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英语基本句型有五个:S+V, S+V+Cs, S+V+O, S+V+Oi+Od, S+V+Od+Co, 其共有特征是主谓结构(S+V)。
●Pattern 1 (S + V)
1. 此句型中,“V” 是不及物动词,后面无宾语,如:
My righ...


英语基本句型有五个:S+V, S+V+Cs, S+V+O, S+V+Oi+Od, S+V+Od+Co, 其共有特征是主谓结构(S+V)。
●Pattern 1 (S + V)
1. 此句型中,“V” 是不及物动词,后面无宾语,如:
My right arm hurts.
但通常有后续成分或称状语(A),即 S+V+A,如:
She lived happily.
The sun rises every morning.
2. 在有些句子中,主语或谓语或某一部分可省略,如:
(I) Hope to see you again soon.(省略主语)
Who called? Jane (did).(省略谓语)
●Pattern 2 (S + V + Cs)
1. 此句型的 “V” 是连系动词,“Cs” 是主语补语,或称表语。充当主语补语的有名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、介词短语、动词 V-ing 形式或 V-ed 形式、不定式及名词性从句等,如:
My first name is Bill.
Life is colorful.
Seeing is believing.
Our belief is that things will improve.
2. 常见的连系动词有下列几类:
a. 表示“判断”:be;
b. 表示“变得”、“成为”:become, come, go, fall, get, grow, prove, turn 等;
c. 表示“保持着某一状态”:hold, keep, lie, remain, rest, sit, stay 等;
d. 表示“看起来”、“好像”:appear, look, seem 等;
e. 表示“实感”:feel, sound, taste, smell 等。
e.g. She is a teacher and I am a doctor.
Spring comes and all trees turn green.
He stayed awake all night.
You don’t look happy, what's the matter?
Their plan sounds wonderful.
●Pattern 3 (S + V + O)
1. “V” 是及物动词,后面需跟一个宾语,可充当宾语的有名词、代词、数词、不定式、V-ing 结构及名词性从句等,如:
I understand the program.
She asked to see the manager.
Mary is considering changing her job.
He said that he would call me tomorrow.
2. 这种结构有时必须跟状语,意义才完整(即 S + V + O + A),如:
We accepted their advice in buying a new car.
She completed the assignment just as the bell was ringing.
We don’t trust him because he often lies.
You make a promise only when you know you can keep it.
●Pattern 4 (S + V + Oi + Od)
1. 此句型的 “V” 称为双宾及物动词,其后需跟间接宾语 “Oi”(通常指人)和直接宾语 “Od”(通常指物或事)。
2. 此类动词大都具有给与的意义,常见的有allow, assign, award, bring, buy, cause, choose, fetch, find, get, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, post, promise, read, recommend, refuse, render, return, sell, send, show, sing, take, telephone, touch, tell, throw, wish, write 等,如:
I gave him the book.
I’ll return you the dictionary soon.
3. 有时间接宾语可移至直接宾语之后,但要加相应的介词如 “to”,“for”,“of” 等,试比较:
Betty gave her daughter an apple.
→Betty gave an apple to her daughter.
Father bought him a bike.
→Father bought a bike for him.
He asked me a question.
→He asked a question of me.
●Pattern 5 (S + V + Od + Co)
该句型中,谓语动词虽有宾语,但句子意义仍不完整,需加补语 “Co” 补足其意义。充当宾语补语的有名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式短语及分词等,如:
We call him a fool.
We found the house empty.
Our neighbors built their wall high.
We believe you to be an honest man.
I heard them singing in the classroom.
appoint, believe, call, catch, choose, consider, declare, elect, fancy, feel, find, hear, imagine, judge, keep, know, leave, make, name, need, prefer, prove, see, select, suppose, think, vote 等。
Noun Clause(名词从句)
名词从句包括主语、宾语、表语和同位语等从句。它们可以由下列连词引导:从属连词 that, whether, if;连接代词 who(ever), whom, whose, what(ever), which(ever);连接副词 when, where, why, how, how much / many /long /often 等。
That mathematics finds its use in every science is evident.
Whoever is tired may rest.
Why the earth moves round the sun is quite clear now.
主语从句常放在句尾而用 it 作形式主语使句子更加平衡,这时口语中常省略 that, 如上面第一句改成“It is evident (that) mathematics finds its use in every science.”更好。
在下列情况下必须把主语从句放在句尾而用 it 作形式主语:
1. 主句谓语是被动语态时,如:
It is said that he is a good doctor.
2. 主句是疑问句或感叹句时,如:
Is it true that the film star will come?
How wonderful it is that we'll visit the Great Wall tomorrow.
3. 主句谓语动词是 appear, turn out, happen, occur, come, strike, follow, matter 等时,如:
It happened that she had a cold and didn't go with us that day.
It turned out that I was wrong.
4. 表示说话人的推测或评价,如在 it seems, it may be, it is (un)likely, it is (im)possible, it is a pity, it is a wonder 等结构中,如:
It seems that this test is reliable.
It is a pity (that) she can't go with us.
5. 强调主句的表语时,如:
It is a mystery to me how it all happened.
It is necessary that he should do so.
I thought (that) you had read the book.
We should learn to tell whether an element is poisonous or not.
Do you know who invented this?
1. 宾语从句后有宾语补足语时常移至句末,而用 it 做形式宾语放在前面,如:
The experiment makes it clear that air has pressure.
2 宾语从句可作某些介词和某些作表语用的形容词的宾语,如:
The resistance of a wire also depends upon what material it is made of.
We are sure (that) it will be a success.
3. 宾语从句可以是直接引语也可以是间接引语,如:
He asked me, “Are you from Chengdu?”(直接引语)
He asked me whether I was from Chengdu.(间接引语)
The reason is (that) we haven't raised enough money.
That is what we want to know.
I am in doubt whether I should buy or not.
He expressed his hope that he would visit China again.
Relative Clause(定语从句)
1. 关系代词 who, whom(代人);which(代物);that, whose, as (代人或物)。它们的数和人称要和先行词一致,格取决于它们在句中充当的成分,如:
A machine is a kind of device which (that) helps to do work.
Those who want tickets should go to the office.
The technician whom we met yesterday had worked out a new automatic device.
先行词前有限定词 all, any, every, (a)few, no, only, some, very 或序数词或形容词最高级等修饰时,或先行词是指物的不定代词 all, little, few,much, none 或 -thing 构成的复合不定代词时,一般只用关系代词 that,如:
Any boy that wants to succeed must work hard.
There is not much that can be done.
I've made up my mind, and nothing (that) you say will change it.
先行词是指示代词 such 或 same 时,只用 as, 先行词被指示形容词 such 或 same 修饰时,通常用as,如:
This book is not such as I expected.
She said the same as she said before.
I've never seen such dogs as you describe.
I'll wear the same dress as I did last time.
2. 关系副词有:when, where, why, 它们都在从句中作状语,其先行词总是表示时间、地点或理由的名词,如:
The days when they had to import grain from abroad have now passed.
Air moves from places where the pressure is higher to places where the pressure is lower.
He refused to tell the reason why he did it.
限制性和非限制性定语从句 (Restrictive and Non-restrictive Clause)
Don't you know the people who live next door?
The problem, which is complicated, has been solved.
That 不用于引导非限制性定语从句;先行词是主句或主句的一部分时,用 which 或 as 引导非限制性定语从句,如从句放在主句之前则用 as 而不用which,如:
He changed his mind, which made me very angry.
He was a foreigner, as / which I knew from his accent.
As was expected, he performed the task with success.
关于 “Noun / Pronoun + Preposition + Which / Whom / Whose” 结构
The resistance of a conductor depends on the kind of substance of which it is made.
Isn't she the girl with whom you visited the exhibition the other day?
关系代词 whom 和 which 常常作介词 of 的宾语,用“名词/代词/数词+of+whom / which”结构,如:
He is reading a book, the name of which I don't know.
Her parents, both of whom are teachers, are very strict with her.
In our class there are forty students, four of whom are from Africa.
Whose 指物时常可用 of which 代替,这时 whose 所修饰的名词放在 of which 之前,如:
We had a meeting whose purpose was completely unclear.
= We had a meeting the purpose of which was completely unclear.
Apposition and Appositive Clause(同位语和同位语从句)
1. 名词、代词、数词及其它们的短语、不定式和分词短语,如:
China, our great motherland, now is developing rapidly in science and technology.
We all went to see her.
We two are from Chongqing and they three are from Chengdu.
We all have a common desire — to become qualified teachers.
That's her job, taking care of the aged in the community.
2. of 引导的介词短语,如:
the city of Beijing, the art of writing
3. 用连词 or, or rather 或 or better 等引导的词或短语,如:
They arrived home late that evening or rather early the next morning.
4. 用插入语 that is (to say), in other words, namely, for example, for instance, such as, say, especially, particularly, chiefly, mainly 等引导的词或短语,如:
Mr. Smith knows five languages, namely English, French, Chinese, Russian and Japanese.
5. 同位语从句,即与先行词同位或等同的从句,其先行词多为belief, doubt, fact, hope, idea, news, promise, question, remark, reply, report, thought, truth 等;其引导词多为 that(在口语中可省去),也可用 whether 等,如:
There can be no doubt that we'll finish in time.
Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consists of atoms.
We should discuss carefully the important question whether or not we can complete the task within a week.
注意 that 在同位语从句中不作任何句子成分,只起引导从句的作用,而在定语从句中 that 还充当主语或宾语,或状语,比较 :
No one can deny the fact that he has made great achievements in his work.(同位语从句,连词 that 在从句中不作任何 句子成分。)
This is the picture that the little boy drew yesterday. (定语从句,关系代词 that 在从句中作宾语。)
Mr. Smith teaches us oral English.
Nowadays lots of college graduates are busy looking for jobs.
1. 一些句子结构中的主谓一致:
a. 在 "there + be" 句型中,谓语动词通常和最邻近它的那个名词保持一致,如:
There is a book and four pens on the desk.
There are two beds and a bookshelf in the room.
b. 在定语从句中,谓语动词应和该从句的先行词保持一致,如:
Alice is the person who runs the school.
He who cheats on exams will be kicked out of the school.
I was one of those persons who were luckily interviewed by the director himself.
上例中如果 one 前有 the only 修饰,强调某一个体时,从句的谓语动词应用单
I was the only one of those persons who was luckily interviewed by the director
c. 倒装结构中的谓语动词应与它的真正主语保持一致,如:
Here is a letter for you.
There come two buses.
2. 并列结构作主语时句子的主谓一致:
a. 由 both ... and ... 连接的两个名(代)词作主语时,谓语动词用复数,如:
Both Tom and Mary have been invited to the party.
b. 由 and 连接的并列结构作主语,谓语一般用复数。但当两个名词表达同一个人、
The writer and editor is going to the meeting in person.
Bread and butter is a daily food in the west.
Law and order is so important to a country that no one should break it.
c. 由 as well as, as much as, along with, besides, in addition to, including, like, no
less than, rather than, (together) with 等连接的两个名(代)词作主语时,谓语应
The bus driver as well as several passengers has survived the accident.
Yesterday I saw a pick-pocket with his company was caught by a policeman.
d. 由 or, either … or ..., neither … nor …, not only … but also … 等连接的两个名(代)词作主语时,谓语一般和后一个名(代)词保持一致,如:
Not you but I am to blame.
Neither you nor I am responsible for the whole thing.
3. 集体名词作主语时句子的主谓一致
a. cattle, police 作主语时,谓语动词总用复数,如:
Lots of cattle are raised on the grassland.
The police were searching for the criminals.
b. audience, board, class, committee, crowd, crew, enemy, family, government,
team 等作主语时,如果作整体看待,谓语动词用单数;若强调每一成员,谓语用
The committee consists of 12 members.
The committee haven't reached any agreement yet.
I am not sure where my family is.
My family care a lot about my study.
4. 一些代词作主语时句子的主谓一致:
a. 由 any, every, no 和 one, thing, body 构成的合成代词作主语时,谓语用单数,
Nothing was found in the room.
Everyone has known the story.
b. both, few, several 和 many 作主语,表示复数的意义,所以谓语用复数,如:
Both are not quite so honest.
Many students travel during their vacations.
5. 带有数量修饰语的名(代)词作主语时句子的主谓一致:
a. 单数可数名词前有 every, each, many a 修饰、复数名词前有 each of, one of,
(n)either of, the number of 等修饰时,谓语用单数,如:
Many a student travels during his / her vacation.
The number of criminal cases in this city is increasing steadily.
One of us is to join the army.
b. 复数名词前有 a number of 或 one or two 修饰时,谓语用复数,如:
In this factory a number of workers are out of work now.
One or two plans are to be discussed.
c. 名词前有 a lot (of), lots (of), all (of), any (of), most (of), some (of), none (of),
more than one, 分数或百分数等修饰语时,谓语名词的数视中心名词的数而定,如:
Some of the butter has gone.
Some doctors are not well trained.
More than one picture was burned in the fire.
Half of it was damaged.
Half of them are here.
d. "数词+复数名词"作主语,若视为整体看待,表示距离、时间、价值、重量、长度
Four years in the university is meaningful to me.
Two hundred dollars is too much to pay.
Five thousand miles is too far to travel.
e. "the+形容词"作主语表示某一类人时,具有复数意义,谓语用复数,如:
The old are to be taken good care of in this community.
