帮忙matlab求两条曲线交点程序,不知问题出在哪里.菜鸟+新手弄不明白.% temperature diffusion 温度扩散曲线z = 0:300; %depth in mbsf 深度t1 = 500; % timeb = 0.054; %thermal gradientDT = 2; %temperature changek = 3E-7; %the
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/05 18:38:19
帮忙matlab求两条曲线交点程序,不知问题出在哪里.菜鸟+新手弄不明白.% temperature diffusion 温度扩散曲线z = 0:300; %depth in mbsf 深度t1 = 500; % timeb = 0.054; %thermal gradientDT = 2; %temperature changek = 3E-7; %the
% temperature diffusion 温度扩散曲线
z = 0:300; %depth in mbsf 深度
t1 = 500; % time
b = 0.054; %thermal gradient
DT = 2; %temperature change
k = 3E-7; %thermal diffusivity
To = 2.2; %initial temperature
T1 = To+b.*z+DT.*erfc(z./2.*sqrt(k.*t1)); % 温度随深度扩散曲线
hold on;
%plot temperature diffusion line
plot(T1,z,'g'); %green
%Xlabel('Temperature (C)');
%Ylabel('Depth (mbsf)');
% hydrate stability Line 稳定方程曲线
% 3.35% salt water 100% pure methane
P = 0.101325+1030.*9.81.*(750+z).*0.000001; %净水压力
LP = log10(P);
TB = 1./(0.00379-0.000283.*LP)-273.15; %稳定方程曲线
% plot hydrate equilibrium
plot(TB,z,'k--'); %black dash
% junction point T z 求两条曲线交点,下面这行出错.
result=solve('T = To+b.*z+DT.*erfc(z./2.*sqrt(k.*t1))','T = 1./(0.00379-0.000283.*log10(0.101325+1030.*9.81.*(750+z).*0.000001))-273.15');
x = double(result,T);
Y = double(result,z);
帮忙matlab求两条曲线交点程序,不知问题出在哪里.菜鸟+新手弄不明白.% temperature diffusion 温度扩散曲线z = 0:300; %depth in mbsf 深度t1 = 500; % timeb = 0.054; %thermal gradientDT = 2; %temperature changek = 3E-7; %the
1. 如果您想用solve算子来得出交点值,您需要把您方程适中除自变量外所有的其它参数用数字的形式直接写出来,而不是继续用变量名!
请把您在注释% junction point T z 之后的语句替换为下面的语句 即可成功运行:
zR = solve('1/(0.00379-0.000283*log10(0.101325+1030*9.81*(750+z)*0.000001))-273.15-(2.2+0.054*z+2*erfc(z/2*sqrt(3E-7*500)))','z');
tR = 1/(0.00379-0.000283*log10(0.101325+1030*9.81*(750+zR)*0.000001))-273.15;
zSol = double(zR);
tSol = double(tR);
str = sprintf('The intersection of 2 lines is : \n z = %f \n t = %f', zSol,tSol);
P.S. 如果您需要查看十分十分确切的结果.请直接在命令窗口(Command Window)中输入:zR 或者tR,便会显示其小数点后二十多位的数值结果.
zR = 162.4976393478409132553141680058
tR = 11.293566711605738946287734914997
3.基于上面的第二点,我修改了您的命令文档.然后通过赋予容忍度1e-5来确定交点.主要思想是:先重新定义z向量(在这里我是用了1e6个点来描述1~300区间内的z值,并将之存储为double双精度类型变量);重新计算T1与TB;用T1-TB得出residu ;然后对于residu中凡是绝对值 < 容忍度(1e-5)的项目都认为是等于0.由此,我们便可以得出一系列在理论交点附近的点.最后再对这些点求平均值,就可以得出您的交点坐标了.
clear all
% temperature diffusion 温度扩散曲线
z = 0:300; %depth in mbsf 深度
t1 = 500; % time
b = 0.054; %thermal gradient
DT = 2; %temperature change
k = 3E-7; %thermal diffusivity
To = 2.2; %initial temperature
T1 = To+b.*z+DT.*erfc(z./2.*sqrt(k.*t1)); % 温度随深度扩散曲线
%plot temperature diffusion line
figure('Name', 'Diagram for wulude','NumberTitle','off');
hold on
title('The intersection of 2 lines','FontSize',12);
plot(T1,z,'g','LineWidth',2); %green
xlabel('Temperature (C)','Color','b','FontWeight','bold');
ylabel('Depth (mbsf)','Color','b','FontWeight','bold');
grid on
% hydrate stability Line 稳定方程曲线
% 3.35% salt water 100% pure methane
P = 0.101325+1030.*9.81.*(750+z).*0.000001; %净水压力
LP = log10(P);
TB = 1./(0.00379-0.000283.*LP)-273.15; %稳定方程曲线
% plot hydrate equilibrium
plot(TB,z,'m--','LineWidth',2); %megenta dash
% junction point T z 求两条曲线交点,下面这行出错.
tolerance = 1e-5;
% all the value which is smaller than this will be
% considered as 0
% here, in order to find a good result, we'll use a range more precise
% and recalculate the 2 functions
clear T1 TB z residu
z = linspace(1,300,1e6); % this time, we define 1e6 points between 1 and 300
T1 = To+b.*z+DT.*erfc(z./2.*sqrt(k.*t1));
P = 0.101325+1030.*9.81.*(750+z).*0.000001; %净水压力
LP = log10(P);
TB = 1./(0.00379-0.000283.*LP)-273.15;
residu = T1 - TB; % the difference between 2 functions
% some post-traitement of the result
% therefore we can locate the intersection point
results = [];
for i = 1 : length(z)
if abs(residu(i)) < tolerance
results = [results,i];
l = length(results);
zResult = z(results(1):results(l));
tResult = T1(results(1):results(l));
zSol = mean(zResult);
tSol = mean(tResult);
% draw the point in the figure
disp('Reel Solution Found');
str = sprintf('The intersection of 2 lines \n z = %f t = %f',zSol,tSol);