
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 17:36:27


The turtle and the man are robbing a bottle of drink.
The turtle is very happy because he had got the drink.
The man bring a box of drinks,the turtle is very surprised.
The man is drinking the drink,and the turtle drived away the man's car.

The turtle is fighting with a man for a same bottle of drink.
The turtle is very happy because he got the drink.
The man moved over a whole box of soft drinks. The turtle is very surprised.
The man now is drinking and the turtle drove away the man's car.

The sea turtle is robbing a bottle of beverage with man.
The sea turtle is very happy, because he got hold of beverage.
The man goes fetch a box of beverage and the sea turtle is very shocked.
The man is drink beverage and the sea turtle drove away the man's car.

1.The man in sum of turtle robs a bottle of beverages.
2.The turtle is very happy, because he has got beverages.
3.The man brings a case of beverages, the turtle is very startled.
4.The man is drinking the beverage, the turtle moves the man's car.

1. the turtle and the man fight for the same bottle of drink
2.the turtle feels good because it wins
3.then the man bring out a whole package of drinks,which shocks the turtle
4.the turtle drive the man's car away when the man is enjoying his drink

1.men and sea turtles in a bottle of drink. 2. Turtle very happy, because he received the beverage. 3. Men brought me a drink, sea turtles very surprised. 4. Men in a drink, sea turtles away a man's car

几句超简单的句子中翻英,急!1.海龟在和男人抢一瓶饮料.2.海龟很开心,因为他拿到了饮料.3.男人拿来一箱饮料,海龟很吃惊.4.男人在喝饮料,海龟开走了男人的车.往简单里说,越简单越好,做一些 海龟的头和脚能缩到龟壳里吗? 鲫鱼能够附身在鲨鱼和海龟上免费旅行他和鲨鱼海龟的这种关系叫什么? 5:12的前项增加15,要使比值不变,后项应增加().急!快速!海龟的寿命约为120年,而青蛙的寿命约为6年,写出海龟寿命和青蛙寿命最简单的整数比。甲数的六分之五和乙数的四分之三相等,求 海龟的寿命有多长?请简单的回答 陆龟和海龟的区别 海龟计划和智计划都是什么意思?最近玩股票的朋友都在说海龟计划和智计划,到底是什么?我炒股没多久, 鲤鱼能生活在海洋里吗?海龟的头部能缩进它的壳里吗?海龟和淡水龟一样吗?有没有什么参考资料! 急求简单优美的英语句子? 急求唯美简单的句子. 怎样区别淡水龟和海龟?我在路边捡的一只小龟,现在不知道它是水龟还是海龟,也不知道怎样让它安全过冬? 英维康和海龟的制氧机哪个好?我想买个制氧机@!听说英维康和海龟的都不错! 读句子,体会用上带括号的词后句子的意思有什么不同1.如果不是我们,这些海龟就不会受到伤害.如果不是我们,这些海龟(根本)就不会受到伤害.2.科学家经过反复研究,揭开了蝙蝠能在夜间飞 海龟的寿命约为120年而青蛙的寿命约为六年怎么写l海龟的寿命约为120年而青蛙的寿命约为六年写出海龟的寿命和青蛙的寿命最简单的整数比怎么写 乌龟和海龟都生活在海里吗 海龟生活在哪 海龟在哪里生存 海龟中体型最大的海龟是什么