英语语法专家 下面三个个问题 1.The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy,crack down on embezzlement and briber,punish corruption,handle civil,economic and administrative cases,balance economic relations,resolving social con

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/01 11:15:32

英语语法专家 下面三个个问题 1.The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy,crack down on embezzlement and briber,punish corruption,handle civil,economic and administrative cases,balance economic relations,resolving social con
英语语法专家 下面三个个问题
1.The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy,crack down on embezzlement and briber,punish corruption,handle civil,economic and administrative cases,balance economic relations,resolving social conflicts,and upholding social justice.(人民法院维护市场经济秩序,坚决打击贪污贿赂犯罪,惩治腐败,依法审理民事、经济、行政案件;调节经济关系,化解社会矛盾,维护社会正义.)这句话中为什么crack down,punish,handle用的是原型?而resolving和upholding却用ing呢?
2.The People's Courts pass fair judgments in social conflicts and disputes,and have become an indispensable part of our economic development and social life.(人民法院对各种社会矛盾和纠纷的依法公正裁判,成为经济发展和社会生活中不可或缺的一个重要环节)这句话中的have的主语是什么?为什么?
3.There will also be time for question。(然后还有提问时间)这句话中的be怎么理解?(如果是have我就明白!)

英语语法专家 下面三个个问题 1.The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy,crack down on embezzlement and briber,punish corruption,handle civil,economic and administrative cases,balance economic relations,resolving social con
1、这里的resolving和upholding的用法,初看起来的确很费解.但是,如果结合实际表达效果看,又很合理.即:maintain order in the market economy,crack down on embezzlement and briber,punish corruption,handle civil,economic and administrative cases,balance economic relations,这些都是【并列关系】,强调【The People's Courts 】采取的措施或具体做法,而后面两个则是【这些做法所达到的目的和带来的必然、自然结果】,这正好符合【动词-ing形式做状语,表示自然而然的结果】这一用法.
2、【The People's Courts 主语】pass fair judgments in social conflicts and disputes,and 【they 并列结构,省略相同的主语,以免重复】have become an indispensable part of our economic development and social life.
3、There will also be time for question
这是传说中的【There be 句型】,结合时态需要,演变为【There will also be】,其中的be动词,写作中经常会误用为have.

  1. maintain, crack down, punish, handle,balance几个动词是并列的,这时可以直接连用。这几个动词都属于主句中,是并列的几个谓语,阐述了人民法院的职能。后面的resolving和upholding是结果状语从句中的,阐述了人民法院达到的目的。状语从句中的动词若与主句中的主语是主动关系就用ing形式。

  2. have的...


    1. maintain, crack down, punish, handle,balance几个动词是并列的,这时可以直接连用。这几个动词都属于主句中,是并列的几个谓语,阐述了人民法院的职能。后面的resolving和upholding是结果状语从句中的,阐述了人民法院达到的目的。状语从句中的动词若与主句中的主语是主动关系就用ing形式。

    2. have的主语是The People‘s Courts,句中用and表示递进关系,have become与pass都是谓语。不看前面的部分,可以理解为人民法院成为经济发展和社会生活中不可或缺的一个重要环节。原句可以拆成两句,即:The People's Courts pass fair judgments in social conflicts and disputes.So The People's Courts have become an indispensable part of our economic development and social life.

    3. There 后是不可以加have做动词的。即使有There have been,其本质也是There be 结构的过去完成形式。There be 结构是固定的,There will be 是其将来时的结构。将其理解成There be 就好了。


    1。crack down,punish,handle用的是动词原型,做谓语,resolving和upholding却用ing,做目的状语。
    2。have的主语是 The People's Courts
    3。这是标准的 There be 的句型,只是是一般将来式了。

英语语法专家 下面三个个问题 1.The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy,crack down on embezzlement and briber,punish corruption,handle civil,economic and administrative cases,balance economic relations,resolving social con 英语语法专家来 下面2个问题 英语语法专家 下面三个问题 帮忙看一下 谢谢1.The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy, crack down on embezzlement and briber, punish corruption, handle civil, economic and administrative cases, balance economic relati 寻隐者不遇中贾岛问了哪三个个问题 语法!英语语法问题 大师 专家来看下 1.To be free of the burden of the ice,the balloon drifted to the south.2.I really can‘t work out what to do and how to do(it),it需不需要加?为什么?3.She’ll give me her sister‘s address 英语语法的3个问题 大师专家帮忙看下 1.The history of clinical nutrition or the study of the relationship between health and how the body takes in and utilizes food substances,can be divided into four distinct eras how引导的是什么 看下面英语语法问题1.here comes the train to beijing 2.away went the boy to the school将上面的句子改成陈述语序,尽量不要改变其句子的成分 汉译英 专家进 急1.同学们为了那个个问题争论了半小时2.我们在回来的路上发现被跟踪了3.他醒来时发现被一群人包围着4.他怎么会在一个星期内把我给的钱都花光呢 The offices are in front of the library.(改为同义句)The library ___ ___ ___ the offices.三三三个个个空空空! 语法专家 下面三个问题 帮忙看一下,感谢!1.The government of Japan is saying for the month of January this country logged a record trade deficit of $18.6 billion U.S. dollars. 这句话是什么从句?省略了that吗?有for the month o 请教英语语法问题~请改正下面句子中的错误,并且说明下原因!~(最好句子意思也翻译下咯~~)1.the new plan is (better) to the previous one but it still has some problems.(better该改成什么)2.The number of people w 奇怪的英语语法.是专家的进加拿大ESL 的 学这么长时间都没遇到过,1.In what ways is Mr Esposito tied to the old world?2.How does Mr Esposito differ from Joseph'sdaydream father? 点燃激情,传递梦想 英语翻译问题.Light the passion share the dream 1. 这是官方的翻译,这里,light 和share都是原形,算是两个个祈使句不?2. share如果替换成 pass 是否也正确?谢谢 英语语法问题 语法专家来看下 whoever引导的主语从句吗,分析一下这句话?这句话前面的th1.The US ambassador assured the people of UK that whoever is responsible will be brought to justice.whoever is responsible will be brou 专家大师来看下 英语语法问题 With World War II gripping the nation, malepilots were desperately needed overseas for battle.这句话中的overseas和for battle分别修饰的是什么? They were the first women to fly in U.S. military pla 求看英语语法是否正确?在下面的问题补充里面.Thanks for the info.But the Consumer card:32820N40 in master data has not show which one Product Sales Code is top card?Please help to confirm it. 关于英语语法的问题下面这话有什么语法错误,麻烦指正下Finish the exam?Come to see me in the school.And every Friday there is a English corner.Have fun here 英语语法问题,看下面例子:No one would have imagined Anne landing the classic role of the sexy,smart Catwoman neither did she.问:例子中的“ would have imagined”是什么语法,为什么要用这种语法,请详细说明,