
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 15:02:16


Tennis, is a kind of sports interesting but expensive. because you have to buy the pat and balls before you play it, especially the pat is rather expensive, it probably cost you several hundred yuan or even more if you want to buy a better one to improve your playing skill. And the ground is basic condition for the tennis players.As building a piece of ground may cost several hundred thousand yuan, so the expense of renting the ground is higher than that of the other kind of sports.In addition,tennis need good skill and technique, which is not so easy to learn and master, hance the players should spend a long time to learn the basic skill of playing tennis. From the angle of profession, the playing pose is crucial for the person who learn playing tennis primitively, which may decide the future of him.Although playing tennis isn't an easy bussiness for amateur, but it actually is interesting and charming, attracting lots of people including students, white-skirt,and so on.
In my memory, there were few people know tennis, even say nothing of playing tennis several years ago.but with the first coming of Great Master into china 2003, tennis has becoming popular more and more in china. Recently,you can see lot of people playing tennis anywhere,regardless of the ground, from that we can see the passion shown by tennis.
The Tennis Great Master first coming to china is 2003, but which hadn't arose the public great attention. by contrast with the last time, the Tennis Great Master in shanghai this year attracts the global eyes,from the building of fully new and modern stadium to well organization and advertising of the game, shanghai impressed world deeply. but there was a little regret for tennis funs was the dropping outof several great masters, safin, aggas, nadar and rodiac was injured with the different part of their bodies, hwiit was absent because of his first baby will come to this world during the time of Master Cup,it was reasonable for him to quit this game. The ATP organization take some active and effective measures to compensate for fans to maintain the brand of Great Master Cup,they announced that the persons who had bought the ticket this year can enjoy the sixty percent of discount next year.Investigation showed that this measure was welcome among the fans, and they were also looking forward to the wonderful games next year.
In 1874, Major Walter C. Wingfield patented in London the equipment and rules for a game fairly similar to modern tennis. In the same year, the first courts appeared in the United States. By the following year, equipment sets had been sold for use in Russia, India, Canada, and China.
Croquet was highly popular at this time, and the smooth croquet courts proved readily adaptable for tennis. Wingfield's original court had the shape of an hourglass, narrowest at the net, and it was shorter than the modern court.His rules were subjected to considerable criticism, and he revised them in 1875, but he soon left the further development of the game to others.
In 1877, the All England Club held the first Wimbledon tournament, and its tournament committee came up with a rectangular court and a set of rules that are essentially the game we know today. The net was still five feet high at the sides, a carryover from the game's indoor ancestor, and the service boxes were 26 feet deep, but by 1882, the specifications had evolved to their current form.
在1874年,Walter C. Wingfield市长发明了一种新的网球装置和游戏规则,类似现在的网球,并获得了专利权.同年,在美国出现了第一个真正意义上的网球场地.随后的第二年,这种装置被销售到俄罗斯,印度,加拿大和中国.在那时,槌球很受欢迎,并且槌球的场地直接可以用来玩网球.
It was in France that the game as we know it today really came into being. During the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries it became the highly fashionable sport of kings and noblemen and was called ' Jeu de paumme' - the game of the palm. Early French players would begin a game by shouting 'tenez' i.e. 'Play!' and the game soon became known as Royal, or Real Tennis.
Real tennis was actually very different to the game that we know today. It was played indoors, in large galleries with jutting roofs and points were won according to how the ball was played off of the gallery walls. This is very different to today's Lawn Tennis, where the rectangular court is laid out on a grass surface and the play is within marked boundaries, not off of the walls. Another key difference is that Real tennis used a system of chases. In today's game if a ball bounces twice it is dead. In Real Tennis however, a marker would mark the point of the second bounce. This was known as the chase. In addition to playing for points, opponents would compete by trying to put their chase as close as possible to their opponents back wall. A player who had lagged behind in the points could come from behind to win the match by being more skilful at the chase.
After its initial rise in popularity with the French nobility, tennis spread throughout Europe, becoming particularly popular in England. As in France the game became recognised as the sport of kings. Henry VIII was a very keen player and built a court at his palace in Hampton Court, still used today by Real Tennis enthusiasts. Tennis wasn't just confined to France and England though, and the game also spread to Spain, Italy, Holland, Switzerland and Germany. In the 18th century however, the game went into decline, the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars virtually eliminating it across most of Europe.
Tennis is a game played between either two players ("singles") or two teams of two players ("doubles"). Players use a stringed racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent's court. Originating in Europe in the late 19th century, tennis spread first throughout the English-speaking world, particularly among the upper classes. Tennis is now once again an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society, by all ages, and in many countries around the world. Except for the adoption of the tie-breaker in the 1970s, its rules have remained remarkably unchanged since the 1890s. Along with its millions of players, millions of people follow tennis as a spectator sport, especially the four Grand Slam tournaments.

Origin The tennis movement origin may trace to 12 - 13 centuries,originally is the French missionaries in the church winding corridorone kind of game which hits a ball with the hand. The tennis in Fre...


Origin The tennis movement origin may trace to 12 - 13 centuries,originally is the French missionaries in the church winding corridorone kind of game which hits a ball with the hand. The tennis in Frenchis "the entertainment" and "the participation" the meaning, 参与者crowded with the hand the hair cloth sack to hit hits, this kind ofgame has become "the movement which carried on with the hand". In 14centuries the leaf, the French poets introduces the tennis game theFrench palace. Before 1555, the tennis is called "the palace game",whiles away the time the activity as the imperial family aristocrats.At first carries on in the hall, the ball to the cloth binds theinitiation to tie up with the string, a location middle high structurerope, uses two to work as racket. The 1358~1360 year, in this kind ofroom moves spreads to England, the English kings quite is interested,issues an order to construct in the room in the palace the tenniscourt. Latter with hoodwinked the sheepskin wooden racket to replacethe palm of the hand. The 16~17 century, French and the English palacetennis activity is extremely popular. In 1873, the English wingfield(M W Wingfield) improved the tennis from the room in to the outdoorslawn competition, and published "Lawn tennis" a book, transported tothis item act the detailed introduction. From this time on, the lawntennis is published. For the England most popular outdoor sport, thewingfield by the reputation is "father of the modern tennis". Development 14 centuries, the tennis bridged over the English Channel toland in England London, but, France still was the tennis developmentbiggest impelling force. In the middle ages last stage, one kind issimilar to the present Ping-Pong paddle wooden racket is used in thetennis competition, to 1500 when also improves for the handle iswooden, but the racket head wraps with the sheep internal organs.Hereafter the tennis development is steady, only then appeared ansignificant transformation until 1858, the English Birmingham's twopeople "the imperial tennis" will have transferred to on the outdoorlawn, the quantity left a tennis location. Afterwards wingfield majorhas formulated the contest rule, competes the altogether for 15minute, after only has has serves the power to be able to scorepoints, the competition location sprinkles fine sand, with height 2.13meters (7 inches) the net separates the location. Then, the tennis hadthe standpoint which it further develops. US first time appeared thetennis competition is in 1874, to the 19th century the end of 70's,Australia also started to carry on the tennis competition. In 1896,the tennis has become in the modern Olympic Games one of earliestevents. Around 1885, the tennis movement spread to China. First isShanghai, Guangzhou and so on between the big city foreignmissionaries and the merchant appears the tennis activity, the lattersome missionary schools also develop this movement, in 1898, theShanghai St. John academy held the Steinhaus cup match, this was inthe Chinese tennis history in the earliest school competes. In 1906,Beijing collected between the article school, the harmony academy, theQinghua school, the Shanghai saint john's university, Nanyang Academy,the Hujiang university, as well as Nanjing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong'ssome schools started to hold the interscholastic tennis tournament,promoted the tennis movement in China's dissemination. Rule and knowledge Since 1873 the English wingfield creation modern times tennis,in 1874 has determined the location size and the net height. In 1875,the English board ball club has formulated the tennis contest rule. InJuly, 1877, the entire English board ball club were more for theentire English board ball and the lawn tennis club, and first timeconducted Wimble to ascend the male tennis singles match, latter bythis organization determined the tennis location was a rectangularplane, the length 78 feet (23.77 meters), the width 27 feet (8.23meters), the scoring used the world ancient old style method, namelywon for 1 minute to call "16", won for two minute to call "30", wonfor 3 minute to call "40". In 1884, English London Mary central forcedthis board ball club determination tennis net highly is 91.4centimeters. Now the tennis competition uses the tennis rule basicallyis in July, 1877 Wimble ascends the competition the rule. The tennismainly has four grand dukes to start the game, respectively is:English warm cloth sincere international lawn tennis championshiptournament, French tennis public competition, American internationaltennis public competition, Australian revertex location internationaltennis public competition.


Tennis (tennis) is a beautiful and vigorous campaign, the sport's origin and development can be summed up in four sentences: bred in France, was born in the United Kingdom, and the popularity of the b...


Tennis (tennis) is a beautiful and vigorous campaign, the sport's origin and development can be summed up in four sentences: bred in France, was born in the United Kingdom, and the popularity of the beginning of the formation of a climax in the United States, now popular around the world, said For the world's second largest ball games. Modern tennis in general, including indoor and outdoor tennis tennis in two forms. Tennis originated 12-13 century French missionaries in the church corridors in the palm of your hand with a ball game. The court later became an indoor entertainment and recreational activities. It was also suggested that tennis should be traced back to the origin of "the Hundred Years War" (1337 ~ 1453 war between Britain and France) in France before the spread of a civil Mingjiaohaiou de Wumai the ball game. It is said that this game is for two people, each one armed racket, golf course around the walled, the ball hit the wall after the bomb went back and then over the net. As a result, in terms of the use of space and equipment, or the conduct of the games approach, with modern sport, there are many similarities, so it was regarded as the sport's original shape. By the mid-14th century, France, a poet, this ball game introduced to the French court, as the noble men and women of the royal family entertainment. At that time, to play this game, is the site of the palace hall, there is no net and no rackets, the balls are rolled with a cloth after the round tied with a rope into the. Site set up in the middle of a rope for the community, to use two hands to make a racket, throw the ball from the ropes to throw, called the French Tennez, English is called "Takeit! Play", which means: "seize! Lost in the past," today "Tennis (Tennis)" the phrase that comes from this. Soon, the wooden racket was used in place of two-handed tap. In the early 16th century, the game ball by the French people, out of curiosity began to follow the example, quickly spread to major cities and at the same time to improve the equipment. To create a more durable ball, beat parchment sheet read by the board, making surface area to enlarge, grip the handles are longer. Space in the middle of the rope to increase the numerous short rope to the ground dropped the ball from the rope through the following can be clearly found. France's King Louis was later banned, and that it is the prerogative of the court in the game. In the early 17th century, the site is no longer in the middle rope curtain, and the use of small sub-grid network, the network's role better than the curtain, beat the network to switch to threading film, flexible and lightweight convenience. In court in France for this game, next to the stadium to place a golden container, after each game, the audience will be after the money invested, as the winner of the prize. This approach is intended well at first, then gradually evolved into a kind of gambling. The number is still small at the start, the more time goes by the bigger gamble, even to go bankrupt, therefore, the dispute after another, the King of France was banned for such a game again, and this is tennis in the early 18th century, the main reason for the decline.
In about 1358 to 1360, this ball game spread to France from Britain. Britain's King Edward III of particular interest to have ordered the construction of a palace in the indoor stadium. Since then, the beginning of tennis popular in the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom to become a kind of upper class entertainment, there is a "noble sport" Blair said. This period is mainly popular indoor tennis. Until September 29, 1793, the United Kingdom in a "sport" magazine, only the "tennis venue", it is called.
Modern history of the sport in general from the beginning of 1873. That year, British沃尔特克洛Compton Winfield early to improve the tennis game, make it a summer on the lawn for a sports and the name "lawn tennis." In the same year also published a "lawn tennis" has been published on such activities to publicize and promote themselves. So Winfield referred to as "the founder of modern tennis." Since then, tennis has become an indoor, outdoor sports can be carried out. At the same time, the British set up around the tennis club. In 1875 and established the All England Tennis Club. The club built the world's first tennis court, and in 1877 organized the All England Lawn Tennis Championships men's singles, that was world-famous Wimbledon tennis tournament. Tennis to carry out a wide range of activities and competitions have become increasingly frequent, there is no uniform rules, of course, is not acceptable. So in 1876, and in some areas by well-known tennis clubs to send their representatives to attend meetings to discuss research and the development of an all-British unification of the rules of tennis. After several rounds of consultations, the parties finally on behalf of the sport venues, equipment, and play games and so on has made consistent, and the formation of a unified rule. In about 1878, most of the British tennis club have gradually carried out in accordance with the new play, for training and competition.
In 1874, Bermuda vacation Maliaote President of the United States in the bridge to watch the British officers of tennis, this sport interesting, so will the rules of tennis, tennis and taken to the net to shoot in New York. In the United States, the sport was first in the eastern part of the school carried out, and soon spread to Central, Western, which has been popular in the United States. At this time the sport has evolved from the grass in the sand, cement floor, held tar game on the ground, the "tennis (Tennis)" to gradually substitute the name "lawn tennis (LawnTennis)" name, which is Today, tennis (Tennis) the origin of the name.
Modern tennis initial stage of the women are often excluded on the grounds that the sport is not suitable for women. At the same time that women's participation in the sport, indecent. Therefore, early tennis tournament with only two men's singles and doubles, women's tennis is not set up the project. However, a number of female athletes not only have the courage to break through public opinion and to obstruct the family, and the technical level of some of the more than men. In some informal singles matches often occur on one side are the men, on the other side is the female players. This forced some of the tennis club had to get rid of the ban to allow women to participate in this campaign. So from the beginning of 1879 the birth of a mixed race, the women's own efforts.
In 1878