
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 19:54:02


The more authority you have, the more responsible you should be.
I must be considerate, impressive, and make effort to return my parents 100 thousand yuan which I owe them in the future.
Da Yuan, I have grown up, and could Xiao Rong be more ambitious?
We made an appointment 7 years ago. Wait for me. You must wait for me!
As a man, be outstanding with your dignity.

The shoulders become more wide that means more and more responsibilities on the shoulder.
This means that I must have strong enterprising heart and sensible .In the future work more hard return ...


The shoulders become more wide that means more and more responsibilities on the shoulder.
This means that I must have strong enterprising heart and sensible .In the future work more hard return 100 thousand yuan to my parents.
Da Yuan, I have grown up, and could Xiao Rong be more aspiration than before?
We made an agreement for 7 years. Wait for me. You must wait for me!
As a man's honor stand up with your outstanding. Or
As a man's honor beginning an action become outstanding man.


With great power, conspired with great responsibility.(能力越大责任越大。我照抄了Spider man``)
to be enterprising and diligent in work and anyother things. then i make an effort to repay the parents for what I...


With great power, conspired with great responsibility.(能力越大责任越大。我照抄了Spider man``)
to be enterprising and diligent in work and anyother things. then i make an effort to repay the parents for what I owned them 100000(rmb?), in the future.
DAYUAN(你确定这人名后头是句号?)I grown. could XIAORONG be any more diligent?
we have made a 7-year promise. wait for me```
be outstanding with your dignity as a man.


As the shoulder becoming bigger, It means I have to take more responsibilities.
I should be sensible and make progress. I must work hard in the future to pay the debt of 100000 RMB which I owed my...


As the shoulder becoming bigger, It means I have to take more responsibilities.
I should be sensible and make progress. I must work hard in the future to pay the debt of 100000 RMB which I owed my parents. Dayuan, I'v grown up, will Xiaorong be more ambitious?
we made the promise for 7 years, wait for me, carry on!
Be outstanding with your dignity as a man.


Shoulder to shoulder, means more responsibility.
To sensible, to progress. Future efforts, the future must pay the debt I owe the parents of 100000
The source of. When I grow up, can grow a bit of little wing.
In 7 years, I, I, I will have to wait
To the man's dignity is outstanding

The shoulder is big, the means to shoulder more of the responsibility.
To understand, to advance. Future efforts, the future will pay off I owe parents' 10 W.
Big source. I grew up, and the little glory can grow a little volunteers.
, meet of 7 years, until I, must wait for me
Men's dignity well with it

Big shoulders, which means more and more responsibilities to shoulder.
Be sensible to make progress. Coming to work, I owe the future to pay off their parents 10W.
Major source. I grew up, a s...


Big shoulders, which means more and more responsibilities to shoulder.
Be sensible to make progress. Coming to work, I owe the future to pay off their parents 10W.
Major source. I grew up, a small wing can blog a little longer.
, The same seven years, so I have to wait for me
Well up to the dignity of man
Man's face is not handsome, and in the years of accumulated wisdom and calm
望楼主采纳,谢谢 希望会有帮助


英语翻译肩膀大了,意味要肩负更加多的责任.要懂事,要上进.未来要努力,未来要还清我欠父母的10W.大源.我长大了,小荣能不能长志一点.,相约的7年,等我,一定要等我以男人的尊严出色起来 英语翻译“无论处境多么困难,我们都要把持住自己,肩负责任,永不放弃” 低碳经济时代我们肩负的责任和使命? 求肩膀上的责任初三作文 要实现祖国大发展,青少年应肩负怎样的历史使命? 英语翻译人生最苦的事,莫苦于身上背著一种未了的责任自然责任完了,算是人生第一件乐事尽得大的责任,就得大快乐;尽得小的责任,就得小快乐.你若是要躲,倒是自投苦海,永远不能解除了. 青少年的社会责任当代青少年所肩负的社会责任是什么?请不要随口乱答, 面对当今社会道德滑坡现象我们应该肩负怎样的责任? 我想我会肩负起明天的责任翻译成英语 为什么说中国梦是当代青年必须肩负的历史责任论述题 作为时代青年应如何肩负起对国家和民族的责任 王老吉和加多宝的官司打得如何?为什么现在电视上反而加多宝的广告更频繁了呢? 英语翻译我的肩膀不够大但能够成为你的避风港如果有一天你在外面累了我会在这儿等你永远永远 太可笑了英文怎么说?(带讽刺意味)要带讽刺意味的, 英语翻译创新型国家建设目标的实现,依赖着创新型企业的建设和发展.创新型企业在增强国家自主创新能力,建设创新型国 家中肩负着重要的历史使命和责任,全面实施创新型企业持续发展战 英语翻译保险中介行业协会作为一个保险中介行业的自律组织,不但肩负着监督和促进行业自律的责任,还要起到调节行业中各中介机构之间关系的作用.对内,需要做到为会员机构提供优质服务 企业规模化是现在大多数行业的发展趋势.大型企业的规模化生产不仅可以带来规模化效应,从而降低成本提高效率.同时他们也肩负了更多的企业责任,和更大的舆论压力.有理由相信像IKEA这种 散步 阅读答案 整个世界如何理解文中的我和妻子就代表着中年人,上有老,下有小,既要赡养老人又要抚养孩子,肩负着承前启后的责任,体现了我'对生活的一种责任感,使命感.整个世界也就是