瑞士英语简介大姐姐 帮帮小妹啦~水平不用很高(初中的就好)

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瑞士英语简介大姐姐 帮帮小妹啦~水平不用很高(初中的就好)
大姐姐 帮帮小妹啦~水平不用很高(初中的就好)

瑞士英语简介大姐姐 帮帮小妹啦~水平不用很高(初中的就好)
Switzerland,in central Europe,is the land of the Alps.Its tallest peak is the Dufourspitze at 15,203 ft (4,634 m) on the Swiss side of the Italian border,one of 10 summits of the Monte Rosa massif.The tallest peak in all of the Alps,Mont Blanc (15,771 ft; 4,807 m),is actually in France.Most of Switzerland is composed of a mountainous plateau bordered by the great bulk of the Alps on the south and by the Jura Mountains on the northwest.The country's largest lakes—Geneva,Constance (Bodensee),and Maggiore—straddle the French,German-Austrian,and Italian borders,respectively.The Rhine,navigable from Basel to the North Sea,is the principal inland waterway.

Switzerland is a small country situated in the heart of Central Europe and shares a lot of it's history and of it's culture (four national languages spoken in different regions) with it's neighbours G...


Switzerland is a small country situated in the heart of Central Europe and shares a lot of it's history and of it's culture (four national languages spoken in different regions) with it's neighbours Germany, France, Italy and Austria.
When does the history of Switzerland begin? The answer depends on the interpretation of the term Switzerland:
Archeology shows that Stone Age hunters have been living in Switzerland already before the last Ice Age (approximately 350'000 B.C.).
Switzerland's official latin name "Confoederatio Helvetica" goes back to a Celtic tribe called the Helvetians.
The majority of Switzerland's "native" population settled during the Germanic Migration of Nations that set an end to the Roman Empire in Western Europe at about 400 A.D.
The Old Swiss Confederacy was founded in the first days of August, 1291 (hence Switzerland's national holiday is celebrated on August, 1st).
Switzerland was officially accepted as an independent nation by its neighbours in the 1648 European peace treaty.
The Swiss Revolution and the Helvetic Republic have set an end to the rule of a small number of privileged cities, valleys and families over the majority of the country.
Today's borders and Switzerland's Neutrality were defined at the Vienna Congress of 1815 ending the wars of Napoleon.
Switzerland's modern Federal Constitution dates back to 1848 (with total revisions in 1874 and 1999).
There might be good reasons for any of these choices because Switzerland has been changing a lot during the centuries of its history and there is not really too much common ground between the Helvetians or the medieval Old Swiss Confederacy and the modern Swiss Civil Society.
Nevertheless this website starts with the first inhabitants we have any accounts of, but it does focus on Switzerland's change into a modern democratic society and on Switzerland's Role in World War II.



瑞士英语简介是The majority of Switzerland's "native" population settled during the Germanic Migration of Nations that set an end to the Roman Empire in Western Europe at about 400 A.D.
The Old...


瑞士英语简介是The majority of Switzerland's "native" population settled during the Germanic Migration of Nations that set an end to the Roman Empire in Western Europe at about 400 A.D.
The Old Swiss Confederacy was founded in the first days of August, 1291 (hence Switzerland's national holiday is celebrated on August, 1st).
Switzerland was officially accepted as an independent nation by its neighbours in the 1648 European peace treaty.
The Swiss Revolution and the Helvetic Republic have set an end to the rule of a small number of privileged cities, valleys and families over the majority of the country.
Today's borders and Switzerland's Neutrality were defined at the Vienna Congress of 1815 ending the wars of Napoleon.
Switzerland's modern Federal Constitution dates back to 1848 (with total revisions in 1874 and 1999).
There might be good reasons for any of these choices because Switzerland has been changing a lot during the centuries of its history and there is not really too much common ground between the Helvetians or the medieval Old Swiss Confederacy and the modern Swiss Civil Society.


瑞士英语简介大姐姐 帮帮小妹啦~水平不用很高(初中的就好) 帮帮英语啦!谢谢哥哥姐姐们! 《快乐伴随我成长》作文560字左右就行了,哥哥姐姐们快来帮帮小妹啦! 写景总分总结构的作文(500字左右)大哥哥,大姐姐,帮帮小妹把, 有关星空的名句大哥哥大姐姐帮帮小妹啊我很急的 空.着的题求求大哥哥大姐姐们帮帮小妹吧,好评 帮帮数学吧,大哥哥姐姐们,谢啦 英语的答案,写上页数,各位叔叔阿姨哥哥姐姐帮帮小妹吧,快开学了 甲、乙、丙三数的和是180,甲数是乙数的2倍,丙数是乙数的3倍.甲、乙、丙三个数各是多少?哥哥姐姐们,帮帮小妹啦! “语文”和“数学”的英文单词是什么呀 各位大哥哥 大姐姐 帮帮小妹嘛 我在这里先谢谢各位了 谢谢 生物体的各种不同组织按一定()组织在一起,形成一定的(),执行一定(),就形成器官.好心的大哥哥,大姐姐帮帮小妹~ 屈肘与伸肘的动作是靠哪些结构完成的大哥哥大姐姐们,帮帮小妹吧~ 英语翻译哥哥姐姐们帮小妹翻译一下啦 初一英语试题 ( 各位哥哥姐姐帮帮小妹的忙!小妹急用!越快越好! 怎样区分since和for的用法?好心的哥哥姐姐,帮帮小妹吧,小妹感激不尽 文明交通英语怎么说,办小报,各位哥哥姐姐帮帮啦,thank you very much 水滴穿石的启示帮帮小妹啦!3Q3Q! 把一个句子改为双重否定句谁帮帮我?把一个句子改好就行了!我明天要交的作业!急!谁帮帮我啊!各位大哥哥大姐姐各位帅哥美女!帮帮小妹吧!