英语翻译五只小白兔在餐桌上玩耍,他们玩得很开心.一只兔子说:"我们造一个游乐场把!"大家答应了.他,他们用五只袜子和伞还有五根绳子,坐在袜子里旋转伞 ,就成了旋转木马.用一个汤勺

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 21:23:54

英语翻译五只小白兔在餐桌上玩耍,他们玩得很开心.一只兔子说:"我们造一个游乐场把!"大家答应了.他,他们用五只袜子和伞还有五根绳子,坐在袜子里旋转伞 ,就成了旋转木马.用一个汤勺
五只小白兔在餐桌上玩耍,他们玩得很开心.一只兔子说:"我们造一个游乐场把!"大家答应了.他,他们用五只袜子和伞还有五根绳子,坐在袜子里旋转伞 ,就成了旋转木马.用一个汤勺和一块小石头做成了翘翘板,两只小兔子赶忙跳了上去.他们又拿了一个自行车 ,头朝下,一只兔子转车轮,剩下的坐在车轮上 这就是摩天轮.他们拿个木板和几根铁筷子和绳子,做成了荡秋千.他们还用有弹性的绳子和几根铁筷子做成了蹦极.兔子们玩得很开心,他们都在一起玩到了傍晚,太阳快落山了.兔子们要回窝了,主人把它们放回笼子里.他们都香甜的睡着了.

英语翻译五只小白兔在餐桌上玩耍,他们玩得很开心.一只兔子说:"我们造一个游乐场把!"大家答应了.他,他们用五只袜子和伞还有五根绳子,坐在袜子里旋转伞 ,就成了旋转木马.用一个汤勺
Five rabbits playing on the table,they are fun.A rabbit said:"We build a playground put!" We agreed.He,they used five socks and umbrellas there five rope,sitting socks rotating umbrella,it becomes a carousel.With a spoon and a small stone made ​​a seesaw,two little rabbits hastened to jump up.They also took a bike,head down a rabbit turn the wheel,the rest of which is sitting on the wheel Ferris wheel.They take a few planks and iron chopsticks and a rope,made ​​a swing.They also use an elastic rope and made ​​a few Helleborus bungee.Rabbits are fun,they all play together In the evening,the sun go down it.Rabbits to return to the nest,the owner put them return yard.They are sweet asleep.

Five rabbits played at the table, they are very happy. A rabbit said: "let's build a funfair ! "everyone accepted it. they used five socks and umbrellas and five rope, Then set in the sock and rotated...


Five rabbits played at the table, they are very happy. A rabbit said: "let's build a funfair ! "everyone accepted it. they used five socks and umbrellas and five rope, Then set in the sock and rotated the umbrella , a-merry-go-round was built . Used a spoon and a stone into the seesaw, the two rabbits quickly jumped up. They took a bike, down their head ,one rabbit turned the wheel, the rest of the them set wheel,this is Ferris wheel. They took a plank and a few root iron chopsticks and rope, made swing. They also used elastic rope and a few root iron chopsticks made of bungee jumping. The rabbits palyed funny, they played together until the evening, and the sun would set. The rabbits have to back to nest, the master put them back in their cage. They were fell into a peaceful sleep.


英语翻译五只小白兔在餐桌上玩耍,他们玩得很开心.一只兔子说:"我们造一个游乐场把!"大家答应了.他,他们用五只袜子和伞还有五根绳子,坐在袜子里旋转伞 ,就成了旋转木马.用一个汤勺 昨天你在晚会上玩得开心吗?英语翻译 你们在聚会上玩得高兴吗? 用英语翻译 英语翻译1.李平和刘雷是邻居,他们住在一栋公寓的二层,他们经常一起学习和玩耍.2.今天是星期天,他们想去动物园玩,动物园离他们的公寓大约是五公里远,于是他们乘公共汽车前往3他们玩得 孩子们又来到沙滩上玩耍.他们玩腻了那些贝壳,又来寻找更漂亮的呢.,英文 “它在我面前跳”“我们在草地上玩耍”的英语翻译“它经常偷东西吃” 在这张照片中 我和妈妈在海滩上玩耍英语翻译 玩得高兴.英语翻译. 英语翻译我昨天在沙滩上玩 英语翻译“在大年三十的玩上|” 时间就是生命,同学们在课堂上玩耍就是浪费时间的英语翻译? 你上周末玩得开心吗?英语翻译. 英语翻译1.在餐桌上,2.主人夹菜给你以示有礼貌3.吃完饭后筷子要放餐桌上,不要插再碗里 什么的小女孩在什么的草地上玩耍 今天天气不错.他们正在草地上玩耍.用英语怎莫说 瞧,他们正在草地上玩耍用英语怎么说 一只贝的阅读答案今晚就要它被埋在沙里。海水又涨潮了;潮又退了;它还在沙滩上,壳已经破烂,很不完全了。孩子们又来到沙滩上玩耍。他们玩腻了那些贝壳,又来寻找更漂亮的呢。又 “在餐桌上”用英语怎么说