加那么大的压力.Parents shouldn't ______ their children so _______ . 英语翻译:父母不应该整天把孩子独自留在家中.___________________________alone 求英语翻译 父母不应该给孩子报太多的补习班 孩子如果不太善于表达,我们做父母的应该怎么办? 父母应该照看好他们的孩子 Parent should _____ ______ _____ ______their childrenThe f_____ day ,the old man went fishing in the sea again ,but once more he caught nothing 英语翻译1.如果你不能成功,情况将会怎样?2.不应该允许16岁的孩子穿耳洞3.有时候,兴趣爱好会妨碍学业4.他们说话而不做作业 5.我认为父母不应该对孩子太严格 父母应该鼓励孩子独立做事 英语翻译 孩子应该尊重父母,用英语怎么说