
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/22 12:10:05


昂扬激情,搏击未来.High-spirited passion,fighting the future.
团结拼搏,争创伟绩,飞跃梦想,自强不息.Unity and hard work,striving for the feat,leaping the dream,unremitting self-improvement.
挑战自我,超越梦想,团结互助,共创佳绩.Challenge themselves,beyond the dream,solidarity,and create success.
奥运精神、永驻我心 .The Olympic spirit,always in my heart
挥动激情、放飞梦想.Waving passion,flying dream

On the Youth Olympic Games
The Youth Olympic Games will become a reality. The IOC members today approved, at the 119th Session in Guatemala City, the project that foresees the first editions f...


On the Youth Olympic Games
The Youth Olympic Games will become a reality. The IOC members today approved, at the 119th Session in Guatemala City, the project that foresees the first editions for the Youth Olympic Summer Games in 2010 and for the Youth Olympic Winter Games in 2012. "This is an historic moment for the Olympic Movement. We owe this to the youth of the world", declared IOC President Rogge after the decision by his 111 fellow members.
According to Rogge, the Youth Olympic Games, which will take place every second year, are the flagship of the IOC's strategy outlined for young people, which includes other initiatives, such as an educational project on Olympic values, a dedicated web site for youngsters and a campaign highlighting the Olympic values to young people.
The Youth Olympic Games aim:
- to bring together talented athletes from around the world to participate in high-level competitions;
- to run, alongside the sports element of the event, education programmes on; Olympic values, on the benefits of sport for a healthy lifestyle, the social values sport can deliver and on the dangers of doping and of training to excess and/or of inactivity.
- to use the latest communications channels to promote Olympic values and the spirit and essence embodied in the Youth Olympic Games.
Around 3,200 athletes for Summer Games and 1,000 athletes for Winter Games
The Youth Olympic Games – age group 14 to 18 - will bring together approximately 3,200 athletes and 800 officials for the Summer Games and 1,000 athletes and 580 officials for the Winter Games. The sports programme will encompass all sports on the programme of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games and the 2012 Summer Games with a limited number of disciplines and events. Proposals from Sports Federations to integrate youth-driven disciplines that are not part of the Olympic Games may be accepted.
Main milestones for the first Olympic Youth Summer Games in 2010
The main milestones for the first Youth Olympic Games are the following:
- July 2007: opening of bid process to NOCs for the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010
- Between November and December 2007: an Evaluation Commission, under the guidance of the IOC and composed of IF, NOC and athlete representatives, may visit the Candidate Cities, pre-selected by an expert panel on the basis of a bid file, and forward a proposal to the Executive Board, which will make a recommendation to the IOC members.
- End of February 2008: decision by the IOC members on the host city for the 2010 Summer Youth Olympic Games by postal vote.


Go Go Youth! 为青春加油!

昂扬激情,搏击未来。High-spirited passion, fighting the future.
团结拼搏,争创伟绩,飞跃梦想,自强不息。Unity and hard work, striving for the feat, leaping the dream, unremitting self-improvement.


昂扬激情,搏击未来。High-spirited passion, fighting the future.
团结拼搏,争创伟绩,飞跃梦想,自强不息。Unity and hard work, striving for the feat, leaping the dream, unremitting self-improvement.
挑战自我,超越梦想,团结互助,共创佳绩.Challenge themselves, beyond the dream, solidarity, and create success.
奥运精神、永驻我心 .The Olympic spirit, always in my heart
挥动激情、放飞梦想.Waving passion, flying dream


Better Youth Better World. 青年强,世界强。
GO GO Youth. 为青春加油!
Share Games,Share Dreams. 分享青春,共筑未来。
Day Day Up. 天天向上。


Better Youth Better World. 青年强,世界强。
GO GO Youth. 为青春加油!
Share Games,Share Dreams. 分享青春,共筑未来。
Day Day Up. 天天向上。
Make The World Younger 让世界更年轻。
Younger World Better Future更好的世界,更好的未来。
Grow Whit Yog 与青奥共成长。


昂扬激情,搏击未来。High-spirited passion, fighting the future.
团结拼搏,争创伟绩,飞跃梦想,自强不息。Unity and hard work, striving for the feat, leaping the dream, unremitting self-improvement.


昂扬激情,搏击未来。High-spirited passion, fighting the future.
团结拼搏,争创伟绩,飞跃梦想,自强不息。Unity and hard work, striving for the feat, leaping the dream, unremitting self-improvement.
挑战自我,超越梦想,团结互助,共创佳绩.Challenge themselves, beyond the dream, solidarity, and create success.
奥运精神、永驻我心 .The Olympic spirit, always in my heart
挥动激情、放飞梦想.Waving passion, flying dream


Challenge themselves, beyond the dream, solidarity, and create success.

求青奥口号、词汇,有英文对照的,不要太长的, 求青奥口号、词汇,有英文对照的,不要太长的,大约10个, 不要太长!最好有英汉对照! 和青奥会有关的英文口号、词汇 书虫系列读后感急啊!要英文的读后感,不要太长200或300就够了,最好有中英文对照的. 口号,一句话,不要太长,最好... 迪斯尼乐园英文介绍不要太长,最好有中文对照,5:00给我,加积分.谢谢各位啦! 六年四班足球比赛口号不要太长的.三四句就可以. 英文的运动会口号要班级的,是七六班,要押韵一点的(朗朗上口),字数不限.(最好有中文对照, 中英文对照的有意义的小故事 不要太长 初一班级口号要押韵的口号,不要太长,我是初一151班 求一个口号,需要初一十班的班级口号,不要太长,要有新意,符合实际 求口号!要参加一个知识竞赛,有关团结协作之类的呀口号不要太长了 关于drug的英文词汇最好是中英文对照 高二5班校运会口号要有新意的有创造性的 不要太长 也可以帮我接下句构成口号:天朝V5,… 英文的起源不要太长 哥本哈根气候大会 英语简介简短一点的一分钟的就好中学水平不要太难的词汇中英文都有不能太长最好是自己写的词汇简单一点有中文对照 最好涉及到发展中国家和发达国家的一些碰撞~ 求这些名人的英文简介.1.Beethoven 2.Michelangelo 3.Zhang Haidi 4.Helen Keller 5.Abraham Lincoln不要太长 英文的 有中文对照最好 没也无所谓 礼拜一要交的作业 急