
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/31 07:09:18


你是否感受你有良多工作要做,而你到 净有足够的精神去应对?忙碌的工作和糊口有时会令你感应难熬、生气或者沮丧,感应糊口虽然是多彩的却不受你的掌控.今天我们就来学一些表达“忙”的英文短语和句子.1.have/get one’s hands full 很忙,应接不暇 Three emergency cases came into the hospital at the same time and the doctors really had their hands full.三个急诊病人被同时送加入院,医生们真是应接不暇.2.be up to one’s neck 忙得不成开交 I can’t possibly come out tonight,I’m up to my neck in work.今晚我不成能出来,我的工作忙得不成开交.3.a million things 良多良多工作 It’s hard to slow down when you are trying to do a million things.当你想要干成百上千件工作的时辰是很难慢下来的.4.be as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌,忙死忙活的 He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.他为了要把家里弄得整整洁齐,忙了好一阵子.5.busy as a beaver 忙得团团转 He is working so hard that he is as busy as a beaver.他没日没夜地工作,看起来很忙.6.be tied up 被占用,很忙 I’ll be tied up the rest of the week,I am afraid.这个礼拜我生怕都抽不出时刻.7.in the middle of something 正忙于某事 I’m in the middle of something.Could you call back later?我此刻很忙,你能过会给我打电话吗?8.time to catch one’s breath 喘口吻的功夫 I don’t even have time to catch my breath.我连喘口吻的功夫都没有.