
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/05 04:52:10


Lamenting One's Littleness before the Vast Ocean
Tradition has it that many,many years ago,there lived on the Yellow River a river god known as He Bo.One day ,He Bo stood on the riverbank and watched the turbulent waves from the west surging forward to the east.He said both excitedly and conceitedly:"How big the Yellow River is !No other river on earth can compare with it.And therefore I am the greatest river god."
One man said to him,"You are wrong.There is a place to the east of the Yellow Rivers called the North Sea.The North Sea is really big."He Bo said,"I don't believe it .Big as the North Sea is,can it be bigger than Yellow River?"The man said,"Should the water of several Yellow River flow into the North sea,it could not fill the North Sea,let alone one Yellow River."
He Bo said obstinately,"I don't believe it,for I have never been to the North Sea."
Having no alternative,the man said,"You will not be able to" understand what I mean until you have a chance to see the North Sea for yourself."
Winter came,and torrential rain had been falling for days on end.Rivers big and small emptied themselves into the Yellow River,making the Yellow River even broader.Standing on one side of the river,people could hardly tell what animals the oxen and horses on the other side of the river were.Thus He Bo was even more proud,thinking that all the magnificent sights were accumulated here.Then ,remembering the North Sea which had been mentioned to him before,he decided to go there and have a look.
He went downstream,and arrived at the river mouth to the sea.Suddenly,the god of the North Sea,whose name was Biennia Ruo,appeared before his eyes.With a smile,Beihai Ruo was welcoming He Bo to the North sea.He looked ahead,and saw that the North Sea,with its vast expanse of water,was boundless.With a dull look in his eyes,He Bo stood there for a while.Finally he said to Beihai Ruo with deep feeling,"As the common saying goes,some people go so far as to think that they are more knowledgeable than anybody else when they have got some knowledge.Actually I am one of such people.If I had not seen with that the Yellow River is matchless in the world.If I remained like that,I would be laughed at for ever by sensible people."



问题不是 在括号里填上同音字 吗?




秋水随着时令到来,千百条川流都奔注入黄河,大水一直浩瀚地流去,遥望两岸洲渚崖石之间,辨不清牛马之形。于是乎,河伯(黄河之神)便欣然自喜,以为天下所有的美景全都在自己这里了。他顺着水流向东走,到了北海。他向东遥望,看不见水的尽处。于是,河伯才改变了他的神态,茫然地抬头对北海若(北海之神)感慨地说:“俗语说:‘自以为知道很多道理,没人能赶上自已了。’这正是说我呀。而且,我还曾经听说过有人贬低仲尼的学识,轻视伯夷的节义,开始我不相信。现在我看到你的浩瀚无穷,如果我不到你的门下,那是多么危险,我将会永远被讥笑于大方之家了。” 北海若说:“井底的蛙,不能跟它谈海之大,因为它被狭小的生活环境所局限;夏天的虫,不能跟它谈冬天的冰,因为它受到气候时令的限制;知识浅陋的曲士,不能跟他谈大道理,因为他被拘束于狭隘的教育。现在你走出了水崖河岸,看到了浩大的海,才知道你的鄙陋,你才可以同我谈论大道理了。天下所有的水,没有比海更大的了,千百条川流都归注到大海,不知道什么时候才停止而不溢出;从尾闾流泄,也不知道什么时候会流尽而又不空;无论春天或秋天,大海总没有变化;无论干旱水涝,大海永远没有感觉。这就是大海胜过江河水流之处,海水不能以容量来计算,但我从来没有以此自夸,我自以为形体同于天地,气魄受于阴阳,我在天地之间,好象太山上的一块小石,一株小树,正自感到渺小,又怎么会因此自大呢。请你想想四海在天地之内,不就象一小块石头浸在大湖里吗?整个中国在四海之内,不是象太仓中的一粒细米吗?世上的物类数以万计,人只是万物之一。九州之大,住了许多人,生长了许多谷物粮食,通行着许多舟船车马,人也只是其中之一。人与万物比较起来,不是象马身上的一根毛吗?古代三王五帝所要继承和争取的,讲仁义的儒者所担忧的,讲任劳的墨家所努力的,都是这些东西。可是伯夷却为了节义之名而辞让不受,仲尼为了显示多知博闻而讲个不停,这是他们在自我夸耀,不是象你刚才自夸其水之大一样吗?”
Lamenting One's Littleness before the Vast Ocean
Tradition has it that many,many years ago,there lived on the Yellow River a river god known as He Bo.One day ,He Bo stood on the riverbank and watched the turbulent waves from the west surging forward to the east.He said both excitedly and conceitedly:"How big the Yellow River is !No other river on earth can compare with it.And therefore I am the greatest river god."
One man said to him,"You are wrong.There is a place to the east of the Yellow Rivers called the North Sea.The North Sea is really big."He Bo said,"I don't believe it .Big as the North Sea is, can it be bigger than Yellow River?"The man said,"Should the water of several Yellow River flow into the North sea,it could not fill the North Sea,let alone one Yellow River. "
He Bo said obstinately,"I don't believe it,for I have never been to the North Sea."
Having no alternative,the man said,"You will not be able to" understand what I mean until you have a chance to see the North Sea for yourself."
Winter came,and torrential rain had been falling for days on end.Rivers big and small emptied themselves into the Yellow River,making the Yellow River even broader.Standing on one side of the river,people could hardly tell what animals the oxen and horses on the other side of the river were.Thus He Bo was even more proud,thinking that all the magnificent sights were accumulated here.Then ,remembering the North Sea which had been mentioned to him before,he decided to go there and have a look.
He went downstream,and arrived at the river mouth to the sea.Suddenly,the god of the North Sea,whose name was Biennia Ruo,appeared before his eyes.With a smile,Beihai Ruo was welcoming He Bo to the North sea.He looked ahead,and saw that the North Sea,with its vast expanse of water,was boundless.With a dull look in his eyes,He Bo stood there for a while.Finally he said to Beihai Ruo with deep feeling,"As the common saying goes,some people go so far as to think that they are more knowledgeable than anybody else when they have got some knowledge.Actually I am one of such people.If I had not seen with that the Yellow River is matchless in the world.If I remained like that, I would be laughed at for ever by sensible people."
