英语翻译我想要一篇题目为《Happy birthday to China》的英语作文,谢绝用翻译器的.假期结束之前)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 20:46:16

英语翻译我想要一篇题目为《Happy birthday to China》的英语作文,谢绝用翻译器的.假期结束之前)
我想要一篇题目为《Happy birthday to China》的英语作文,谢绝用翻译器的.假期结束之前)

英语翻译我想要一篇题目为《Happy birthday to China》的英语作文,谢绝用翻译器的.假期结束之前)
Eating habits and Healthy
It is to say,hunger breeds discontent,so a good Eating habits is very important for our healthy.
For breakfast we can have some bread an egg or a glass of milk,It is not a good habit to eat foods with heavy oil.
We can have rice or pasta for launch,it is very useful to have some meat and vegetable.
We should choice light digestible food for dinner,and not eat so much.
Also we can choice some favorite foods that is healthy.
Yogurt is very good to our body for launch too.

"Today is your birthday, my China, the morning I fly a group of pigeons, for your title to a golden wheat, pigeons flew over the ups and downs in the ... ..." This is the first beautiful melody, many ...


"Today is your birthday, my China, the morning I fly a group of pigeons, for your title to a golden wheat, pigeons flew over the ups and downs in the ... ..." This is the first beautiful melody, many years ago inadvertently land floated to my ears, they remember that in my heart the. Whenever they sing or hear the song of well-known classic songs, my heart is so stirring, it seems that the only song to express my love and longing for the motherland.
Look to the sky, the stars still blink of history! Our ancient and great country, our motherland, magnificent and eternal life! Motherland's vast and magnificent mountains and rivers are so fascinating; the motherland and the history of civilization, superior creativity, are all so proud. Is that you, not only for the China shook the universe created life, but also for creating the world's four great inventions of the immortal; it is you, not only defeated the savage insolent foreign humiliation, and the indestructible faith left children and grandchildren.
Autumn in October, the national flag fluttering, national jubilation. People of all nationalities joy, welcomed the birth of the motherland 59 years of age. On this day, the vast land of beautiful flowers, country music waves of the sky, in a hot spot for every square kilometer is immersed with the sweet and happiness, flowing with joy and passion. 1.3 billion to heroic sons and daughters of the songs of agitation flying golden ideals and vision of thousands of miles Yan Wang Jiangshan show, Huan-Chun Chung motherland years!
Wushijiunian before October 1, our country once again fly high, Chongshangyunxiao, with the fire of his soul was once warm and cold body of the motherland, with youthful blood and fire the soul of the motherland has been bleak. Sent to the world's most vigorous Haozhuang voice: "The Chinese people have stood up!" Giants cry, shock Universal, so that the mountains to respond to the sea echo!
Handwriting with a deep history of China the next string of miracles, pride and self-confidence at the same time the monument erected upright. The motherland, and you hope for, such as a leaf fan, from the surging of waves in the Yellow River agitation drove; from the Yangtze River forceful sound of the boatman's chant sailed; from Shenzhou-5 spacecraft into outer space in the oncoming of the good news; from the revitalization of urban reform blueprint and villages in the rich and civilized Capriccio drove. So, I saw hundreds of millions of fans happy spring breeze blowing the doors and windows, I heard the "Story of Spring" resounded through the land of China.
Today's motherland is off the dragon, who's brilliant to the world's attention; today's motherland is the awakening of the lion, loud roar make the world a deep impression upon him. 80000 Village Fe Ge Full Metal Jacket, Divine sons and daughters of self-reliance. A newborn baby heart, ray of the national soul, propped up inside the Shenzhou 90000 Lang Lang skies, spectra out of China five thousand years the spirit of the mantra. Colorful flowers swaying in the river north and south branches full of hope and write a verse in the vast wilderness beyond the Great Wall.
This Wushijiunian, sons and daughters of the creation of countless miracles in the world's nations to the world with admiration. You see, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Xiamen, and the rise of a number of SAR Zuozuo Jinshan, the Three Gorges hydropower project plateau out of Pinghu, pride, and launching rejuvenating eye-catching title; Qinghai-Tibet Railway natural moat change thoroughfare, steel dragon off large north-south Beijing-Kowloon, demonstrate China's majestic; return of Hong Kong and Macao, to achieve manned space flight, Beijing's successful Olympic bid, the sons and daughters are all stand tall and lofty.
The way forward is bright, and at the same time is tortuous. To our motherland, in the journey of 59-year history, there have been storms, there have been setbacks, has experienced numerous hardships, but did not shake the will of the Chinese nation and the confidence to overcome difficulties in the most critical time, experts are always hand , of one mind, three years of natural disasters, floods, SARS epidemic, large earthquakes, each time we face the difficulties and disasters, it also can be closely united to overcome all difficulties and eventually win!
History tells us that tell the future, the building of Deng Xiaoping theory on socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as lighthouse lighting the bright future of the motherland, the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary, is leading the National People's efforts to practice the "Three Represents", with the times Jin, implement the scientific concept of development, building a moderately prosperous society towards a better future.
We believe that the industrious and brave and wise Chinese people in building a moderately prosperous society in an unprecedented great practice, we can unite as one, go all out and move forward stride forward toward the magnificent goal, glorious era of the lofty mission entrusted to the building of our country as soon as possible into a prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced modern socialist country.
The deep blessing of our motherland, "the motherland and the Heaven and Earth with the longevity, Jiangshan of sun and moon Zheng-Hui!"
呀呀呀 你还真会折磨人 让我打了2小时~~


"You know ?Today is your birthday.We all feel happy to you.Beacause you are my China!Likes my mother !

英语翻译我想要一篇题目为《Happy birthday to China》的英语作文,谢绝用翻译器的.假期结束之前) 我想要一篇题目是【我能为班级做些什么】的作文 我想要一篇题目为《助学政策助我成长》八百字文章 求一篇英语作文60词 题目为《An Happy 我想要一篇作文,题目是我的老师 想要一篇题目为惊喜的作文,600字左右, 英语翻译.我感激不尽啊...我有急用的这是一篇文章的题目来的.硪想要整篇文章的翻译.而卟是单单一句话 想要一篇记叙文作文是以《难题》为题目可是我要的是一篇完整的作文...要记叙的啊.... 求一篇题目为《My happy life》的英语演讲稿(3—5分钟) 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文!题目是happy spring festival谢谢了150词左右! 求一篇英语作文,题目是“my happy day”80~100字,我谢你啊 我想要一篇以“出错”为话题的作文, 我想要一篇以“酸”为话题的作文? 我想要一篇作文,作文的题目是[我认识的一个人] 我要写一篇作文,题目是“我想要的幸福”应该怎么写? 英语翻译是不是May you be happy 我不要一大堆.我想要完全正确的.怎么会有 I 我想要一篇作文,以《不变的承诺》为题目!体材自拟!诗歌除外!500字至600字,16日前要!最好是记叙文,感谢! 我想要一篇3分钟的演讲稿,题目为我喜爱的诗歌要求是1.题目为我喜爱的诗歌 2.内容要写到如何爱读,爱听 3.对自己生活修养的作用