
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 13:42:31


这几天,大家晓得,在昆明出现了历史上最卑劣最无耻的事情!李先生究竟犯了什么罪,竟遭此毒手?他只不过用笔写写文章,用嘴说说话,而他所写的,所说的,都无非是一个没有失掉良心的中国人的话!大家都有一枝笔,有一张嘴,有什么理由拿出来讲啊!有事实拿出来说啊!(闻先生声音激动了)为什么要打要杀,而且又不敢光明正大的来打来杀,而偷偷摸摸的来暗杀!(鼓掌)这成什么话?(鼓掌)   今天,这里有没有特务?你站出来!是好汉的站出来!你出来讲!什么要杀死李先生?(厉声,热烈的鼓掌)杀死了人,又不敢承认,还要诬蔑人,说什么“桃色事件”,说什么共产党杀共产党,无耻啊!无耻啊!(热烈的鼓掌)这是某集团的无耻,恰是李先生的光荣!李先生在昆明被暗杀,是李先生留给昆明的光荣!也是昆明人的光荣!(鼓掌)   去年“一二.一”昆明青年学生为了反对内战,遭受屠杀,那算是青年的一代献出了他们最宝贵的生命!现在李先生为了争取民主和平而遭受了反动派的暗杀,我们骄傲一点说,这算是象我这样大年纪的一代,我们的老战友,献出了最宝贵的生命!这两桩事发生在昆明,这算是昆明无限的光荣!(热烈的鼓掌)   反动派暗杀李先生的消息传出以后,大家听了都悲愤痛恨.我心里想,这些无耻的东西,不知他们是怎么想法,他们的心理是什么状态,他们的心怎样长的!(捶击桌子)其实简单,他们这样疯狂的来制造恐怖,正是他们自己在慌啊!在害怕啊!所以他们制造恐怖,其实是他们自己在恐怖啊!特务们,你们想想,你们还有几天?你们完了,快完了!你们以为打伤几个,杀死几个就可以了事,就可以把人民吓倒了吗?其实广大的人民是打不尽的,杀不完的!要是这样可以的话,世界上早没有人了.   你们杀死一个李公朴,会有千百万个李公朴站起来!你们将失去千百万的人民!你们看着我们人少,没有力量?告诉我们,我们的力量大得很,强得很!看今天来的这些人都是我们的人,都是我们的力量!此外还有广大的市民!我们有这个信心:人民的力量是要胜利的,真理是永远是要胜利的,真理是永远存在的.历史上没有一个反人民的势力不被人民毁灭的!希特勒,墨索里尼,不都在人民之前倒下去了吗?翻开历史看看,你们还站得住几天!你们完了,快了!快完了!我们的光明就要出现了.我们看,光明就在我们眼前,而现在正是黎明之前那个最黑暗的时候.我们有力量打破这个黑暗,争到光明!我们光明,恰是反动派的末日!(热烈的鼓掌)   现在司徒雷登出任美驻华大使,司徒雷登是中国人民的朋友,是教育家,他生长在中国,受的美国教育.他住在中国的时间比住在美国的时间长,他就如一个中国的留学生一样,从前在北平时,也常见面.他是一位和蔼可亲的学者,是真正知道中国人民的要求的,这不是说司徒雷登有三头六臂,能替中国人民解决一切,而是说美国人民的舆论抬头,美国才有这转变.   李先生的血不会白流的!李先生赔上了这条性命,我们要换来一个代价.“一二.一”四烈士倒下了,年青的战士们的血换来了政治协商会议的召开;现在李先生倒下了,他的血要换取政协会议的重开!(热烈的鼓掌)我们有这个信心!(鼓掌)   “一二·一”是昆明的光荣,是云南人民的光荣.云南有光荣的历史,远的如护国,这不用说了,近的如“一二·一”,都属于云南人民的.我们要发扬云南光荣的历史!(听众表示接受)   反动派挑拨离间,卑鄙无耻,你们看见联大走了,学生放暑假了,便以为我们没有力量了吗?特务们!你们看见今天到会的一千多青年,又握起手来了,我们昆明的青年决不会让你们这样蛮横下去的!   反动派,你看见一个倒下去,可也看得见千百个继起的!   正义是杀不完的,因为真理永远存在!(鼓掌)   历史赋予昆明的任务是争取民主和平,我们昆明的青年必须完成这任务!   我们不怕死,我们有牺牲的精神!我们随时象李先生一样,前脚跨出大门,后脚就不准备再跨进大门!(长时间的鼓掌)
These days, you know, in Kunming appeared on the history the most despicable shameless! Lee actually committed any crime, was this? He is only a pen to write articles, with the mouth to speak, and he wrote, saying, it is nothing more than a without conscience of Chinese words! You have a pen, a mouth, what is the reason for giving up! The fact out! ( Mr. Wen voice excited ) why should hit to kill, but did not dare to work in just ways to call to kill, and in a sneaky way to assassinate! ( applause) this is what? ( applause) today, there are no spies? You stand out! A stand out! You say! Nothing to kill Mr. Lee? ( Stern, applause ) kills, and dare to admit, but also the stigmatized person, what to say" love affair", say what the Communist Party killed, shameless ah! Shameless ah! ( applause ) this is a group of shameless, it is Mr Li's glory! Mr. Li was assassinated in Kunming, Mr. Lee for the glory of Kunming! Also the glory of kunming! ( applause.)" one or two last year. A" Kunming youth and students in order to oppose the civil war, genocide, that is the young generation gave their precious life! Now Mr. Lee for the democratic peace and suffered a reactionary assassination, we proud of one thing, it was like I was so much older generation, we old comrades in arms, gave the most precious life! The two thing happened in Kunming, it is Kunming unlimited glory! ( applause ) reactionaries to assassinate Mr. Lee after the news, everybody listened to the indignation of hate. I thought, these outrageous things, don't know what they're thinking, what is their mental state, their hearts how long! ( the table ) are simple, they so crazy to terror, it is their own in panic! In fear! So they create terrorist, is actually their own terror ah! Spies, you think, you still have a several day? You're finished, fast! Do you think that injured several, killing several may settle, can make people scared? In fact, the majority of people is endless, endless killing! If possible, the world would not. You kill one of Li Gongpu, there will be millions of Li Gongpu rose! You will lose millions of people! You see we were less, no power? Tell us, our strength is very big, very strong! Look today, these people are our people, it is our strength! In addition to the general public! We have this confidence: people power is to be successful, truth is always to win, truth is always there. No history of a people's forces were not people's destruction! Hitler, Mussolini, are people before falling down? Throughout history have a look, you stand a few days! You're finished, fast! Soon after! Our light will be there. We see the light, right in front of us, and it is the darkest hour before the dawn. We have the power to break the darkness, let into the light! Our light, it is a reactionary! ( applause ) now let us ambassador Situ Lei out, Leighton Stuart is the friend of the Chinese people, is an educator, he grew up in China, by the American education. He lives in China than in the United States of America time long time, he is a student from China, once upon a time in Beijing, would often meet each other. He is a be courteous and accessible scholar, is truly know the wishes of the Chinese people, this is not to say that Leighton Stuart has superhuman powers, for the Chinese people to solve all, but said that the American public opinion of the people looked up to the United States, before this change. Mr. Lee 's blood does not flow to the white! Lee lost this life, we want to get a price. " One or two. A" four martyrs fell, young warriors of blood for the Political Consultative Conference; now Mr. Lee fell, his blood shall be for the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference of the reopening of! ( applause ) we have this confidence! ( applause.)" the one or two one" is the pride of Kunming, is Yunnan's glory. Yunnan has glorious history, such as the far, this need not say, near like "one or two a", belong to the people of Yunnan. We should carry forward the glorious history of Yunnan! ( the audience accept ) the reactionaries alienate one person from another, mean and having no sense of shame, you see the general go, student summer vacation, we think that we have no powers? Spies! You see today to more than one thousand youth, and held hands, we Kunming youth will never let you down so outrageous! The reactionaries, you see a fall, but see thousands of sequences! Justice will not be killed out, because the truth forever! ( applause) history gave Kunming 's task is to strive for peace and democracy, we must finish the task of Kunming youth! We are not afraid, we have the spirit of sacrifice! We always like Mr. Lee, the front door step, rear foot is not ready to go into the door! ( long time. )





这几天,大家晓得,在昆明出现了历史上最卑劣最无耻的事情!李先生究竟犯了什么罪,竟遭此毒手?他只不过用笔写写文章,用嘴说说话,而他所写的,所说的,都无非是一个没有失掉良心的中国人的话!大家都有一枝笔,有一张嘴,有什么理由拿出来讲啊!有事实拿出来说啊!(闻先生声音激动了)为什么要打要杀,而且又不敢光明正大的来打来杀,而偷偷摸摸的来暗杀!(鼓掌)这成什么话?(鼓掌)   今天,这里有没有...


这几天,大家晓得,在昆明出现了历史上最卑劣最无耻的事情!李先生究竟犯了什么罪,竟遭此毒手?他只不过用笔写写文章,用嘴说说话,而他所写的,所说的,都无非是一个没有失掉良心的中国人的话!大家都有一枝笔,有一张嘴,有什么理由拿出来讲啊!有事实拿出来说啊!(闻先生声音激动了)为什么要打要杀,而且又不敢光明正大的来打来杀,而偷偷摸摸的来暗杀!(鼓掌)这成什么话?(鼓掌)   今天,这里有没有特务?你站出来!是好汉的站出来!你出来讲!什么要杀死李先生?(厉声,热烈的鼓掌)杀死了人,又不敢承认,还要诬蔑人,说什么“桃色事件”,说什么共产党杀共产党,无耻啊!无耻啊!(热烈的鼓掌)这是某集团的无耻,恰是李先生的光荣!李先生在昆明被暗杀,是李先生留给昆明的光荣!也是昆明人的光荣!(鼓掌)   去年“一二。一”昆明青年学生为了反对内战,遭受屠杀,那算是青年的一代献出了他们最宝贵的生命!现在李先生为了争取民主和平而遭受了反动派的暗杀,我们骄傲一点说,这算是象我这样大年纪的一代,我们的老战友,献出了最宝贵的生命!这两桩事发生在昆明,这算是昆明无限的光荣!(热烈的鼓掌)   反动派暗杀李先生的消息传出以后,大家听了都悲愤痛恨。我心里想,这些无耻的东西,不知他们是怎么想法,他们的心理是什么状态,他们的心怎样长的!(捶击桌子)其实简单,他们这样疯狂的来制造恐怖,正是他们自己在慌啊!在害怕啊!所以他们制造恐怖,其实是他们自己在恐怖啊!特务们,你们想想,你们还有几天?你们完了,快完了!你们以为打伤几个,杀死几个就可以了事,就可以把人民吓倒了吗?其实广大的人民是打不尽的,杀不完的!要是这样可以的话,世界上早没有人了。   你们杀死一个李公朴,会有千百万个李公朴站起来!你们将失去千百万的人民!你们看着我们人少,没有力量?告诉我们,我们的力量大得很,强得很!看今天来的这些人都是我们的人,都是我们的力量!此外还有广大的市民!我们有这个信心:人民的力量是要胜利的,真理是永远是要胜利的,真理是永远存在的。历史上没有一个反人民的势力不被人民毁灭的!希特勒,墨索里尼,不都在人民之前倒下去了吗?翻开历史看看,你们还站得住几天!你们完了,快了!快完了!我们的光明就要出现了。我们看,光明就在我们眼前,而现在正是黎明之前那个最黑暗的时候。我们有力量打破这个黑暗,争到光明!我们光明,恰是反动派的末日!(热烈的鼓掌)   现在司徒雷登出任美驻华大使,司徒雷登是中国人民的朋友,是教育家,他生长在中国,受的美国教育。他住在中国的时间比住在美国的时间长,他就如一个中国的留学生一样,从前在北平时,也常见面。他是一位和蔼可亲的学者,是真正知道中国人民的要求的,这不是说司徒雷登有三头六臂,能替中国人民解决一切,而是说美国人民的舆论抬头,美国才有这转变。   李先生的血不会白流的!李先生赔上了这条性命,我们要换来一个代价。“一二。一”四烈士倒下了,年青的战士们的血换来了政治协商会议的召开;现在李先生倒下了,他的血要换取政协会议的重开!(热烈的鼓掌)我们有这个信心!(鼓掌)   “一二·一”是昆明的光荣,是云南人民的光荣。云南有光荣的历史,远的如护国,这不用说了,近的如“一二·一”,都属于云南人民的。我们要发扬云南光荣的历史!(听众表示接受)   反动派挑拨离间,卑鄙无耻,你们看见联大走了,学生放暑假了,便以为我们没有力量了吗?特务们!你们看见今天到会的一千多青年,又握起手来了,我们昆明的青年决不会让你们这样蛮横下去的!   反动派,你看见一个倒下去,可也看得见千百个继起的!   正义是杀不完的,因为真理永远存在!(鼓掌)   历史赋予昆明的任务是争取民主和平,我们昆明的青年必须完成这任务!   我们不怕死,我们有牺牲的精神!我们随时象李先生一样,前脚跨出大门,后脚就不准备再跨进大门!(长时间的鼓掌)
These days, you know, in Kunming appeared on the history the most despicable shameless! Lee actually committed any crime, was this? He is only a pen to write articles, with the mouth to speak, and he wrote, saying, it is nothing more than a without conscience of Chinese words! You have a pen, a mouth, what is the reason for giving up! The fact out! ( Mr. Wen voice excited ) why should hit to kill, but did not dare to work in just ways to call to kill, and in a sneaky way to assassinate! ( applause) this is what? ( applause) today, there are no spies? You stand out! A stand out! You say! Nothing to kill Mr. Lee? ( Stern, applause ) kills, and dare to admit, but also the stigmatized person, what to say" love affair", say what the Communist Party killed, shameless ah! Shameless ah! ( applause ) this is a group of shameless, it is Mr Li's glory! Mr. Li was assassinated in Kunming, Mr. Lee for the glory of Kunming! Also the glory of kunming! ( applause.)" one or two last year. A" Kunming youth and students in order to oppose the civil war, genocide, that is the young generation gave their precious life! Now Mr. Lee for the democratic peace and suffered a reactionary assassination, we proud of one thing, it was like I was so much older generation, we old comrades in arms, gave the most precious life! The two thing happened in Kunming, it is Kunming unlimited glory! ( applause ) reactionaries to assassinate Mr. Lee after the news, everybody listened to the indignation of hate. I thought, these outrageous things, don't know what they're thinking, what is their mental state, their hearts how long! ( the table ) are simple, they so crazy to terror, it is their own in panic! In fear! So they create terrorist, is actually their own terror ah! Spies, you think, you still have a several day? You're finished, fast! Do you think that injured several, killing several may settle, can make people scared? In fact, the majority of people is endless, endless killing! If possible, the world would not. You kill one of Li Gongpu, there will be millions of Li Gongpu rose! You will lose millions of people! You see we were less, no power? Tell us, our strength is very big, very strong! Look today, these people are our people, it is our strength! In addition to the general public! We have this confidence: people power is to be successful, truth is always to win, truth is always there. No history of a people's forces were not people's destruction! Hitler, Mussolini, are people before falling down? Throughout history have a look, you stand a few days! You're finished, fast! Soon after! Our light will be there. We see the light, right in front of us, and it is the darkest hour before the dawn. We have the power to break the darkness, let into the light! Our light, it is a reactionary! ( applause ) now let us ambassador Situ Lei out, Leighton Stuart is the friend of the Chinese people, is an educator, he grew up in China, by the American education. He lives in China than in the United States of America time long time, he is a student from China, once upon a time in Beijing, would often meet each other. He is a be courteous and accessible scholar, is truly know the wishes of the Chinese people, this is not to say that Leighton Stuart has superhuman powers, for the Chinese people to solve all, but said that the American public opinion of the people looked up to the United States, before this change. Mr. Lee 's blood does not flow to the white! Lee lost this life, we want to get a price. " One or two. A" four martyrs fell, young warriors of blood for the Political Consultative Conference; now Mr. Lee fell, his blood shall be for the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference of the reopening of! ( applause ) we have this confidence! ( applause.)" the one or two one" is the pride of Kunming, is Yunnan's glory. Yunnan has glorious history, such as the far, this need not say, near like "one or two a", belong to the people of Yunnan. We should carry forward the glorious history of Yunnan! ( the audience accept ) the reactionaries alienate one person from another, mean and having no sense of shame, you see the general go, student summer vacation, we think that we have no powers? Spies! You see today to more than one thousand youth, and held hands, we Kunming youth will never let you down so outrageous! The reactionaries, you see a fall, but see thousands of sequences! Justice will not be killed out, because the truth forever! ( applause) history gave Kunming 's task is to strive for peace and democracy, we must finish the task of Kunming youth! We are not afraid, we have the spirit of sacrifice! We always like Mr. Lee, the front door step, rear foot is not ready to go into the door! ( long time. )
