一道英语选择题,请说明原因He did it ______it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 19:12:53

一道英语选择题,请说明原因He did it ______it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time
He did it ______it took me.
A.one-third a time B.one-third time
C.the one-third time D.one-third the time

一道英语选择题,请说明原因He did it ______it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time
one—third the time
He did it one-third the time it took me 的英语结构是:He did it for one-third the time it took me .英语中省略for 到处可见,the time it took me中it took me 是定语从句,意思是:它(那件事)所花费9我的时间),把“the time "放到正确位置是“ it took me the time "(这件事占据我那一段时间)先行词the time 在定语从句中作直接宾语.因此 He did it one-third the time it took me 这句话的直译意思是:他当时做那件事用了三分之一的(the time )那段特定的时间,那件事花费我(正是)那段特定的时间..one—third the time 是三分之一的那段时间,指的不是那段时间的全部.如果写成 “the one -third time”指的 是“特定的三分之一的时间”表示“整体上上讲就是三分之一的时间”,这时我们对三分之一的时间概念一定模糊不清,故英译中表示 “三分之一的.(特定的整体)时间”或“.的时间的三分之一”,很明显用“one-third the time ”就很合乎语法和逻辑理解了.例如 we played basketball that day for six hours ,(我们那天打篮球用了6小时),那么,one-third the time we played basketball that day for is two hours ,(三分之一的我们打篮球的时间)或我们打篮球的三分之一的时间是2小时.),从这里看看“for"是不是很别扭,把它一省略,就更能明白了,.
因为"the "表示特指,the time it took me 是定语从句修饰先行词"the time " ,(见上面分析),定语从句的先行词前加"the"是理所当然的事.a 表示泛指.

he did it one-third the time(that) it took me .

one-third表示倍数,it took me是the time的定语从句

D 他做那件事情用的时间是我做那件事情时间的三分之一。。。汗。。。好啰嗦呀。。。

一道英语选择题,请说明原因He did it ______it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time 一道英语选择题(请说明理由,He asked ____for the violin.A.did I pay how muchB.I paid how muchC.how much did I payD.how much I paid 选择题,请说明原因 一道英语选择题以及其原因-_______?-He went to the library.A.Where did you go B.Where did he liveC.How was he D.Did he go to the library 一道英语选择题.解答时请说明为什么 一道高一英语选择题(请详细说明) 一道英语选择题,请说明选项、考点和原因,31.Peter has gone to the United States,but he ________ back in three days.A.comes B.came C.will come D.has com 英语选择题一道,请说明原因Mr Green is a very good teacher.Besides English,he teaches French and other ____.A.classes B.objects C.lessons D.subjects选哪一个?为什么?(与其它三个选项的区别) 一道英语选择题,求原因, How did he finish the work?A.did B.was请说明原因 一道高三物理多项选择题,请说明选项原因,谢谢. 一道英语选择题,请说明原因,The football match is very wonderful!let us stop( )it.A.wantching B.watch C.to watch D.to watching 一道纠结的英语选择题Do you like ____?A.to sing and dance B.singing and dancing请说明原因 一道初二英语的选择题What's the most interesting gift you ____ ever _____?A.had bought B.have bought为什么不是A啊请说明原因! 第三个选择题 请说明原因 高中英语选择题一道请说明理由 高中英语选择题一道请说明理由 一道几何选择题,请具体说明