
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 12:09:07


Thanks to my parents who have given me life and brought me up,because they have given me right of life,raised me and educated me.They taught me how to treat others and how to live my life.
Thanks to those who have helped me because they helped me to understand the meaning of love.
Thanks to those who have guided me because they taught me to be independent.
Thanks to those who have hurt me because they helped me to be more mature.
Thanks to those who have cheated me because they tought me more knowledge.
Thanks to those who have lashed me because they cleared my way.
Thanks to those who made me stumble because they made me more powerful.
Thanks to those who understand me because they are the force to push me forward.
Thanks to those who have worked beside me because sharing the main theme of life.
Thanks to my dear friends because you made me persist.
Thanks to failure because it made a person with story out of me.
Thanks to success because they made my life full of wonder and beauty.
I want to thank all who have made me catch up with the time.I want to thank all who have helped me to dare to race with tomorrow.Because only by living in a thankful world,can I own a happy,peaceful,active and aggressive heart,can I become a content,happy person who win my way and never falls down.

I will thanks my parents,as they gave me the power of live.They teach me how to treat others,and living.

I thank the birth parents, because they have given me the right to life, education and upbringing of me, taught me how to treat people.how to survive.Thank helped me, because he made me understand the...


I thank the birth parents, because they have given me the right to life, education and upbringing of me, taught me how to treat people.how to survive.Thank helped me, because he made me understand the meaning of love.The guide thanked me, because he taught me to stand.I thank harm to the people of my state of mind because his temper.Thanks to deceive my people, because he has increased my knowledge.I thank beaten, as he removed the obstacles.Thank my trip, as he strengthened my ability.Thanks to my understanding, because he is my brave the impetus for moving forward.And I thank the people who worked, as life-sharing is the main theme.Thank my dear partner because you only makes me self.Thanks to failure, because he made me into a story to the people.Thanks to the success of my life because he is so full of brilliant, a full and beautiful.I would like to thank thank all those who helped me with this synchronization.I would like to thank, and I thank all those who dare to race tomorrow.Thanksgiving because only the people living in the world, I would have first cheerful, calm, positive and uplifting the heart.I will be a satisfied, happy, forge ahead and not be overwhelmed by people


英语翻译感谢生养我的父母,因为他们给了我生命的权利,养育并教育了我,教会我如何待人,如何生存.因为他使我理解了爱的意义.感谢引导过我的人,因为他教导了我要自立.感谢伤害过我的人, 首先,我要感谢我的父母,是他们给我了生命. 我的父母给了我一条生命我该怎么感谢他们?给了我一个在世上混的前提 英语翻译我首先要感谢的是养育我的父母,他们给了我无私的爱,每当我遇到困难的时候,父母总是第一个给我鼓励的人.我深知他们为我求学和生活所付出的巨大的牺牲和努力,至今我一直无以 英语翻译“如果明天我要去世了,我会选择陪父母,因为我是独身子女,所以他们把全部的爱都给了我,随着我渐渐长大,我和他们沟通少了,觉得很对不起他们!所以,我要是明天就停止我的生命,我 感恩的作文怎么写感恩父母的作文我不会写父母帮助你了你要感谢他们 我要感谢我的父母 用英语翻译 英语翻译常怀感恩之心的人是最幸福的 常怀感激之情的生活是最甜美的 学会感激——感激我的父母,因为他们给了我宝贵的生命 学会感激——感激我的老师,因为他们给了我无穷的知识 学会 嫁出去的女儿可以分父母财产?我哥嫂因为我要嫁到上海来,太远了,觉得父母都丢给他们了,搅得我和父母包括现在的老公都不的安宁,后来因为要盖房子他们钱不够,想让我出钱给他们,才收敛了 昨天我给父母写信了英语翻译 给我写几条标语感谢父母的标语 写几天 英语翻译感谢你给了我美好的回忆 感谢你的父母,因为他们什么(填诗句) 仿写句子:感谢父母给了我生命和无私的爱 感谢老师给了我知识和看世界的影子 格式:感谢XX给了我XXXXXX我需要5句! 妈妈,我想要一辆新自行车 用英语翻译 格林先生养了一些宠物 用英语翻译 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?用英 英语翻译翻译:我认为青少年应该把秘密和父母分享.我常把心中想法告诉我的父母.因为我认为这可以让他们更了解我.我父母也很同意我的做法,并给我提出很多建议.我觉得这对我很有帮助 英语翻译翻译:我认为青少年应该把秘密和父母分享.我常把心中想法告诉我的父母.因为我认为这可以让他们更了解我.我父母也很同意我的做法,并给我提出很多建议.我觉得这对我很有帮助 英语翻译为什么要改名字?我父母给我改的他们说我现在的名字更好听.