一道关于统计学方面的英文问题.As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the othe

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一道关于统计学方面的英文问题.As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the othe
As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the other hand, given most families in our sample have both father and mother; there should not be such a correlation. So, please use either regression or/and tabulation, to explain such a phenomenon. (You can either try to demonstrate certain steps in the data construction stage lead to the results; or you can make and prove an underlying economic story.)
想问该怎么做,或者告诉我下那个dummy of female该怎么来理解.有没有人帮帮忙?~数据什么的这里也不好给,希望能得到那个economic story的答案~

一道关于统计学方面的英文问题.As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the othe
多年前学的,细节记不清了,但是这里是把female当成dummy variable的,就是设置成0或1的那种.你可在网上或者教材里查一下dummy variable.

一道关于统计学方面的英文问题.As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the othe 关于统计学那块的基础问题 统计学的基本问题 关于统计学的题, 是关于统计学的 关于社会统计学或统计学的题目 有趣的统计学原理方面的书有没有比较有趣的关于《统计学原理》方面的书,最好是外国人写的 身高测量是应该用定距尺度还是定比尺度这是一道关于统计学的问题,应该用哪个?为什么? 请问:统计学里的标准差与标准误的联系和区别?关于医学统计学里的问题? 统计学问题1.统计学的研究对象是大量的社会经济现象的( ).A:质量方面B:数量方面C:宏观方面D:微观方面选哪个? 请问关于统计学的英文单词! 我尽可能快地读完了这本烹饪方面的书. 这句话翻译成英文是什么? I——as quickly as I could. 关于小弟试验的统计学方法问题小弟在做一个关于肠道微生态方面的试验,但是很笨,不知道用什么统计学方法.试验是这样的,先用不同剂量的同一种抗生素在不同时间诱导小鼠肠道菌群失调, 怎样对问卷进行统计学分析?譬如说 ,我做了一个关于网购问题的调查问卷,怎样运用心理测量与统计方面的知识对问卷进行分析呢? 例如 卡方检验什么的. 统计学中经济学关于销售额预测的一道题这是我选修的统计学中的一道题,因为没有统计学标签只好加在经济学这里了,麻烦会的朋友指导一下,最好说下运用了什么原理, 关于统计学的标准差系数问题标准差系数的倒数的含义?最好结合公式 急. 一道关于三角形的问题 一道关于不定积分的问题: