哪位大侠能帮我修改下我的英语论文 很多语法错误AbstractTranslation involves not only language,but also cultural factors.The translator must not only know a foreign culture,but also understand their national culture deeper.Translat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 12:31:35

哪位大侠能帮我修改下我的英语论文 很多语法错误AbstractTranslation involves not only language,but also cultural factors.The translator must not only know a foreign culture,but also understand their national culture deeper.Translat
哪位大侠能帮我修改下我的英语论文 很多语法错误
Translation involves not only language,but also cultural factors.The translator must not only know a foreign culture,but also understand their national culture deeper.Translators make continuous comparisons between the cultures because translation equivalence in its very sense should be matched in meanings,functions,scopes and feelings in the two cultures.This text mainly discusses cultural factors in literature translation and the application of domestication on the basis of Madame Bovary and its Chinese translation.
Key words:the translation of Madame Bovary; cultural factors; domestication
II.The relationship between translation and culture
2.1 The importance of cultural image awareness in literature translation
2.2 The changes in opinions on cultural awareness
III.Elements of cultural differences in Madame Bovary
3.1 Differences between different cultures are absolute and inevitable
3.2 The main manifestations of cultural differences
3.2.1 Differences in religious beliefs.
3.2.2 Differences in custom.
3.2.3 Differences in the way of thinking.
IV.Application of domestication
4.1 The importance of domestication
4.2 The application of domestication in Madame Bovary
4.2.1 Domestication of words unequivalence
4.2.2 Domestication of Metaphor and Association
4.2.3 Domestication of Idioms
Domestication in the Chinese Translation of Madame Bovary
Translation is defined as meaning conveyed from one language to anther,in order to achieve the exchange of thoughts and feelings,the dissemination of cultural knowledge,and promotion of a civilized society,especially to promote the target language culture prosperous.Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it.Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture.Without language,they maintain,culture would not be possible.On the other hand,language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture.In the board sense,language is the symbolic representation as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.
For language has a close relationship with culture,and translation is relevant to language,Therefore,cultural factors should be taken seriously when doing translation activities,especially translating the literature.In this text,we first discuss the relationship between translation and culture,and then find the impact on translation caused by different cultures on the basis of Madame Bovary and its Chinese translation,and the application of domestication.

哪位大侠能帮我修改下我的英语论文 很多语法错误AbstractTranslation involves not only language,but also cultural factors.The translator must not only know a foreign culture,but also understand their national culture deeper.Translat
Abstract Translation not only involves language,but also cultural factors.A translator should not only know a foreign culture,but also deeply understand its national culture .Translators should make continuous comparisons between two different cultures because translation equivalence in its very sense should be matched with meanings,functions,scopes and feelings in the two cultures.This thesis mainly discusses cultural factors in literature translation and the application of domestication on the basis of Madame Bovary and its Chinese translation.Key words:the translation of Madame Bovary; cultural factors; domestication Outline I.Introduction II.The relationship between translation and culture 2.1 The importance of cultural image awareness in literature translation 2.2 The changes in opinions on cultural awareness III.Elements of cultural differences in Madame Bovary 3.1 Diversities between different cultures are absolute and inevitable 3.2 The main manifestations of cultural differences 3.2.1 Differences in religious beliefs 3.2.2 Differences in custom 3.2.3 Differences in the way of thinking IV.Application of domestication 4.1 The importance of domestication 4.2 The application of domestication in Madame Bovary 4.2.1 Domestication of words unequivalence 4.2.2 Domestication of Metaphor and Association 4.2.3 Domestication of Idioms V.Conclusion Domestication in the Chinese Translation of Madame Bovary I.Introduction Translation is defined as meaning conveyed from one language to anther,in order to achieve the exchange of thoughts and feelings,the dissemination of cultural knowledge,and promotion of a civilized society,especially to promote the target language culture prosperously.Language is a part of cultures and plays a very important role in it.Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture.Without language,they maintain,culture would not exist.On the other hand,language is influenced and shaped by culture; so it reflects culture.In the board sense,language is the symbolic representation as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.Language has a close relationship with culture,and translation is relevant to language,therefore,cultural factors should be taken seriously when doing translation activities,especially translating the literature.In this thesis,we first discuss the relationship between translation and culture,and then find the impact on translation caused by different cultures on the basis of Madame Bovary and its Chinese translation,and the application of domestication.

哪位大侠能帮我修改下我的英语论文 很多语法错误AbstractTranslation involves not only language,but also cultural factors.The translator must not only know a foreign culture,but also understand their national culture deeper.Translat 哪位朋友能帮我修改一下英语论文中的语法错误啊,有哪位朋友有时间能帮我修改一下英语论文中的语法错误 我把论文发给你! 谁能帮我的英语论文修改下语法啊 我在百度中没有搜到静力等效原则的解释,哪位大侠能帮回答下, 谁能帮我的英语论文修改下语法啊,老师说我中式英语严重, 〖意外事故的应急处理〗!哪位大侠能帮我总结一下下! (1) 产生明显衍射的条件是什么?(2) 无色的肥皂液,吹出的肥皂泡为什么是彩色的?哪位大侠能帮我解决下呢? 哪位大侠帮我总结下 哪位大侠能教我初中化学的分子原子离子? 哪位大侠能教我初中化学的分子原子离子? 想找个人帮我修改英文我有篇英语论文,但是语法错误比较多,想请人帮我改下,不需要翻译,就是看看哪有错误改改就行,只是语法问题,有意向的可以私信我, y的导数+x等于根号下x平方+y,微分方程题,哪位大侠帮我做答下. 请问您能否帮我修改一下英语论文,导师说语法和用词错误太多,但是我找不出来.能的话我分段发给你,谢谢 哪位大侠能帮我分析一下下面的这个电路,电路组成,电路功能,主要元器件的功能 有没有哪位大侠能帮我剖析一下尼采的超人哲学产生的背景呀,谢过~ 哪位大侠能帮我把这句话“爸爸妈妈我爱你”翻译成阿拉伯文那?要准确一点的 沧海什么意思.请问哪位大侠能帮我指点一下,“沧海”的正确理解意思.爱问知识人. 英语翻译常州钟楼区西林街道前墅蒋家村19号 哪位大侠能帮我翻译下么?我滴英语不是很好,