
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/08 00:27:15


With the development of science and technology, people have a wider choice of sending greetings to their friends and relatives. The traditional way is to send greeting cards on festive occasions. It takes a
bit longer, but the familiar handwriting itself makes a friend happy. Now, it is more popular to send
flowers. Thanks to the Internet, we can send e-cards instead of paper ones. Most of the e-cards are
beautifully designed and many have music and cartoons. And they can be sent and received almost the
moment you click the button of "send". Another way is to send mobile phone messages, which, in my
opinion, is the most convenient and therefore my favorite way of greeting a friend.
Advantages and Disadvatages of Mobile phonesAs every body knows, mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have bot advantages and disadvtanges in my opinion.First, mobiles make it convinent for people to keep in touch with each other whevere they are.Especially when they have something important.It reduces the cost for people dont have to travel a long way to get to know the things in personSecond,we can send messages by mobiles with little money,just 0.01 yuan for each short message.third, we can also play games or take photoes or listen to music on the mobiles,late we do many things on them with the development of technology.But they also have many disadvatages.we have to pay for the wrong numbers which are not for us.The radioactivites may do harm to our health.Sometimes the rings may affect others in public or at meetings

从信,手机,电脑中任选一个交际方式,写一篇120词英语作文 从下列词语中任选一组展开想象,主旨积极向上,六百五十字以上,编一个故事:1.手机 电视 电脑 报纸2.雄鹰 麻雀 风筝 白云3.舰艇 木头 孤岛 飞机 请从○△等符号中任选一个进行合理的想象写一篇作文请从○△等符号中任选一个进行合理的想象写一篇作文请从○△等符号中任选一个进行合理的想象写一篇作文请从○△等符号中任选一 从尴尬,激动失望,难过中任选一个场景,用对话的方式表现出来! 从一到十一这十一个数字中,任选八个数字,不重复,有多少种组合方式 从《孔雀东南飞》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中任选一个主要人物,一句文本为其写一则小转写一则 小传 从26个大写英文字母中任选一个《a,b,c除外》.仿写句子 从心神不定”、“全神贯注”、“小心翼翼”三个词语中任选一个写一句话. 求一种交通工具的简介从驿站传信、飞鸽传书、汽车、伊妹儿中任选一种.越快越好, 写一篇作文,从“和洽,和解,和中共济”三个话题中任选一个来写字数600字以上 于丹 庄子心得 中任选一个话题的体会!,从十个话题中写一个体会, 保持一颗()心.提示:从“感恩,诚实,自信,谦卑,关爱,快乐”中任选一词,写一篇作文. 从读者,青年文摘中任选一篇文章写读后感 从武松,鲁智深,林冲中任选一个,做一简单介绍 从“耐心”“执著”“机遇”任选一个方面写一篇习作.从“耐心”“执著”“机遇”任选一个方面写一篇习作. 用playground中的字母组成单词从playground的字母中任选一写字母组成单词 大侠们赶快围观!第十三届全国青少年“春蕾杯”征文作文(初一、二年级组)请从以下五个“旅程”中,任选一个作文.字数不限.一、成长之旅请从下列题目中任选一题,写一篇关于成长的记叙文 从 一个母亲写该世界的信 中感受到了什么