英语翻译有人说,成长是一串快乐的音符,可是我却怎么也寻不到快乐的感觉,找到的只有苦涩 的烦恼,失去了自由的幸福.走在回家的路上,手里紧捏着刚发下来的英语听写本,迈着沉 重的步子慢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 15:46:33

英语翻译有人说,成长是一串快乐的音符,可是我却怎么也寻不到快乐的感觉,找到的只有苦涩 的烦恼,失去了自由的幸福.走在回家的路上,手里紧捏着刚发下来的英语听写本,迈着沉 重的步子慢
有人说,成长是一串快乐的音符,可是我却怎么也寻不到快乐的感觉,找到的只有苦涩 的烦恼,失去了自由的幸福.走在回家的路上,手里紧捏着刚发下来的英语听写本,迈着沉 重的步子慢慢走着.本子上的单词全军覆没,无一幸免.本子里的叉像一把把利刃,刺向我 的心头.我想,一生中如果没有烦恼该多好啊!但是人生不可能没有烦恼,就像阳光普照下 难免会出现短暂的阴云.烦恼虽然短暂,但我害怕自己会一蹶不振,心灰意冷,最终匍匐在 烦恼的脚下.
岁月的无情流逝,把我从儿时欢乐的海洋一下子带到了烦恼的沙漠里.成长,好比我人 生溪流中的一片落叶,漂流在溪面上.有时被鱼儿亲切地游戏;有时被微波温柔地抚摸;有 时被巨浪无情地拍打.我的落叶舟,并不是一帆风顺的.对我而言,酸甜苦辣咸,各种滋味 都有.我渴望那最美味的甜,却跟随来酸苦辣咸.我只有带着它们一起走向成熟!

英语翻译有人说,成长是一串快乐的音符,可是我却怎么也寻不到快乐的感觉,找到的只有苦涩 的烦恼,失去了自由的幸福.走在回家的路上,手里紧捏着刚发下来的英语听写本,迈着沉 重的步子慢
Some say that the growth is a string of happy note , but I was also laid hold of how the feeling of happiness , only to find bitter troubles, loss of freedom of happiness. Walking on the way home , hands clasped just sent down the dictation in English , plodding tread slowly walked . Book on word annihilated, spared. The yard of the fork like a razor , stabbing my heart . I think life without worries nice ah ! But life can not be without trouble , as the sun shines , they will inevitably be a short clouds . Worry , though short , but I'm afraid they will slump, disheartened , and ultimately prostrate troubles feet.
Years of relentless passage of time , took me from childhood joy of the ocean suddenly brought trouble desert . Growth , like my life in a stream leaves drifting in the river surface. Sometimes affectionately fish game ; sometimes microwave gently stroked ; sometimes mercilessly beating waves . My boat leaves , is not easy. For me , bittersweet salty, have a variety of flavors . I desire that the most delicious sweet , but to follow to Suanku spicy salty. I only take them to mature together !