
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 19:06:06

附:乐山大佛开凿的发起人是海通和尚.海通是贵州人,离乡别家,来到乐山凌云山下当和尚.凌云山下乃三江汇聚之处,每当汛期,山洪暴发,洪水便似脱缰的野马,横冲直撞,常常毁坏农田,倾覆舟楫.  为了制服江水,海通和尚立志开凿一尊大佛来镇住水妖.首先便是资金问题.海通和尚为了筹集资金,四处化斋,积少成多,经过数年努力,终于解决了这个问题.开凿之日,万众瞩目,喜形于色,但地方官吏却趁机刁难,声称要收取建造和保护费,否则不让开工.海通和尚十分气愤,斩钉截铁地说:“你们可以拿走我的眼珠,但不能拿走佛财!”地方官吏面带嘲弄的神色说:“你要真给我们眼珠,我们就不要你的佛财!”海通和尚马上拿出尖刀,自剜其目,用盘接住,捧到官吏面前.地方官吏大吃一惊,吓得赶紧逃离现场.海通和尚忍住剧痛,一挥手,大佛立刻开凿.海通和尚死后,他的徒弟领着工匠继续修造,经过90年的努力,乐山大佛终于耸立在岷江、大渡河、青衣江汇流之处.

The sponsor of the leshan giant Buddha carved is haitong monk.Haitong is guizhou person,left another,come to leshan lingyun hill when the monk.Lingyun mountain is sanjiang gathering place,whenever the rainy season,flash floods,the flood is like 'wild and unpredictable,the rampage,often destroyed farmland,capsized the boat.In order to uniform river,haitong monk aspires to build a statue of Buddha to suppress the water demon.First of all is the money problem.Haitong monk in order to raise funds,passing orange-clad everywhere,many a mickle makes a muckle,and after years of efforts,finally solved the problem.Digging,high-profile,jubilant,but local officials took spite,claims that the charge for construction and protection,otherwise don't start.Haitong monk is very angry,said flatly."you can take away my eyes,but you can't take fo money!"Local officials with the look of ridicule said:"you be true to our eyes,we don't want you fo money!"Haitong monk take out knife immediately,since the gouge out his eyes,with dish,holds to the official.Local officials by surprise,frighten hurriedly fled the scene.Haitong monk endure pain,a wave of his hand,Buddha carved immediately.Haitong monks died,the craftsmen to build his apprentice led,after 90 years of efforts,the leshan giant Buddha finally stand in the minjiang river,dadu river and qingyi river confluence.

Leshan Giant Buddha was the sponsor is the monk haitong. Haitong is Guizhou people, who don't home, came to Leshan Lingyun mountain monk. Lingyun mountain is Sanjiang converge, whenever the flood, fla...


Leshan Giant Buddha was the sponsor is the monk haitong. Haitong is Guizhou people, who don't home, came to Leshan Lingyun mountain monk. Lingyun mountain is Sanjiang converge, whenever the flood, flash floods, flood is like a runaway horse, rampage, often destroy farmland, tilt it oar. In order to uniform River, Haitong monks to build a statue of Buddha to keep nix. The first is capital problem. Haitong monks in order to raise funds, and fast, many a little make a mickle., after several years of efforts, finally solved the problem. Chiseled, eye-catching, light up with pleasure, but local officials have seized the opportunity to create difficulties, claims to receive construction and protection fee, otherwise not to start. The monk Haitong angry, resolute and decisive says: "you can take my eyes, but can't take the Buddha money!" the local officials with a mocking said: "you have to really give us eyes, we don't want your Buddha money!" the monk Haitong immediately took out a knife, cut out from the disc, catch, holding to the officials. Be startled at the local officials, frighten hurriedly fled the scene. The monk Haitong endure pain, hand, Buddha immediately cut. The monk Haitong died, his disciples took craftsman to repair, after 90 years of efforts, Leshan Giant Buddha has stood in the Minjiang River, stream of Dadu River, Qingyi river.
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The sponsor of the leshan giant Buddha carved is haitong monk.Haitong is guizhou person, left another, come to leshan lingyun hill when the monk.Lingyun mountain is sanjiang gathering place, whenever ...


The sponsor of the leshan giant Buddha carved is haitong monk.Haitong is guizhou person, left another, come to leshan lingyun hill when the monk.Lingyun mountain is sanjiang gathering place, whenever the rainy season, flash floods, the flood is like 'wild and unpredictable, the rampage, often destroyed farmland, capsized the boat.In order to uniform river, haitong monk aspires to build a statue of Buddha to suppress the water demon.First of all is the money problem.Haitong monk in order to raise funds, passing orange-clad everywhere, many a mickle makes a muckle, and after years of efforts, finally solved the problem.Digging, high-profile, jubilant, but local officials took spite, claims that the charge for construction and protection, otherwise don't start.Haitong monk is very angry, said flatly. "you can take away my eyes, but you can't take fo money!"Local officials with the look of ridicule said: "you be true to our eyes, we don't want you fo money!"Haitong monk take out knife immediately, since the gouge out his eyes, with dish, holds to the official.Local officials by surprise, frighten hurriedly fled the scene.Haitong monk endure pain, a wave of his hand, Buddha carved immediately.Haitong monks died, the craftsmen to build his apprentice led, after 90 years of efforts, the leshan giant Buddha finally stand in the minjiang river, dadu river and qingyi river confluence.
