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>> ver
MATLAB Version (R2006b)
>>help lsqnonlin
LSQNONLIN solves non-linear least squares problems.


>> ver
MATLAB Version (R2006b)
>>help lsqnonlin
LSQNONLIN solves non-linear least squares problems.
LSQNONLIN attempts to solve problems of the form:
min sum {FUN(X).^2} where X and the values returned by FUN can be
x vectors or matrices.
>> lookfor least
LCM Least common multiple.
LSCOV Least squares with known covariance.
LSQNONNEG Linear least squares with nonnegativity constraints.
SPAUGMENT Form least squares augmented system.
LMS Construct a least mean square (LMS) adaptive algorithm object.
RLS Construct a recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive algorithm object.
ADAPTLMS Least mean squared (LMS) FIR adaptive filter.
ADAPTNLMS Normalized least mean squared (LMS) FIR adaptive filter.
ADAPTRLS Recursive least-squares (RLS) FIR adaptive filter.
FIRLPNORM Least P-norm optimal FIR filter design.
IIRLPNORM Least P-norm optimal IIR filter design.
IIRLPNORMC Constrained least P-norm optimal IIR filter design.
firlpnormdemo.m: %% Least Pth-norm Optimal FIR Filter Design
iirlpnormdemo.m: %% Least Pth-Norm Optimal IIR Filter Design
ECMLSRMLE Least-squares regression (with missing data).
ECMLSROBJ Objective function for least-squares regression (with missing data).
MVNRFISH Fisher information for multivariate normal or least-squares regression.
PLSR Determine impulse response coefficients via Partial Least Squares.
APRECON Banded preconditioner function for least-squares problems.
LSQCURVEFIT solves non-linear least squares problems.
LSQLIN Constrained linear least squares.
LSQNONLIN solves non-linear least squares problems.
optdeblur.m: %% Large-Scale Constrained Linear Least-Squares
ylwk.m: %YWALK Recursive filter design using a least-squares method.
FIRCLS Linear-phase FIR filter design by constrained least-squares.
FIRCLS1 Low & high pass FIR filter design by constrained least-squares.
FIRLS Linear-phase FIR filter design using least-squares error minimization.
INVFREQS Analog filter least squares fit to frequency response data.
INVFREQZ Discrete filter least squares fit to frequency response data.
YULEWALK Recursive filter design using a least-squares method.
fdfirls Firls - Least Squares Module for filtdes.
SPAP2 Least squares spline approximation.
LSLINE Add least-squares fit line to scatter plot.
NLINFIT Nonlinear least-squares regression.
REGRESS Multiple linear regression using least squares.
MSSGOLAY provides least-squares polynomial smoothing of mass spectrometry
XREGLSQ linear least squares for large sparse problems
XREGPRECOND preconditioner for least squares problems
DSPBLKFIRLS Mask dynamic dialog function for least-squares FIR filter block
DSPBLKFIRLS2 Mask dynamic dialog function for least-squares FIR filter block
LCM Least common multiple.
gls_fitB.m: % LOCALBSPLINE/GLS_FITB least-squares estimation of localbspline
fit.m: % LOCALMOD/FIT obtains least squares estimate of a Local Model fit
GLS Generalized least squares (with weights)
gls_costB.m: % LOCALMOD/GLS_COSTB generalised least-squares cost function for localmod coefficients
OLS Ordinary least squares (with weights)
GLS_FITB least-squares estimation of localmulti
gls_fitB.m: % POLYNOM/GLS_FITB least-squares estimation of localpspline
gls_fitB.m: % localpspline/GLS_FITB least-squares estimation of localpspline
gls_fitB.m: % POLYNOM/GLS_FITB least-squares estimation of localpspline
gls_fitB.m: % TRUNC/GLS_FITB least-squares estimation of localtruncps
gls_fitB.m: %LOCALUSERMOD/GLS_FITB least-squares estimation of localpspline
FITMODEL Obtain least squares estimate of model
LEASTSQ least squares estimate of model
InitModel.m: % XREGINTERPRBF/INITSTORE initialises model for use by stats and leastsq
InitModel.m: %INITSTORE initialises model for use by stats and leastsq
INITSTORE initialises model for use by stats and leastsq
LEASTSQ least squares estimate of model
lsqom.m: % XREGLINEAR/LSQOM ordinary least squares fit
minpress.m: % XREGLINEAR/MINPRESS minimum press least squares fit
PRUNE Prune least squares model from last term
QRDECOMP QR decompostion for least squares
quicklsq.m: % xreglinear/LEASTSQ least squares estimate of model
FITMODEL Obtain least squares estimate of model
InitModel.m: % xreglinear/INITSTORE initialises model for use by stats and leastsq
InitStore.m: % xreglinear/INITSTORE initialises model for use by stats and leastsq
leastsq.m: % xreglinear/LEASTSQ least squares estimate of model
LEASTSQ Initialise and train neural network
LEASTSQ least squares estimate of model
ROLS regularized orthogonal least squares (rols)
leastsq.m: %LEASTSQ
leastsq.m: % xregusermod/LEASTSQ
lsqopt.m: %XREGUSERMOD/LSQOPT cost function for least squares (fmincon)
optimargs.m: %XREGUSERMOD/OPTIMARGS input arguments for least squares optimisation
APRECON Banded preconditioner function for least-squares problems.
CFLSQCURVEFIT Solves non-linear least squares problems.
CFLSQLIN Constrained linear least squares.
LSQNCOMMON Solves non-linear least squares problems.
LSQSUB Linear least squares constrained subproblem.
NLSQ Solves non-linear least squares problems.
SEARCHQ Line search routine for FMINU and LEASTSQ functions.
SNLS Sparse nonlinear least squares solver.
FQUAD Evaluate quadratic or linear least squares function.
LSQNCOMMON Solves non-linear least squares problems.
NLSQ Helper function that solves non-linear least squares problems.
SLLSBOX Linear least-squares with bounds
SNLS Sparse nonlinear least squares solver.
LSQISOTONIC Isotonic least squares.

