
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 07:54:27


亚运再次选择中国,又一次证明了我们伟大祖国在国际社会具有的重要地位和良好的信誉;亚运选择了广州,证明了古老广州的恢弘气度和现代化广州的无穷魅力.这是广州人民的骄傲,也是全体中华儿女的骄傲!2001年的全国“九运”换来了广州的“中变”;2010年,肯定是广州历史发展的里程碑,“亚运”将换来一个现代化大都市.我们要见证广州历史上这一难忘的时刻.新的征途把“更高、更快、更强”的奥林匹克精神与广州人精神完美结合,倾情演绎“祥和、绿色、文明”的“亚运”新主题;倾情演绎科学发展观指导下广州发展的新轨迹!Asian Olympic Games chooses China once more, once again had proven our great motherland the important position which and the good prestige has in the international society; Asian Olympic Games has chosen Guangzhou, has proven the ancient Guangzhou's broad bearing and the modernized Guangzhou's infinite charm. This is Guangzhou people's pride, is also all China's youth's pride! the 2001 year's nation “nine transported” trades Guangzhou “changes”; in 2010, definitely is Guangzhou historical development milestone, “Asian Olympic Games” will trade a modernized metropolis. we want in the testimony Guangzhou history this unforgettable time. The new battle path “is higher, is quicker, is stronger” the Olympics spirit and Guangzhou person spirit unifies perfectly, leans “auspiciously the sentiment deduction, the green, the civilization” “Asian Olympic Games” the new subject; Leans new path which under the sentiment deduction scientific development concept instruction Guangzhou develops