一道关于统计学方面的英文问题.As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the othe
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 12:42:47
一道关于统计学方面的英文问题.As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the othe
As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the other hand, given most families in our sample have both father and mother; there should not be such a correlation. So, please use either regression or/and tabulation, to explain such a phenomenon. (You can either try to demonstrate certain steps in the data construction stage lead to the results; or you can make and prove an underlying economic story.)
想问该怎么做,或者告诉我下那个dummy of female该怎么来理解.有没有人帮帮忙?~数据什么的这里也不好给,希望能得到那个economic story的答案~
一道关于统计学方面的英文问题.As I demonstrated on class, there is a negative correlation between number of children and the dummy of female in the data set I created on class. Such a correlation is statistically significant. On the othe
多年前学的,细节记不清了,但是这里是把female当成dummy variable的,就是设置成0或1的那种.你可在网上或者教材里查一下dummy variable.