2人英语对话 没人至少5句主要是 劝诫室友不要在寝室里面吸烟,并且对方要接受你的意见 ,还有吸烟的危害性

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:01:01

2人英语对话 没人至少5句主要是 劝诫室友不要在寝室里面吸烟,并且对方要接受你的意见 ,还有吸烟的危害性
2人英语对话 没人至少5句
主要是 劝诫室友不要在寝室里面吸烟,并且对方要接受你的意见 ,还有吸烟的危害性

2人英语对话 没人至少5句主要是 劝诫室友不要在寝室里面吸烟,并且对方要接受你的意见 ,还有吸烟的危害性
A Hey,are you trying to burn our room with your cigarette?But I don't think that's a good idea,cuz you knwo,the cigarette will kill you before it burns down this apartment.
B Oh,man,it's no big deal!It's just a cigarette,take it easy.And somking is cool,those big guys smoke too.
A I can hardly imagine something that kills millions of people cool.It's not cool my friend,it's a lung killer,a cancer bringer!
B You must be kidding!
A Trust me,man.A recent study conducted by the National Tobacco Academy shows that cigarette kills a 438,000 people every year worldwide,making smoking the biggest human killer.
B But I feel really relaxed when smoking.I can't get focused without it.You know,it's like a inspiration spurs to me.
A Check this,the nicotine contained in 200 cigarettes can kill a healthy elephant.I know smoking is a good way to relax and can help you focus,but it's at the expense of your life!Plus,I bet coffee will do you the same favor.
B Hum,it sounds in reason.
A It's for your own good,buddy.Smoking is suicidal,you really should quit smoking.
B I understand.Maybe smokingis not that cool.Whatever,I'll give it a shoot,for the sake of my health.
A You made the right choice!

A:Hey,you smoke again?
B:Yes,don't you think that's cool?
A:You probably don't konw the harm of smoking,I guess.Let me tell you some of them.first Smoking causes many harmful disease...


A:Hey,you smoke again?
B:Yes,don't you think that's cool?
A:You probably don't konw the harm of smoking,I guess.Let me tell you some of them.first Smoking causes many harmful diseases like lung cancer,heart attacks,ect. Second smoking affects not only the person who smokes, but also the people around that person.
B:so that is Secondhand smoke?
A:yes!Would you please stop smoking in the apartment for others' health?
B:yes,I will.but I think it's hard for me to do that.
A:Don't worry,we will help you!
B:oh,thank you!
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……楼主不喜欢D话,可以找我D


Man1:MIke Man2:Jackie
Mike smoke.Jackie dilike .
J:hey Mike.
J:Mike---,could you stop somking or smoke outdoor??
J:I don't like this smell,and smokin...


Man1:MIke Man2:Jackie
Mike smoke.Jackie dilike .
J:hey Mike.
J:Mike---,could you stop somking or smoke outdoor??
J:I don't like this smell,and smoking will pollute our environment
J:and It's also harmful to you!
M:Sorry,but I can't help doing it.I know what you said.
J:Have a try,I believe you can cut out your smnoking,and I can also help.It's good for your health,you know.
J:And Smoking also will cost too much money.You can save your money do other things you like such as wtching movie,eating lunch,and more.
nowadays,are you lacking of money.
M:yes,you are right.
M:Ok.I'll try.


A. (Hearing the lighter)Hey, buddy, blow the clouds again? (听到打火机)嘿,哥们,又喷云吐雾啊?
(blow the clouds 英文习惯用语,指吸烟)
B. It's only my 5th today. (这才是今天的第五只。)
A. You always lose your count. The pack ...


A. (Hearing the lighter)Hey, buddy, blow the clouds again? (听到打火机)嘿,哥们,又喷云吐雾啊?
(blow the clouds 英文习惯用语,指吸烟)
B. It's only my 5th today. (这才是今天的第五只。)
A. You always lose your count. The pack is half empty. It's a shit of luck to be in the same dorm with you. We three are dying from second hand smoke from you! (你总是记不清数儿,半包都没了。跟你住一个宿舍真倒霉,我们哥仨都得死于你的二手烟。)
B. My grandpa smoked all his life and lived into his nineties! (我爷爷抽了一辈子烟,人家活到90多!)
A. Didn't you know smokers have a 30% higher risk in getting cancer? (你不知道抽烟的比不抽的,得癌症的百分比要高出30%?)
B. But it doesn't mean every smoker will get cancer. (那也不见得每个抽烟的都得癌症啊。)
A. Ok, you do what you like. You will get stained teeth and bad mouth smell. Your girl won't like that. (好,你乐意抽就抽吧。然后你牙是黑的,嘴是臭的。你女朋友不会喜欢的。)
B. I will find a girl smoker, hahaha! (那我找个抽烟的女朋友!哈哈!)
A. Anyway,we three will kick you out if you smoke again in the room. (不管怎么说,你下次再在屋子里抽烟,我们三个就你踢出去。)
B. Alright, alright. I will smoke outside. And in winter, when it is too cold, I may smoke less. And it'll be a good time you guys urge me to quit. (好吧,好吧,我以后外边抽。到冬天,天气冷了,我可能少抽点,到时候你们可以督促我戒了。)



2人英语对话 没人至少5句主要是 劝诫室友不要在寝室里面吸烟,并且对方要接受你的意见 ,还有吸烟的危害性 小学六年级英语对话,6人,每人至少5句 四人英语小对话~内容是巧遇朋友 问最近在忙些什么~大概没人十句左右台词. 英语 问候 对话 两人 两人好久不见后又再次见到了的英语对话,至少四句,每句至少七八个词的 英语对话,每人至少5句,尽量短一点,讲的是一家三口去动物园的故事.尽量短一点,但每人要至少5句话 求关于Talk about family trends in our country 的英语对话注意是对话 格式要求A:B:要至少十句对话 英语对话6人(每人至少十句)一定要6人的。 有关安慰朋友的英语情景对话.两人至少十句 五人英语对话 要求每人至少两句 关于问路 指路的 求 述说自己兴趣的英语3人对话每人至少十句 英语的对话,是叙述你的生活为题,是2人的对话,1人10句. 一片英语情景对话一定要每个人至少十句,) 谈论喜欢或不喜欢对话(英语)要有5个人的对话“谈论喜欢不喜欢”的英语对话至少要20句对话,要有5个角色麻烦不要发一些无聊的对话要是好的我会加分 关于意见和建议的英语小对话至少每个人3句!(2个人)要求最好就是每个人3,4句的短短的对话~ 诚实是人类的基本美德 英语对话英语口语对话 谢谢大家了 至少20句honesty is the basic virtue of humankind 饮食与健康英语对话要一段英文简短对话,内容是饮食与健康,不要太复杂,贴近生活,两个人的话没人7句左右就可以啦. 跪求一段5个人的英文口语对话,关于请客吃饭,或房屋租借至少6到8分钟的情景对话,每人至少4句,内容要包括菜式等!房屋租借主要介绍外观和结构之类的! 5人英语对话 每人最少3句