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Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the 33rd President of the United States (1945–1953). As President Franklin D. Roosevelt's third vice-president and the 34th Vice President of the United States, he succeeded to the presidency on April 12, 1945, when President Roosevelt died less than three months after beginning his historic fourth term.
During World War I, Truman served as an artillery officer, making him the only president to have seen combat in World War I (his successor Eisenhower spent the war training tank crews in Pennsylvania). After the war he became part of the political machine of Tom Pendergast and was elected a county commissioner in Missouri and eventually a Democratic United States senator. After he gained national prominence as head of the wartime Truman Committee, Truman replaced vice president Henry A. Wallace as Roosevelt's running mate in 1944.
Truman faced many challenges in domestic affairs. The disorderly postwar reconversion of the economy of the United States was marked by severe shortages, numerous strikes, and the passage of the Taft–Hartley Act over his veto. He confounded all predictions to win election in 1948, helped by his famous Whistle Stop Tour of rural America. After his election he was able to pass only one of the proposals in his Fair Deal program. He used executive orders to begin desegregation of the military and create loyalty checks that dismissed thousands of communist supporters from office, even though he strongly opposed mandatory loyalty oaths for governmental employees, a stance that led to charges that his administration was soft on communism. Truman's presidency was also eventful in foreign affairs, with the end of World War II and his decision to use nuclear weapons against Japan, the founding of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, the Truman Doctrine to contain communism, the beginning of the Cold War, the Berlin Airlift, the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Chinese Civil War, and the Korean War. Corruption in Truman's administration, which was linked to certain members in the cabinet and senior White House staff, was a central issue in the 1952 presidential campaign and helped cause Adlai Stevenson, Truman's successor for the Democratic nomination for president, to lose to Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1952 presidential election.
Truman, whose demeanor was very different from that of Roosevelt, was a folksy, unassuming president. He popularized such phrases as "The buck stops here" and "If you can't stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen." He overcame the low expectations of many political observers, who compared him unfavorably with his highly regarded predecessor. At different times in his presidency, Truman earned both the lowest public approval ratings ever recorded, and the highest recorded until 1991. Popular and scholarly assessments of his presidency became more positive after his retirement from politics and the publication of his memoirs. Truman's legendary upset victory in 1948 over Thomas E. Dewey is routinely invoked by underdog presidential candidates.
哈利·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman,1884年5月8日-1972年12月26日),美国民主党政治家,第34任副总统(1945年),随后接替因病逝世的富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统,成为了第33任美国总统(1945年-1953年).
面对美国外交事务,杜鲁门总统任内发生了不少世界大事,首先是盟军战胜纳粹德国、广岛与长崎原子弹爆炸、日本投降和第二次世界大战的正式结束;接着是联合国的成立、以重建欧洲为旨的“马歇尔计划”的落实、杜鲁门主义对抗共产主义、冷战的开始、北约的成立以及朝鲜战争的爆发.其中朝鲜战争使美中韩三国付出了沉重的代价,其中只有苏联获取了实质利益.在美国方面,战争使44,000名美军阵亡和失踪,并直接破坏杜鲁门第二次连任的计划.最终,共和党的德怀特·艾森豪威尔凭借反对杜鲁门的运动与标语“韩国!共产主义!贪污!”(Korea! Communism! Corruption!)赢得人心,而在1952年出任总统,结束了民主党长达20年的执政.
杜鲁门是位素以友善和谦逊闻名的总统,他的不少名言,如“推卸责任止于此”(The buck stops here!)和“怕热就别进厨房”(If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.)等等,都成为家喻户晓的名言.相比前任总统,杜鲁门的支持度不算高,但他谨慎果断的性格令他得以面对险峻的国际情势时,可以克服许多艰巨的挑战.尽管他最后在1952年被迫放弃竞选连任,但今日的历史学者仍视他为最出色的美国总统之一.

US President List
No. President's Name Life Span Place of Birth Presidency Political Party
DoB DoD D...


US President List
No. President's Name Life Span Place of Birth Presidency Political Party
DoB DoD Date from to Date
1 George Washington 22 Feb 1732 14 Dec 1799 Westmoreland County, Virginia 30 Apr 1789 04 Mar 1797 no party
2 John Adams 30 Oct 1735 04 Jul 1826 Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts 04 Mar 1797 04 Mar 1801 Federalist
3 Thomas Jefferson 13 Apr 1743 04 Jul 1826 Albermarle County, Virginia 04 Mar 1801 04 Mar 1809 Democratic - Republican
4 James Madison 16 Mar 1751 28 Jun 1836 Port Conway, Virginia 04 Mar 1809 04 Mar 1817 Democratic - Republican
5 James Monroe 28 Apr 1758 04 Jul 1831 Westmoreland County, Virginia 04 Mar 1817 04 Mar 1825 Democratic - Republican
6 John Quincy Adams 11 Jul 1767 23 Feb 1848 Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts 04 Mar 1825 04 Mar 1829 Democratic - Republican
7 Andrew Jackson 15 Mar 1767 08 Jun 1845 Waxhaw, South Carolina 04 Mar 1829 04 Mar 1837 Democratic
8 Martin Van Buren 05 Dec 1782 24 Jul 1862 Kinderhook, New York 04 Mar 1837 04 Mar 1841 Democratic
9 William Henry Harrison 09 Feb 1773 04 Apr 1841 Berkeley, Virginia 04 Mar 1841 04 Apr 1841 Whig
10 John Tyler 29 Mar 1790 18 Jan 1862 Charles City County, Virginia 04 Apr 1841 04 Mar 1845 Whig
11 James Knox Polk 02 Nov 1795 15 Jun 1849 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 04 Mar 1845 03 Mar 1849 Democratic
12 Zachary Taylor 24 Nov 1784 09 Jul 1850 Orange County, Virginia 05 Mar 1849 09 Jul 1850 Whig
13 Millard Fillmore 07 Jan 1800 08 Mar 1874 Cayuga County, New York 09 Jul 1850 04 Mar 1853 Whig
14 Franklin Pierce 23 Nov 1804 08 Oct 1869 Hillsboro, New Hampshire 04 Mar 1853 04 Mar 1857 Democratic
15 James Buchanan 23 Apr 1791 01 Jun 1868 Cove Gap, Pennsylvania 04 Mar 1857 04 Mar 1861 Democratic
16 Abraham Lincoln 12 Feb 1809 15 Apr 1865 Hodgenville, Hardin County, Kentucky 04 Mar 1861 15 Apr 1865 Republican
17 Andrew Johnson 29 Dec 1808 31 Jul 1875 Raleigh, North Carolina 15 Apr 1865 04 Mar 1869 Republican
18 Ulysses Simpson Grant 27 Apr 1822 23 Jul 1885 Point Pleasant, Ohio 04 Mar 1869 04 Mar 1877 Republican
19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes 04 Oct 1822 17 Jan 1893 Delaware, Ohio 04 Mar 1877 04 Mar 1881 Republican
20 James Abram Garfield 19 Nov 1831 19 Sep 1881 Orange, Cuyahoga County, Ohio 04 Mar 1881 19 Sep 1881 Republican
21 Chester Alan Arthur 05 Oct 1829 18 Nov 1886 Fairfield, Vermont 20 Sep 1881 04 Mar 1885 Republican
22 Grover Cleveland 18 Mar 1837 24 Jun 1908 Caldwell, New Jersey 04 Mar 1885 04 Mar 1889 Democratic
23 Benjamin Harrison 20 Aug 1833 13 Mar 1901 North Bend, Ohio 04 Mar 1889 04 Mar 1893 Republican
24 Grover Cleveland 18 Mar 1837 24 Jun 1908 Caldwell, New Jersey 04 Mar 1893 04 Mar 1897 Democratic
25 William McKinley 29 Jan 1843 14 Sep 1901 Niles, Ohio 04 Mar 1897 14 Sep 1901 Republican
26 Theodore Roosevelt 27 Oct 1858 06 Jan 1919 New York City 14 Sep 1901 04 Mar 1909 Republican
27 William Howard Taft 15 Sep 1857 08 Mar 1930 Cincinnati, Ohio 04 Mar 1909 04 Mar 1913 Republican
28 Woodrow Wilson 28 Dec 1856 03 Feb 1924 Staunton, Virginia 04 Mar 1913 04 Mar 1921 Democratic
29 Warren Gamaliel Harding 02 Nov 1865 02 Aug 1923 Blooming Grove, Ohio 04 Mar 1921 02 Aug 1923 Republican
30 Calvin Coolidge 04 Jul 1872 05 Jan 1933 Plymouth, Vermont 03 Aug 1923 04 Mar 1929 Republican
31 Herbert Clark Hoover 10 Aug 1874 20 Oct 1964 West Branch, Iowa 04 Mar 1929 04 Mar 1933 Republican
32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 30 Jan 1882 12 Apr 1945 Hyde Park, New York 04 Mar 1933 12 Apr 1945 Democratic
33 Harry S. Truman 08 May 1884 26 Dec 1972 Lamar, Missouri 12 Apr 1945 20 Jan 1953 Democratic
34 Dwight David Eisenhower 14 Oct 1890 28 Mar 1969 Denison, Texas 20 Jan 1953 20 Jan 1961 Republican
35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy 29 May 1917 22 Nov 1963 Brookline, Massachusetts 20 Jan 1961 22 Nov 1963 Democratic
36 Lyndon Baines Johnson 27 Aug 1908 22 Jan 1973 near Stonewall, Texas 22 Nov 1963 20 Jan 1969 Democratic
37 Richard Milhous Nixon 09 Jan 1913 22 Apr 1994 Yorba Linda, California 20 Jan 1969 09 Aug 1974 Republican
38 Gerald Rudolph Ford 14 Jul 1913 Omaha, Nebraska 09 Aug 1974 20 Jan 1977 Republican
39 James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter 01 Oct 1924 Plains, Georgia 20 Jan 1977 20 Jan 1981 Democratic
40 Ronald Wilson Reagan 06 Feb 1911 05 Jun 2004 Tampico, Illinois 20 Jan 1981 20 Jan 1989 Republican
41 George Herbert Walker Bush 12 Jun 1924 Milton, Massachusetts 20 Jan 1989 20 Jan 1993 Republican
42 William Jefferson 'Bill' Clinton 19 Aug 1946 Hope, Arkansas 20 Jan 1993 20 Jan 2001 Democratic
43 George Walker Bush 06 Jul 1946 New Haven, Connecticut 20 Jan 2001 Republica


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