
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/23 02:37:42


Good evening ,everyone!I am Chen,and Iam a secretary in the keeping department of the global hotel.And if you come here and housing,I could give you the most special price.Welcome to our cabaret!

good evening everyone,I am chen ,I

第一句应该是Good evening ,everyone!如果是Everyone is good in the evening人家会笑的.不能照搬机器的

Everyone is good in the evening, I am Chen.Allow a house keeping department secretary in the global hotel.Everyone if come to the words of housing, I can give you the most special price.Welcome you to our cabaret!

good evening everyone,I am chen who is a secretary in the global hotel.

you are welcomed to our hotel

Good evening everyone, I Relations. Big hotels in the world - the secretary of the Department of the Treasury. If everyone to housing, I can give you the best price. Welcome to our hotel

Everyone is good in the evening, I am Chen.Allow a house keeping department secretary in the global hotel.Everyone if come to the words of housing, I can give you the most special price.Welcome you to...


Everyone is good in the evening, I am Chen.Allow a house keeping department secretary in the global hotel.Everyone if come to the words of housing, I can give you the most special price.Welcome you to our cabaret!
Good evening everyone, I Relations. Big hotels in the world - the secretary of the Department of the Treasury. If everyone to housing, I can give you the best price. Welcome to Good evening ,everyone!I am Chen,and Iam a secretary in the keeping department of the global hotel.And if you come here and housing,I could give you the most special price.Welcome to our cabaret! our hotel


Good evening everyone, I Relations. Big hotels in the world - the secretary of the Department of the Treasury. If everyone to housing, I can give you the best price. Welcome to our hotel!

英语翻译英文翻译:大家晚上好,我叫陈.在全球通大酒店任房务部秘书.大家要是来住房的话,我可以给你们最优惠的价格.欢迎你们来我们酒店! 晚上好英文翻译. 大家晚上好英文的英文,是:“大家晚上好”,没其他,求英文翻译. 英语翻译同学们,晚上好,我是日本首相安倍晋三,感谢大家选举我为日本首相,各位选民都是我的再生父母.在我执政期间,我一定会为各位爹娘尽心尽力.首先,我要更改自卫队名称,曾几何时,我们 简单的英文翻译:大家晚上好,我是历史二班的小张.下面我要朗诵的是雪莱的一首诗:《西风颂》 我在大家面前演讲 英文翻译 英语翻译文章如下,请大家能用简单词汇来翻译,brilliant的词语更好.大家晚上好,大家可以称呼我为JASON.我的女朋友就在你们班,我来这里的目的是为了做一个简短的演讲,另个目的是来看望下我 英语翻译各位同学晚上好,很荣幸能站在这里为大家讲课,首先我们先复习一下上节课的内容. 英语翻译求助````请大家帮我用英文翻译一下谢谢``` 英语翻译我叫“梁书昕”怎么用英文翻译? 英语朗诵开场白If i were a boy again 我想是 :“大家晚上好 很高兴站在这里 今天我朗诵的题目是 翻译下就行 熬夜的朋友们晚上好英语翻译 英语翻译如题~女士们,先生们,晚上好!爱与感恩,是个永恒的话题.我没有制作精美的幻灯片,也没有选择优美的背景音乐.今晚,我只是站在这里,希望仅凭我的声音,能够带给大家不一样的感动!下 英语翻译我真心合大家交朋友,所以,希望大家跟我交朋友!英文翻译,我只有100 英语翻译英文翻译求求大家了? 英语翻译翻译内容:尊敬的各位领导,以及现场的朋友们,大家早上好(晚上好)!这里是主持人风采大赛的比赛现场,在比赛开始之前,请允许我对在坐的诸位领导和嘉宾,以及所有的观众朋友表 英语翻译晚上好.欢迎收看岭南唯一的英语新闻频道ABCDEFGHIMNOPQ,向大家报道岭南及广州的新闻.近日,发现有疯子,他们常常出现在餐厅、商场等公共场所,欺负弱视群体.在屏幕的右上方,大家可以 英语翻译翻译英文我的朋友斯蒂芬:晚上好!在平安夜来临之即,祝你和家人共度美秒良宵,祝圣诞节全家幸福美满,新年快乐!