几道外语选择..需要帮忙代分析下..Flowers grown in a well-equipped greenhouse find___hard to survive in the wild.A it B / C that D so Tom ought not to___me your secret,but he meant no harm.A have told B tell C be telling D having told I r

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/17 18:02:57

几道外语选择..需要帮忙代分析下..Flowers grown in a well-equipped greenhouse find___hard to survive in the wild.A it B / C that D so Tom ought not to___me your secret,but he meant no harm.A have told B tell C be telling D having told I r
Flowers grown in a well-equipped greenhouse find___hard to survive in the wild.A it B / C that D so
Tom ought not to___me your secret,but he meant no harm.
A have told B tell C be telling D having told
I realized her___I saw her.
A at the time B the time C at the moment D the moment
The panda is such a rare animal that we can't find it anywhere___the mountains in China.
A except B besides C in addition to D except in d
The U.S.troops in Iraq reached the stage___they could neither advance nor withdraw.
A which B when C where D by which c
The way he did it was different___we were used to.
A in which B in what C from what D from which c
答案写在后面了 我要知道的是选择这个答案的理由

几道外语选择..需要帮忙代分析下..Flowers grown in a well-equipped greenhouse find___hard to survive in the wild.A it B / C that D so Tom ought not to___me your secret,but he meant no harm.A have told B tell C be telling D having told I r
A it 形式宾语 to survive in the wild 是真正的宾语(考查不定式的用法)
A ought not to have +P.P/ ought to have+P.P 情态动词ought to 的用法.ought not to have +P.P 本应该不去做某事(实际做了)ought to have+P.P本应该做某事(实际没有做)
D the moment/ the minute/ the instant 引导时间状语从句 ‘一...就”的意思
D 本题考查except 的用法 除外的是地点加介词
C where=at which
C.be different from 与...不同 what 做be used to 的宾语

几道外语选择..需要帮忙代分析下..Flowers grown in a well-equipped greenhouse find___hard to survive in the wild.A it B / C that D so Tom ought not to___me your secret,but he meant no harm.A have told B tell C be telling D having told I r 帮忙解决下,英语题选择最佳选项,帮忙分析下,是选A还是C?(第2小题) 学哪门外语好,西班牙,法文,德文?帮忙分析下,加上为什么.我的学校又要学英文,还要学门外语。学的好玩吧了,学校要求学3年,西班牙就算了。法文,德文,那个好学? 求外语翻译.帮忙翻译下ya ma dei 帮忙做道图形推理题需要选择理由哈, 帮忙检查下英语选择 需要提高英语口语,不知道该怎么选择,帮忙介绍下呗. 请教下大家 低压进线柜及母联柜应该采用几级开关?大家帮忙看下这个系统,分析下 求英语大神帮忙做下18道选择! 请帮忙翻译货代英语 邮件需要. 1-2两道选择题.请帮忙分析下. /fl): 几条选择做下, 高数作业代做(50道选择和判断)409906630需要有不然没办法给你 外语语料库研究哪所大学最好北大、北外、人大三所学校能不能帮忙分析一下 第二外语的证书重要吗?麻烦再帮忙分析一下原因吧, 学历证书需要翻译帮忙下 考上了大连外国语的英语(国际市场营销),它怎么样?具体分析下好么我能不能选择一门小语种作为自己的第二外语呢?还要学高等数学 难不难?好不好过?