来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 08:31:15
1. a horse pill 大药丸,大型丸剂
I find this an easy way for me to get the calcium I need without trying to swallow a horse pill.
2. a horse laugh 狂笑,讥笑,不信任的笑
He came out with a horse laugh that caused some eyebrows to raise.
3. horse sense 基本常识
He's not very highly educated, but he's got a lot of horse sense.
他虽然没有受过很高的教育, 但他的实际知识是丰富的.
4. clothes horse过分讲究穿着打扮的人,衣冠楚楚的人(尤指盲目赶时髦时装式样变换的人)
My little sister is such a clothes horse. She spends all of her money on shoes.
5. clothes horse figure 衣服架子,就是那种穿什么都好看的人.
You've got a clothes-horse figure. You would look good in anything.
6. one-horse town 落后的小地方,偏远的地方
Then Beijing was a gray, drab, one-horse town where the main means of transportation was the bicycle.
7. talk horse吹牛,说大话
They often talk horse when they are free.
8. a willing horse 孺子牛,心甘情愿努力干活的人
John's a willing horse, but he always seems to get the rotten jobs.
All lay loads on a willing horse.
9. as strong as a horse 健壮如牛
I feel great. I'm as strong as a horse, you see.
10. to eat like a horse狼吞虎咽
My doctor recommended me not to eat like a horse, because it is not good for health.
11. be / ride / get on one's high horse 趾高气扬,藐视他人
Since Bob was elected president of the club, he's been up on his high horse.
12. get off one's high horse别摆架子,放下架子.
You know you screwed up this time! Get off your high horse and admit your mistake!
13. horse around / about 胡闹,瞎闯
You can't trust Michael to do anything – he's always horsing around.
14.hold your horses 别着急,耐心点儿
Hold your horses! We're not ready to go yet.
15. (straight/right) from the horse's mouth (消息)可靠的,直接得来的,第一手的
Hey, did you hear that Sally and Bob are going to get married. Honest, I'm not joking. I heard it from Bob himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!
16. a horse of a different color/a horse of another color 完全是另一回事,全然不同的事物
Taking the exam is one thing but passing it is a horse of a different color.
17. Be flogging a dead horse / beat a dead horse 浪费时间,徒劳,白费劲
You'll be flogging a dead horse if you keep trying to get Walter to make a contribution. You know how mean he is.
如果你坚持想要沃尔特作贡献的话, 那纯属徒劳.你知道他有多吝啬.
18. put the cart before the horse本末倒置,舍本逐末,前后颠倒,倒果为因
You will put the cart before the horse if you emphasize the method at the expenseof content.
19. Wild horses couldn't drag sb. away. 全心投入
Once Lydia starts playing a video game, wild horses can't drag her away from it.
20. change horses in midstream. 中流换马,中途变卦,中途支持另外的人或事物,临阵换将
Don't change horses in midstream, or you may ruin the project.
21. Don't / Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 不要对别人送的礼物过于挑剔
—This shirt you gave me is not my favorite brand. 你送我的那件衬衫不是我最喜欢的牌子.
—Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! That was the best they had. 别挑刺儿了,那是他们那儿最好的了.
22. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.