
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 18:51:50

我读了高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,它给我的感触颇深.主人公阿廖沙悲惨的童年。阿廖沙父母双亡,而外祖父脾气十分暴躁,只有外祖母疼爱他了。外祖父不太喜欢他,两个舅舅更是讨厌他。就在这样恶劣的环境下,他却走过来了。我很喜欢他,他很坚强,勇敢,所以我们要像他学习。努力学习,报答身边的人,相信自己 不断前进,总会迎来成功的。不放弃,努力做到最好。
把这个的大概意思翻译成 150 到200个单词的 英语文章就好了

This summer,I read a biography of gorky's childhood,it gave me a feeling of the tragic hero."allyson childhood.Allyson parents very irascible temperament,and my grandfather,grandmother loves him.My grandfather dislike him,two uncle is hate him.In such a bad environment,but he is coming.I like him very much,he is very strong and brave,so we will be like his learning.Study hard,and reward and believe in yourself,constantly,always have successfully.Don't give up,and strive to do the best.

this summer,i read a biographical novel "Childhood",written by Gorky, it touched me a lot.the main character Amoucha's childhood wasn't pleased.his parents died,and his grandfather is very grumpy,he c...


this summer,i read a biographical novel "Childhood",written by Gorky, it touched me a lot.the main character Amoucha's childhood wasn't pleased.his parents died,and his grandfather is very grumpy,he could only gain love from grandmother.his grandfather doesn't like him very much,not to mention two uncles.but he became successful even in such bad atmosphere,that's why i like him very much.he's strong and brave,we must learn from him---work hard,repay people who encouraged him,be confident,and keep moving will bring us success sooner or later.never give up,try to do best.希望对你有用!自己翻的哦!


This summer, I read Gorky's autobiographical novel, "Childhood", which to my deep feelings. Alesha tragic childhood hero. Alesha parents died, and the grandfather is very irritable temper, only the gr...


This summer, I read Gorky's autobiographical novel, "Childhood", which to my deep feelings. Alesha tragic childhood hero. Alesha parents died, and the grandfather is very irritable temper, only the grandmother loved him. Not like his grandfather, two uncles dislike him even more. It was in this harsh environment, but he came up. I like him, he is strong, brave, so we have to like him to learn. To study hard and repay the people around them and believe in yourself, and constantly move forward, always welcome success. Do not give up, to do our best.
. . . .


This summer holidays, I read the autobiographical novel of "childhood" which wrote by Gorky. It touched me deeply, for the tragic childhood of leading charactor 阿廖沙.Alson's parent were die and his gra...


This summer holidays, I read the autobiographical novel of "childhood" which wrote by Gorky. It touched me deeply, for the tragic childhood of leading charactor 阿廖沙.Alson's parent were die and his grandfather had a bad tmper, so only his grandmother love him. His grandfather didn't like him, what's worse, both of his two uncles hated him. He was growed up in the bad environment, yet, I love him. For his strong will and brave, we'd like to learn from him. Study harder and repay sb near us. Believe ourselves and keep moving. Never give up, the winner will come to us.


This summer , I read a biographical novel "Childhood" which is written by Gorky ,it touched me a lot .It describes a miserable childhood of Alesha.The parents of Alesha both died ,and his grandpa is m...


This summer , I read a biographical novel "Childhood" which is written by Gorky ,it touched me a lot .It describes a miserable childhood of Alesha.The parents of Alesha both died ,and his grandpa is much ill-tempered ,however ,his grandmother loves him very much .His grandpa doesn't like him , moreover ,two of his uncles hates him.Under this circumstance , he come up . I like him ,he is strong and brave ,so we shall learn from him .We are supposed to study hard ,repay the ones who near us , cnfident in ourselves , make progress all the time ,and finally success will come .Don't give up and try our best to do .


I read Gorky's autobiography--Childhood during this summer vacation.It impacted my deep feeling.The protagonist Allyson has a mi...


I read Gorky's autobiography--Childhood during this summer vacation.It impacted my deep feeling.The protagonist Allyson has a miserable childhood. Both of his parents died and his grandfather is quite irritable.There his grandmother is the only one who loves him. His granfather doesn't really like him, and his two uncles even hates him more.Although he lives in such kind of terrible circumstance, he conquers it.I like him very much. And I want to learn something from him because he is strong and brave. Now I need to study hard to repay people around.I should be confident and make continuous improvement, so someday I will have success.Never give up and try my best!


This summer, I read Gorky's autobiographical(自传)novel, "Childhood", which to my deep feelings. Alesha has a tragic(悲惨的) childhood . Alesha's parents ...


This summer, I read Gorky's autobiographical(自传)novel, "Childhood", which to my deep feelings. Alesha has a tragic(悲惨的) childhood . Alesha's parents died when he was very young, he lived with his grandparents. His grandfather is very irritable temper(脾气暴躁), only the grandmother loved him. Grandmother taught him kindness, honesty and self-reliant(自食其力). Grandfather did not like him, and two uncles even more hate him . It was in such harsh(严酷恶劣) environment, but he still grew up. I love him, he is so strong, brave and Kind-hearted(善良). we will be like his learning. We'll study hard and repay the people love us .And please be confident(相信) in youself, so you can constantly move forward.If you do what i said ,you will always succeed. Do not give up, to do our best.
这个暑假,我读了高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,它给我的感触颇深. 主人公阿廖沙有着悲惨的童年。阿廖沙很小的时候父母就双亡,他和外祖父母生活在一起。而外祖父脾气十分暴躁,只有外祖母疼爱他了。外祖母教会了他善良、诚实和自食其力。外祖父却不太喜欢他,两个舅舅更是讨厌他。就在这样恶劣的环境下,他却依然生存了下来。我很喜欢他,他坚强,勇敢,善良。我们将像他学习。我们将会努力学习,报答爱我们的人。请你相信自己 ,那么你将可以不断前进,如果你做到了我所说的,你将总会取得成功。不放弃,努力做到最好.


This summer, i have read of gorky's autobiography of the childhood, it brought me to do. the hero, leav sand unhappy childhood. 阿廖沙父母 died a violent temper, and her grandfather, grandmother loved him....


This summer, i have read of gorky's autobiography of the childhood, it brought me to do. the hero, leav sand unhappy childhood. 阿廖沙父母 died a violent temper, and her grandfather, grandmother loved him. grandfather doesn't like him, uncles and hate him. in such bad environment, but he came. i am very fond of him, he is very strong, brave, we should therefore like his study. study hard, the man and believe in yourself,Forward and always will bring success. don't give up trying to do his best.


This summer, I read Gorky's autobiographical novel, "Childhood", which to my deep feelings. Alesha tragic childhood hero. Alesha parents died, and the grandfather is very irritable temper, only the gr...


This summer, I read Gorky's autobiographical novel, "Childhood", which to my deep feelings. Alesha tragic childhood hero. Alesha parents died, and the grandfather is very irritable temper, only the grandmother loved him. Not like his grandfather, two uncles dislike him even more. It was in this harsh environment, but he came up. I like him, he is strong, brave, so we have to like him to learn. To study hard and repay the people around them and believe in yourself, and constantly move forward, always welcome success. Do not give up, to do our best. 求你了,我急需用钱~~~~~~~


This summer, I read a biography of gorky's childhood, it gave me a feeling of the tragic hero. "allyson childhood. Allyson parents very irascible temperament, and my grandfather, grandmother loves him...


This summer, I read a biography of gorky's childhood, it gave me a feeling of the tragic hero. "allyson childhood. Allyson parents very irascible temperament, and my grandfather, grandmother loves him. My grandfather dislike him, two uncle is hate him. In such a bad environment, but he is coming. I like him very much, he is very strong and brave, so we will be like his learning. Study hard, and reward and believe in yourself, constantly, always have successfully. Don't give up, and strive to do the best.


童年时高尔基的自传体小说, ..最近,我读了高尔基的《童年》.这是作者以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部.讲述的是 英语翻译我读了高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,它给我的感触颇深.主人公阿廖沙悲惨的童年。阿廖沙父母双亡,而外祖父脾气十分暴躁,只有外祖母疼爱他了。外祖父不太喜欢他,两个舅舅 ①《童年》是苏联作家高尔基于1914年完成的自传体小说三部曲中的第三部.②这部小说讲述的是作者一段幸酸的童年往事.③读了这本书,使我深受感动.④我从中也知道了高尔基许多童年的故 高尔基写了哪三部自传体小说 6、阅读下面有关《童年》的读后感,①《童年》是苏联作家高尔基于1914年完成的自传体小说三部曲中的第三部.②这部小说讲述的是作者一段幸酸的童年往事.③读了这本书,使我深受感动.④我 名著《童年》是高尔基创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部其他两部是什么? 《童年》是不是自传体小说 高尔基的 三部曲高尔基的自传体小说三部曲是什么 童年 在人间 我的大学读后感 2000字高尔基的自传体三步曲 高尔基自传体小说三部曲指的是哪三篇文章? 俄罗斯,苏联,前苏联,语文,历史《童年》是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部(其他两部分别为《在人间》、《我的大学》).讲述了阿廖沙(高尔基的乳名)三岁 许多作家都以自己的童年为题材创作自传体小说,林海音的城南旧事和高尔基的童年都是这样的作品.这句话对吗 《童年》是谁写的?童年是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说这是三部曲中的第一部,其他两部为《 》 《 》 《童年》是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部,其他两部分别为:《 》、《 》.小说从 写起,到 名著练习1.高尔基的自传体小说《童年》塑造了---------这一鄙视贪婪,同情不幸,憧憬美好生活的正直少年形象,生动的再现了------------------------------------的生活状况.2.通过《鲁宾逊漂流记》全 童年 阿廖沙是谁的孩子?童年 为什么称为高尔基的自传体三部曲? 下面对名著内容判断有误的一项是()A.《童年》中的小茨冈聪明能干,却由于雅科夫舅舅的自私,再搬十字架时被砸死.B.高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,展示了他那苦难而难忘的童年,反映了俄罗