英语翻译写论文用的,麻烦大家了,小妹在此谢过~Online procurement (e-procurement) has been identified as the “… most important element of e-business operational excellence for large corporations.”1 An e-procurement technology is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 09:09:02

英语翻译写论文用的,麻烦大家了,小妹在此谢过~Online procurement (e-procurement) has been identified as the “… most important element of e-business operational excellence for large corporations.”1 An e-procurement technology is
Online procurement (e-procurement) has been identified as the “… most important element of e-business operational excellence for large corporations.”1 An e-procurement technology is defined as any technology designed to facilitate the acquisition of goods by a commercial or a government organization over the Internet.E-procurement technologies—including e-procurement software,B2B (business-to-business) auctions,B2Bmarket exchanges,and purchasing consortia—are focused on automating workflows,consolidating and leveraging organizational spending power,and identifying new sourcing opportunities through the Internet.Future developments are expected to extend these technology models to create collaborative supply chain management tools.2 Not surprisingly,e-procurement technologies have been credited with providing significant benefits to companies who adventure into them.These advantages include reducing administrative costs,shortening the order fulfillment cycle time,lowering inventory levels and the price paid for goods,and preparing organizations for increased technological collaboration and planning with business partners.3 The relevance of these advantages suggested a rapid migration from traditional to e-based procurement models.Accordingly,just a few years back market analysts predicted that Internet B2B transactions—a subset of e-procurement technologies—would increase from approximately $600 billion in 2000 to over $6.3 trillion by 2004.4
Unfortunately,this tremendous expected growth rate has been revised downwards.Recent market observations indicate that the adoption and integration of e-procurement technologies into the business mainstream is occurring at a much slower than expected pace.One reason is the implicit association that investors have made between e-procurement
echnologies and the business-to-consumer (B2C) models responsible for the Internet bubble.More often,the slow down has been associated with technology-related issues.A 2001 study by the Conference Board points to problems in the implementation side and concludes that “organizations are …finding (e-procurement) implementation more complex,more expensive,and more time consuming than they originally envisioned” and that consultants have been “widely criticized for overstating the business case for e-procurement.”5 Companies were jumping onto the e-procurement bandwagon without fully understanding the inter-organizational collaboration and network effects underlying these technology models,the investment required to move the right information from suppliers to employees,and the complexities of integrating these technologies with existing Enterprise Resource Planning systems.6

英语翻译写论文用的,麻烦大家了,小妹在此谢过~Online procurement (e-procurement) has been identified as the “… most important element of e-business operational excellence for large corporations.”1 An e-procurement technology is
网上采购系统(电子采购) ,已被确定为"扛 最重要的电子商务业务的卓越大公司." 1电子采购技术,是指任何技术设计 便利获取货物的商业机构或政府组织在互联网上公布.电子采购技术,包括电子采购软件中,B2B (企业对企业)拍卖,b2bmarket交流,以及收购财团都集中于流程自动化,巩固和借力组织消费能力,并确定新的采购机会,透过互联网.未来的发展预期将这些技术模式,以创造协同供应链管理tools.2不足为奇 电子采购技术,并已记提供很大益处公司探险者纳入其中.这些优势包括:减少行政成本,缩短为完成周期时间,降低库存水平,而付出的代价品 并准备组织更多的科技合作和规划partners.3业务相关的这些优势,提出了快速 移民从传统走向电子化采购模式.因此,短短几年,回到市场分析家们预言,互联网B2B交易的一个子集电子采购技术,将增加约600元 亿元,2000年超过6.3万亿美元的2004.4不幸的是,这种巨大的预期成长率已向下修正.市场最近的观察表明,通过整合电子采购,科技成果转化为企业的主流是发生在 比预期要慢的速度.原因之一是隐联想投资者之间的电子采购2 echnologies和企业对消费者( B2C )模式负责任 对于互联网泡沫.更多时候,就放慢一直与技术有关的问题.2001年研究机构会议委员会2点问题,在执行方面,并得出结论说:"组织正在寻找末尾 (电子采购)执行更复杂,更昂贵,更费时比他们原来想象的" ,顾问公司已" ,而广受批评拔高商业案例 电子采购." 5家公司被冲往电子采购班车未经充分认识组织间的协作和网络效应,这些背后 科技模型,所需投资将正确的信息供应商,雇员 和复杂性,把这些技术与现有企业资源规划systems.6

网上获得(e 获得) 被辨认了作为"... 多数e-business 操作的优秀的重要元素为大corporations."1 e 获得技术被定义作为任一技术由商务或一个政府组织设计促进物品的承购在互联网。E 获得技术包括e 获得软件, B2B (事务对事务) 拍卖, B2Bmarket 交换, 和购买财团集中于自动化工作流, 巩固的和支持的组织购买力, 和辨认新源头机会通过互联网。未来发展被预计扩...


网上获得(e 获得) 被辨认了作为"... 多数e-business 操作的优秀的重要元素为大corporations."1 e 获得技术被定义作为任一技术由商务或一个政府组织设计促进物品的承购在互联网。E 获得技术包括e 获得软件, B2B (事务对事务) 拍卖, B2Bmarket 交换, 和购买财团集中于自动化工作流, 巩固的和支持的组织购买力, 和辨认新源头机会通过互联网。未来发展被预计扩大这些技术模型创造合作供应链管理tools.2 毫不奇怪, e 获得技术相信了提供重大好处对冒险入他们的公司。这些好处包括减少管理费用, 变短命令履行周期, 降低库存层和价格被支付物品, 并且组织为增加的技术合作做准备和计划以事务partners.3 这些好处相关性建议了迅速迁移从传统对基于e 的获得模型。相应地, 在2000 年几岁月支持市场分析家预言, 互联网B2B 交易子集e 获得技术会增加从大约$600 十亿到超过$6.3 兆2004.4 不幸地, 这巨大期望的增长率被校正了向下。最近市场观察表明, e 获得技术的收养和综合化入企业主流发生着在慢慢地比期望的节奏。一个原因是投资者做了在e 获得之间的含蓄协会 2 echnologies 和事务对消费者(B2C) 模型负责任对互联网起泡。经常, 减速同与技术相关的问题联系在一起。一项2001 研究由会议委员会指向问题在实施边和认为, "组织... 比他们最初构想了" 发现(e 获得) 实施更加复杂, 更加昂贵, 和费时并且顾问"广泛被批评了为夸张企业事例为e-procurement."5 公司跳e 获得马车没有充分地了解inter-organizational 合作和网络作用部下这些技术模型, 投资必须移动正确的信息从供应商到雇员, 和集成这些技术的复杂以现有的企业资源计划systems.6



英语翻译写论文用的,麻烦大家了,小妹在此谢过~Online procurement (e-procurement) has been identified as the “… most important element of e-business operational excellence for large corporations.”1 An e-procurement technology is 有关森林的重要性的英文文章我今天要用大家帮个忙啦!小妹在此先谢谢了!! 英语翻译小妹比较笨..这句英文对莪很重要的..小妹在此先谢谢各位哥哥姐姐了.. 小妹在此,写了各位大侠了~ 描写薰衣草在花骨朵和盛开的句子.句子要优美,适合初二写作文用.小妹现在此谢过大家! 请问下大家知道高中数学小论文要从什么方面写哟?会的人说下嘛,我在此先感谢你们了0L 麻烦看下数学小论文400字 急我都迷茫了,我在此先谢谢大家了1g 英语翻译麻烦大家了.. 描写月亮和星星的童话大家请快回,小妹在此一拜. 罗志祥的里的I wanna know,you gonna 小妹在此谢过大家拉,麻烦大家知道的话就一定要告诉偶啊,偶的好奇心才能得到满足啊! 选修课要写关于茶的论文麻烦大家帮忙找一下吧下周三就要交了拜谢 围绕一社会问题或者新闻热点写一论文.不少于1000字.允许抄的.麻烦大家了.帮个忙~ 我身边的北京精神 作文 求了!小妹我在此感激不尽、、还希望大家多多关注‘O__乖’吧谢谢了. 英语翻译希望各位大哥大姐帮帮忙,小妹我在此先谢了 英语翻译我写论文,想知道大家的意见 英语翻译小妹要写有关茶叶的信用证的翻译及审核的论文 万分感激·! 麻烦看下幼儿园大班写字课教案怎么写? 了解的说下吧,我在此先谢谢大家了蓉6 英语翻译我想写一篇关于中美文化差异的论文,语言通顺就可以,不用严格按下面的翻.不要软件翻的,麻烦大家了,翻译内容如下:比喻的民族性对词语翻译的影响比喻的基础是词语在联想上的