
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 18:22:44


I must act like man,with my courage I shall defy the cruel twist of fate and stride on to make the journey of my life no longer bumpy.Please let the fierce,merciless blaze burn my past and by so doing,I shall turn my history into ashes and turn over a new leaf.
其中:荆棘的命运:the cruel twist of fate
迈开脚步走下去:stride on
把...化为灰烬:turn sth into ashes
中心塑造自己:turn over a new leaf
希望这些 idioms

wo yao ping zhe nan er zhi qi,ba jing ci de ming yun ta ping,wo yao mai kai jiao bu zou xia qu, rang sheng min de lv cheng cong ci buzai qi qu......

I must depend on the son spirit, gives thorn's life tramples flat, I must start to walk the footsteps to walk, lets the life the journey henceforth no longer rugged, the roaring flame burns the sentim...


I must depend on the son spirit, gives thorn's life tramples flat, I must start to walk the footsteps to walk, lets the life the journey henceforth no longer rugged, the roaring flame burns the sentiment roaring flame to burn the sentiment, let the raging flame burn my past, I must hold on to the matter to be reduced to ashes, molded brand-new again


I am depending a man; ambition, the thorns and thistles, to overcome the Ming Tu, I would like to take a step along this road, so that the journey of life is no longer the rugged, flames burning flame...


I am depending a man; ambition, the thorns and thistles, to overcome the Ming Tu, I would like to take a step along this road, so that the journey of life is no longer the rugged, flames burning flames burning love love, so that the raging fire burning my past, I want to live things were reduced to ashes, and then re-create a new one.


英语翻译我要凭男儿志气,把荆棘的命途给踏平,我要迈开脚步走下去,让生命的旅程从此不再崎岖,烈焰焚情烈焰焚情,让熊熊烈火燃烧我的过去,我要把住事化为灰烬,再重新塑造全新的自己 有关志气的名言谁知道有关志气方面的名言给我说说啊 以“正气 志气 勇气 “为主题的作文 把开头结尾给我也可以!‘ 我开头结尾写不好,如果满意的话,别光写正气!作文题目是:正气 志气 勇气! 我极爱这份无言的志气 沧海可填山可移,男儿志气当如斯. 命途多蹇的读音和意思? 为什么人生的道路要充满荆棘? 为什么人生的道路要充满荆棘? 英语翻译英雄就是规划蓝图并搭出结构的,老百姓是往里面填砖的.又比如说走路,英雄是指明走哪条路的,老百姓是通过双脚把荆棘踏成通途的.写作文用的,我翻译得好丑的。想请高人帮个忙^ 谈志气的议论文求一篇 谈志气 的 议论文 .明天 之前要 用 .. “嗟乎!时运不齐,命途多桀.冯唐易老,李广难封.”的翻译? 英语翻译帮我把这篇文章翻译成英文:今天我要讲的是有关于一个超级人气新明星的,他参加了今年的“加油!好男儿”选秀比赛,并获得亚军和最具个性时尚奖,比赛后,他签了橙天娱乐公司.他 谁知道“志气”的反义词 我想鼓励鼓励我朋友. 阅读题中 我极爱这份无言的志气 关于理想志气的诗快帮我 大哥,大姐! 古人的求学目的是什么?古代的蒙学读物种有大量的劝学诗.例如“朝为田舍郎,暮登天子堂.将相本无种,男儿当自强.自小多才学,平生志气高.别人怀宝剑,我有笔如刀”.这首诗反映了古人什么样 有关志气的名人名言. 有志气的名言