
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 08:58:02

1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却忽然剧烈地摇摆,男人摔倒时,刀子扎在他胸口.他全身都在颤抖,嘴唇瞬间乌青.6岁的女儿被父亲瞬间的变化吓坏了,尖叫着扑过来想要扶他,他却微笑着推开女儿的手:"没事,只是摔一跤."然后轻轻地拾起刀子,很慢很慢地爬起来,不引人注重地用大拇指揩去了刀锋上的血迹.以后三天,男人照常每晚为女儿唱摇篮曲,清晨替她系好漂亮的蝴蝶结,带她去看大海的蔚蓝.仿佛一切如常,而小女儿尚不能注重到父亲每一分钟都比一上分钟更衰弱、苍白,他看向海平线的眼光是那样忧伤.抵达的前夜,男人来到女儿身边,对女儿说:"明天见到妈妈的时候,请告诉妈妈,我爱她." 女儿不解地问:"可是你明天就要见到她了,你为什么不自己告诉她呢?" 他笑了,俯身,在女儿额头上深深刻下一个吻.船到纽约港了,女儿一眼便在熙熙攘攘的人群里认出母亲,她大喊着:"妈妈!妈妈!" 就在这时,四周忽然一片惊呼,女儿一回头,看见父亲已经仰面倒下,胸口血如井喷,刹时间染红了整片天空…… 尸解的结果让所有人惊呆了:那把刀无比精确地洞穿了他的心脏,他却多活了三天,而且不被任何人知觉.唯一可能的解释是因为创口太小,使得被切断的心肌依原样贴在一起,维持了三的供血.这是医学史上罕见的奇迹.医学会会议上,有人说要称它大西洋奇迹,有人建议以死者的名字命名,还有人说要它神迹…… "够了."那是一位坐在首席的老医生,须发俱白,皱纹里满是人生的聪明,此刻一声大喝,然后一字一顿地说:"这个奇迹的名字,叫父亲."

这样翻译比较好:In 1948,in a boat crossing the Atlantic,there is a father with his little daughter,go and join his wife in the United States.A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni.One morning,a man was inside the cabin with Cestus Xiaoping Guo,the ship suddenly swings violently,the men fell when a knife in his chest.His whole body trembling lips instantly Wu Qing.6-year-old daughter was terrified father,the changes in an instant,and screaming and flutter over you want to help him,but he smiled and pushed his daughter's hand:"Nothing,but threw fell over." And then gently picked up the knife,very slow to get up very slowly,do not pay attention to the introduction of the blade with the thumb on the Kaiqu blood.After three days,the men singing a lullaby for his daughter every night as usual,the morning line for her a beautiful bow,took her to see the sea of blue.As if business as usual,while the youngest daughter still can not pay attention to every minute of my father more than a minute on the weak,pale,his eyes looking to the sea level is so sad.The eve of the arrival of the men came to her side,her daughter said:"Tomorrow,when saw her mother,tell mother I love her." Daughter did not understand:"But you should see her tomorrow,and why do you do not they tell her?"he laughed,looking at his daughter carved a deep kiss on the forehead.Ship to New York Harbor,and her daughter will be in a bustling crowd recognized her mother,she shouted:"Mama!Mama!" Just then,four weeks exclaimed suddenly a daughter one back,he saw his father has his back fell down ,the chest is the blood,such as blowout,that instant,the whole piece dyed sky ......the results of autopsy so that everyone was shocked:That knife extremely accurately ripped through his heart,he has to live for three days,and will not be Any person perception.The only possible explanation is that because the wound is too small,making the heart was cut off as is posted in accordance with the maintenance of the blood supply of the three.This is the medical history of a rare miracle.Medical Association meeting,the people who want to call it a miracle the Atlantic,it was suggested that the deceased's name,as well as people are talking about miracles ...it ..."enough." That is a chief sitting in the old doctor,to refund the Ju white,wrinkles are full of intelligent life at the moment a loud shout,and then Yiziyidun said:"This miracle's name,called his father."

In 1948, on a ship sailed across the Atlantic, a father with his daughter, to go and meet the wife in the United States. The sea is calm, magnificent cloud terminator neon appear alternately. One morn...


In 1948, on a ship sailed across the Atlantic, a father with his daughter, to go and meet the wife in the United States. The sea is calm, magnificent cloud terminator neon appear alternately. One morning, the man is the waist with pare an apple, ship suddenly fell sharply, man, a knife in his chest. He is in the lips WuQing moments trembling,. 6 year old daughter is father instant changes frightened, screaming at want help him, but he pushed the daughter smiled: "ok, just hands off." Then gently picked up a knife, slowly slowly climbed up, not attractive with thumb to wipe go on the blade. After three days, every man for his daughter will sing a lullaby early, for she is good bowknot, take her to see a sea of blue. If business-as-usual still cannot little, but notice the father every minute more than one minute, pale and his weak can look to the eye is so sad. A man came in, on the eve of the daughter, said to her daughter: "tomorrow see mom, please tell mother I love her." His daughter asked: "but you will see her tomorrow, why don't you tell her myself?" He smiled, leaned on his forehead deeply, daughter wrote a kiss. The ship to New York port, the daughter in the bustling crowd recognize mother, she yell: "mother, mother! Mother!" At this moment, suddenly a luncheon, daughter, saw his father has turned down, such as chest blood dyed red, one tender moment's reprieve at the whole sky... Autopsy results for all stunned: the knife extremely accurate punctured his heart, he is alive for three days, but not by anyone. The only possible explanation is that small cuts the cut in original stick together in the myocardium, maintain the three blood. This is the miracle of rare medical history. Medical association meeting someone says they're


嘴唇乌青,翻译成Wu Qing,无语了,就因为翻成这样我才来求助的啊

In 1948, in a boat crossing the Atlantic, there is a father with his little daughter, go and join his wife in the United States. A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni. One morning,...


In 1948, in a boat crossing the Atlantic, there is a father with his little daughter, go and join his wife in the United States. A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni. One morning, a man was inside the cabin with Cestus Xiaoping Guo, the ship suddenly swings violently, the men fell when a knife in his chest. His whole body trembling lips instantly Wu Qing. 6-year-old daughter was terrified father, the changes in an instant, and screaming and flutter over you want to help him, but he smiled and pushed his daughter's hand: "Nothing, but threw fell over." And then gently picked up the knife, very slow to get up very slowly, do not pay attention to the introduction of the blade with the thumb on the Kaiqu blood. After three days, the men singing a lullaby for his daughter every night as usual, the morning line for her a beautiful bow, took her to see the sea of blue. As if business as usual, while the youngest daughter still can not pay attention to every minute of my father more than a minute on the weak, pale, his eyes looking to the sea level is so sad. The eve of the arrival of the men came to her side, her daughter said: "Tomorrow, when saw her mother, tell mother I love her." Daughter did not understand: "But you should see her tomorrow, and why do you do not they tell her? "he laughed, looking at his daughter carved a deep kiss on the forehead. Ship to New York Harbor, and her daughter will be in a bustling crowd recognized her mother, she shouted: "Mama! Mama!" Just then, four weeks exclaimed suddenly a daughter one back, he saw his father has his back fell down , the chest is the blood, such as blowout, that instant, the whole piece dyed sky ... ... the results of autopsy so that everyone was shocked: That knife extremely accurately ripped through his heart, he has to live for three days, and will not be Any person perception. The only possible explanation is that because the wound is too small, making the heart was cut off as is posted in accordance with the maintenance of the blood supply of the three. This is the medical history of a rare miracle. Medical Association meeting, the people who want to call it a miracle the Atlantic, it was suggested that the deceased's name, as well as people are talking about miracles ... it ... "enough." That is a chief sitting in the old doctor, to refund the Ju white, wrinkles are full of intelligent life at the moment a loud shout, and then Yiziyidun said: "This miracle's name, called his father."
Tomorrow classes to use. I'm online waiting for, Thank you for the. . . . Kingsoft turned out with the miserable ah



In 1948, in a boat crossing the Atlantic, there is a father with his little daughter, go and join his wife in the United States. A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni. One morning,...


In 1948, in a boat crossing the Atlantic, there is a father with his little daughter, go and join his wife in the United States. A calm sea and magnificent twilight clouds alternating Ni. One morning, a man was inside the cabin with Cestus Xiaoping Guo, the ship suddenly swings violently, the men fell when a knife in his chest. His whole body trembling lips instantly Wu Qing. 6-year-old daughter was terrified father, the changes in an instant, and screaming and flutter over you want to help him, but he smiled and pushed his daughter's hand: "Nothing, but threw fell over." And then gently picked up the knife, very slow to get up very slowly,
Do not pay attention to the introduction of the blade with the thumb on the Kaiqu blood. After three days, the men singing a lullaby for his daughter every night as usual, the morning line for her a beautiful bow, took her to see the sea of blue. As if business as usual, while the youngest daughter still can not pay attention to every minute of my father more than a minute on the weak, pale, his eyes looking to the sea level is so sad. The eve of the arrival of the men came to her side, her daughter said: "Tomorrow, when saw her mother, tell mother I love her." Daughter did not understand: "But you should see her tomorrow, and why do you do not they tell her? "he
Laughed, looking at his daughter carved a deep kiss on the forehead. Ship to New York Harbor, and her daughter will be in a bustling crowd recognized her mother, she shouted: "Mama! Mama!" Just then, four weeks exclaimed suddenly a daughter one back, he saw his father has his back fell down , the chest is the blood, such as blowout, that instant, the whole piece dyed sky ... ... the results of autopsy so that everyone was shocked: That knife extremely accurately ripped through his heart, he has to live for three days, and will not be Any person perception. The only possible explanation is that because the wound is too small, making the heart was cut off in accordance with AS paste together,
To maintain the blood supply of the three. This is the medical history of a rare miracle. Medical Association meeting, the people who want to call it a miracle the Atlantic, it was suggested that the deceased's name, as well as people are talking about miracles ... it ... "enough." That is a chief sitting in the old doctor, to refund the Ju white, wrinkles are full of intelligent life at the moment a loud shout, and then Yiziyidun said: "This miracle's name, called his father."楼主我是一个字一个字打得,要选我啊


父亲 1984年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,. 二、阅读短文,回答下面的问题.(18分) ________________________________ 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的 《父亲》1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合. 一天早上, 英语翻译1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却忽然剧烈地摇 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合. 海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰1.给短文分段,并写出段意 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,一位父亲..这篇短文的题目是什么(一小时内回答,在线等)各位大侠们,跪求了!快一点! 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.一天早上,父亲正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却突然剧烈地摇晃起来,父亲不慎摔倒时,刀子扎在他胸口.人全身都 奇迹的名字叫父亲 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,一位父亲带着小女儿,去和在美国的妻子回合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用水果刀削苹果,船突然剧烈的 奇迹的名字叫父亲1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却突然 奇迹的名字叫父亲 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,一位父亲带着小女儿,去和在美国的妻子回合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用水果刀削苹果,船突然剧烈的 奇迹的名字叫父亲1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却突然 奇迹的名字叫父亲 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却突然 奇迹的名字叫父亲 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却突然 奇迹的名字叫 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,一位父亲带着小女儿,去和在美国的妻子回合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用水果刀削苹果,船突然剧烈的摇动 “奇迹的名字叫父亲”的练习题.1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.一天早上,父亲正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却突然剧烈地摇晃.父亲摔倒时,刀 1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,有一位父亲带着他的小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.  海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用腰刀削苹果,船却突然剧烈地摇晃,男 阅读短文1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,一位父亲带着小女儿,去和在美国的妻子会合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用水果刀削苹果,船突然剧烈的摇动,男人 这个奇迹的名字叫父亲.1948年,在一艘横渡大西洋的船上,一位父亲带着小女儿,去和在美国的妻子回合.海上风平浪静,晨昏瑰丽的云霓交替出现.一天早上,男人正在舱里用水果刀削苹果,船突然剧