
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/26 15:15:18


Shanghai tweaks child rules

为应对日趋严重的人口老龄化趋势,上海市鼓励符合再生育条件的夫妻生育二胎. Eligible couples in the city are for the first time being encouraged to have a second child, as authorities make an effort to tackle the burden of an aging population.
按照政策,双方都为独生子女的夫妻能生育第二个子女.上海市人口计生委员会和志愿者们会上门拜访、发送传单鼓励他们生育二胎.此外,他们还将为后者提供情感和经济上的咨询指导. Family planning officials and volunteers will make home visits and slip leaflets under doorways to encourage couples to have a second child if both grew up as only children. Emotional and financial counseling will also be provided, officials said.
市人口计划生育委员会主任谢玲丽表示:“我们鼓励符合再生育条件的夫妻生二胎,以降低上海市老年人口比例,缓解将来劳动力紧缺情况.” "We advocate eligible couples to have two kids because it can help reduce the proportion of the aging people and alleviate a workforce shortage in the future," said Xie Lingli, director of the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission.
上海是国内人口最多的城市,市民中年龄在60岁以上者约有300多万人,约占上海总人口数的22%.预计到2020年,该比例将达到34%. Shanghai, the country's most populous city, has more than 3 million registered residents aged 60 and above, nearly 22 percent of the population. By 2020, the proportion is expected to rise to about 34 percent.
近年来,国内的计划生育政策有所放宽,允许双方都是独生子女的夫妻生育二胎. The country's family planning policy has been relaxed in recent years, allowing couples who are the only children in their families to have a second child.
谢玲丽强调:“老年人口数量的不断升高将给青壮年和整个社会带来压力.我们要解决这个问题,但这并不表示我们要推翻计划生育政策.” "The rising number of aging people will put pressure on the younger generation and society. We need to find ways to solve the problem, but it doesn't mean the country's family planning policy will be reversed," Xie stressed.
消息传出后,上海市的一名销售人员拍手称快. One salesman was cheered by the new attitude in Shanghai.
今年25岁的小王在当地一家公司上班,他和女朋友都是家里唯一的孩子.他说:“我还不确定将来是否会要两个孩子,但这项政策让我们有更多的选择机会.如果经济状况允许,我们将来想要两个孩子.” "I'm not sure, but such policy really gives us one more option. If family finance permits, I want to have two kids with my wife in the future," said 25-year-old Xiao Wang, who works at a local company. He and his girlfriend are both single children in their families.
但是,也不是所有市民都欢迎这样的政策. However, not all residents are so keen on the idea.
26岁的小陈是一名上班族.他说:“我就不想要以后生两个孩子.毕竟,养孩子的压力太大了.” "I don't think we will have a second kid," said 26-year-old Xiao Chen, an office worker. "After all, it is stressful work raising a child."

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