
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 18:55:37

我叫XX.我来自海南东方.我英语不是很好,我不喜欢英语.我比较喜欢古诗、象棋、书法一些充满中国特色的东西.作为中国人的后代,现在的人却不喜欢中国文化,是很悲哀的事情.我觉得学不学英语是每个人的自由,我们应该给将强制学英语改为学中国文化,这样社会将再次充满伦理常纲 .

Hello everyone,my name is XX.I come from a east city of Hainan province.My English is not very good,and I do not like English.I like stuff that fully of Chinese characteristics,such as poetry,chess,calligraphy and so on.As Chinese descendants it's really a pity and sorry that people do not like Chinese culture.I think learning or not learning English is the freedom of everyone,we should not be forced to learn English but to learn Chinese culture,so that our community will full of ethical moral again.

helle, everyone. My name is XX。 I come from the east of Hainan. My Englishi is not so good because I don't like English. I like things which is of Chinese culture such as Chinese poems, chess and writ...


helle, everyone. My name is XX。 I come from the east of Hainan. My Englishi is not so good because I don't like English. I like things which is of Chinese culture such as Chinese poems, chess and writings. As descendants of China, modern people dislike Chinese culture. It's such a pity. In my eyes, it' s everone's freedom to choose to study English or not. We should change English compulsory eductiong to Chinese culture enhancement. In that case, our society will be full of moral principles and general manners.


Hello, everyone, my name is XX. I come from hainan east. My English is not very
good, I don't like English. I prefer classical poetry, chess, calligraphy
something full of Chinese characteri...


Hello, everyone, my name is XX. I come from hainan east. My English is not very
good, I don't like English. I prefer classical poetry, chess, calligraphy
something full of Chinese characteristics. As descendants of the Chinese people,
now people don't like Chinese culture, is a very sad thing. I don't think
learning English is to everyone's freedom, we should give will be forced to
learn English to learn Chinese culture and society will be full of ethical Chang
Gang again.


Hello, everyone, my name is XX.I come from the east of Hainan.My English is not very
good, I don't like English.I prefer classical poetry, chess and calligraphy,such things full of Chinese chara...


Hello, everyone, my name is XX.I come from the east of Hainan.My English is not very
good, I don't like English.I prefer classical poetry, chess and calligraphy,such things full of Chinese characteristics.It is sad that descendants of the Chinese people don't like Chinese culture now.I think learn English or not is everyone's freedom.We should change the view that force to learn English to learn Chinese.Then the society will be full of ethical Chang
Gang again.


Hello everyone, my name is XX. I come from Hainan East. My English is not very good and I don't like English. I prefer to poems, chess, calligraphy and some of the stuff is full of Chinese characteris...


Hello everyone, my name is XX. I come from Hainan East. My English is not very good and I don't like English. I prefer to poems, chess, calligraphy and some of the stuff is full of Chinese characteristics. As descendants of the Chinese people, there are some people do not like Chinese culture and it is a very sad fact. I think it is free for everyone to decide whether to learn English. We should change the rule to learn Chinese culture with necessary enforcement instead of learning English. With this action, the community will once again full of normal situation. I hope the above words do not arouse public indignation of English master, this is just my opinion


英语翻译我叫XX.我来自海南东方.我英语不是很好,我不喜欢英语.我比较喜欢古诗、象棋、书法一些充满中国特色的东西.作为中国人的后代,现在的人却不喜欢中国文化,是很悲哀的事情.我觉得 我来自XX中学用英语怎么说 我来自XX中学用英语怎么说 英语翻译老师你们好!我叫XXX我来自海南,我的家乡有美丽的大海,沙滩!欢迎大家来海南玩! 英语翻译我叫XXX我来自海南,那里是祖国的最南端.那里有美丽的大海,沙滩,阳光!还有好吃的水果,海鲜.我非常爱我的家乡,也欢迎大家到海南来! 我来自 xx xx 年级 xx 班 求翻译 求大神帮我个忙,帮我用西班牙语自我介绍.大概内容是,我叫XX,我来自英语4班.求西班牙语拼音啊! 英语翻译我叫XX,今年十七,来自XX中学,希望在接下来的十天里和大家一起努力,共同取得优异的成绩. 英语翻译老师好 我叫XXX 来自XX 我的爱好有篮球 烹饪 我想在这实现我的XX梦想 希望贵校能让我实现 非常荣幸到贵校参加面试 希望贵校能给我一次机会 英语翻译我叫xxx,我的英文名叫xxx,我今年xx岁了,我来自xx小学x年x班.我的爱好弹钢琴、唱歌、跳舞、看书和听音乐,我最喜欢的颜色是紫色,最喜欢的食物是汉堡,最喜换的课程就是英语.这就是 英语翻译女士们先生们,我的名字叫XX,来自日照市实验中学初三1班.很高兴能参加这次比赛,我给大家带来一个小笑话,希望大家喜欢.(后面再加上一个英语笑话) 英语翻译我来自英国 简单的英文自我介绍:我叫XX,12岁,来自中国,我的爱好是玩电脑、打篮球、踢足球 我觉得英语对我们很有帮我叫XX,12岁,来自中国,我的爱好是玩电脑、打篮球、踢足球 我觉得英语对我们很有帮 英语翻译我叫XX,今年13岁,我来自广东湛江.我喜欢各种运动,但又懒得去运动.我大部分时间都喜欢呆在家中,但我朋友很多.我也很希望跟大家成为好朋友. 英语语法,排列.比如,我叫XX 我想干XX英语是怎么排列的。是XX我想干是XX叫我还是干XX非常好。又或者...... 英语翻译我叫XX,来自中国,今年18岁了,我英文不好,所以我正在学习英语,我的兴趣是听音乐,游泳,希望和大家相处愉快2楼那里能否按照我说的那样不用改 他们知道我不会英语 说以最好不要用 我我来自伦敦英语翻译 英语自我介绍 面试各位尊敬的面试老师您好!很高兴参加本次面试,我的名字叫XX,来自XX,今年21岁,我是一个性格外向的男孩,喜欢街舞,我希望我的表现能让您满意,