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中国有5000 多年的历史,而以色列有4000 年.以色列馆代表了古代犹太文明和以色列未来的一次跨越时空的对话.由原石建造的部分代表了历史,代表着犹太人的根和我们的过去.在馆内,游客可以从伟大的大卫王、所罗门王开创的盛世,一路走到爱因斯坦开创的物理学突破,领略一种文明的发展之路.而由玻璃窗构成的建筑部分,则象征着今天崭新的以色列国家,那是一个在多个领域享有盛誉、清澈而有朝气的国度.

Israel National Museum of the theme of "Innovation for a better life." 2000 square meters exhibition hall is divided into whispers Garden,Light Hall,Innovation Hall three experience areas.According to CLC,the climax of the exhibition hall in innovation,where visitors will enjoy a three-dimensional space by a floating ball of light presented in 360 degree audio-visual performances,performances will show Israel in its in the field of technological innovation and important results.
To highlight the "Innovation Better Life" theme,the pavilion is the building on the full use of the "Innovation and future" element,Hall appearance by the two streamlined building block,surrounded with the shape of hands,a symbol of Israel's science and technology and innovation.Israel said that because of its unique design,the Israeli National Museum also known as "sea shells",the name also echoes the Shanghai World Expo mascot Treasure and the coastal city of Shanghai characteristics.
Israel National Museum of the climax part of the theme Innovation Office.A dynamic space by the floating lights in the ball 360 presented by audio-visual show will perform here.It is reported that performance will show the area of Israel in its scientific and technological innovation brought about by the new situation.It also highlighted the "Innovation for Better Life" theme of the Israeli Museum,as well as in the two countries work closely in the future.
Whether innovation or new invention,are inseparable from the dialogue.Dialogue between people,between man and nature,great reflection,dialogue is a basic man.Therefore,I framework of the museum in Israel,trying to make each part of a building close interactions between the generated,which necessarily requires the use of the new architectural forms,new construction technologies and new materials.Only that,the Israeli Museum to leave to our children a valuable asset.
Israel Museum's shape from the natural quiet and harmonious life.Of course,Israel and China gave me different memories,such as Jewish history,the Judean Desert or the peaks of Huangshan,Guilin's landscape,they are so I can better the idea materialized.
China has 5,000 years of history,Israel has 4,000 years.Israel Museum on behalf of the ancient Jewish civilization and the future of Israel in a dialogue across time and space.Some representatives of the original stone construction of history,representing the Jewish roots and our past.In the museum,visitors from the great King David,King Solomon to create the Golden Age,right up to the physics of Albert Einstein to create a breakthrough,enjoy a civilized development.Posed by the construction part of the window,then the symbol of a new state of Israel today,it is a reputation in many areas,clear and vigor of the country.
And greet guests in the whispers of the garden,we planted a number of citrus trees,the trees will build some lightweight shelters to ensure that children,parents were able to queue into the museum at the time of visit will not get a sunburn,do not the rain poured into.The main part of the exhibition hall will be entirely built of sustainable environmental protection material.These are the Israel Museum in the realization of the Expo,"City Better Life," the declaration.

英语翻译以色列国家馆的主题为“创新让生活更美好”.展馆面积约为2000平方米,分为低语花园、光之厅、创新厅三个体验区.据以方介绍,整个展馆的高潮在创新厅,游客们将在这里享受到一场 现在以色列国家的经济发展 英语翻译主 题:城市,让生活更美好 .副主题:城市多元文化的融合 城市经济的繁荣城市科技的创新 城市社区的重塑城市和乡村的互动 圣经上的以色列是不是现在的以色列国家啊! 英语翻译上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”.为了进一步演绎好这个主题,上海世博会组织者提出了“绿色办博”的理念.比如尽量减少污,为确保世博园土壤的环保,国家环保总局专门 以城市让生活更美好为主题写一篇作文围绕“城市,让生活更美好”的主题,插上发现、创新和创造未来美好生活的翅膀,给未来的城市、未来的生活、未来的我们写一封信 上海世博会有奖知识问答(起点)8月19日1. 2010世博会西班牙馆的主题为 ( ) A 人类创造城市 B 天空的颜色 C 创新让生活更美好 D 我们世代相传的城市 2. 西班牙名作《堂吉诃德》的作者是 ( 《城市,让生活更美好》的作文【小学六年级水平】以 城市,让生活更美好 为主题的作文, 以“创新”为主题的议论文的事例 以创新为主题的作文,800字左右 以科学、环保.创新、实践、为主题的一篇文章. 求作文!以创新为主题 800字一篇以创新为主题,800字的高中作文 求一份以环保为主题的创新活动策划书,格式不限,要求创新, 以创新·体验·成长为主题的科技创新论文(要原创) 上海世博会湖南馆的展示主题为“都市桃花源”,即取陶渊明笔下的“桃花源”之意境.请结合文义和本届世博会主题“城市,让生活更美好”,谈谈你对这一主题的理解. 大家给世界上让人讨厌的国家排排名?不包括美国说的“无赖国家”,我最讨厌日本、韩国、以色列、法国、英 英语翻译2010年上海世博会是历史上首次在发展中国家举办的世博会.将于2010年5月1日至10月31日举行.上海世博会的主题是,城市,让生活更美好.它体现了世博会的主题,现在已经有240多个国家和 能为国家的科技创新提两条合理化建议吗