
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 04:03:49


[digest] Domestic violence means the violence one party to another between family members in a family,including physical injury,mental damage and sexual violence.Domestic violence is an infringement towards personal right that breaks the law.Because domestic violence usually takes place in a family,the victims are often unable or unwilling to make it public.Further more,the society pays little attention to the domestic violence and the jurisdiction apartments seldom involves in it,all these make domestic violence are more convert,complicated and last for a long time.The reasons of domestic violence exists and becoming more and more are complicated.The traditional and feudal ideology,economic and social system and the victims themselves are all the reasons.Regarding to all of this,the writer emphasises on these problems and expect to lead more attention to focus on the domestic violence in Chinese families.
[key words] domestic violence,reason,solutions

Abstract Domestic violence refers to the family within the family among the members of the party against the other acts of violence, including physical injury, mental torture and sexual violence. Dom...


Abstract Domestic violence refers to the family within the family among the members of the party against the other acts of violence, including physical injury, mental torture and sexual violence. Domestic violence is a violation of personal rights of others offenses. Mostly occurs because of domestic violence within the family, the victims are often unable or unwilling to open, coupled with public indifference and judicial intervention is not enough, so that domestic violence and the occurrence of violence in society, compared to more subtle and complex nature of and persistence. Lead to domestic violence exists and the upward trend is a multi-faceted impact of both traditional and feudal ideas, but also economic and social system reasons, as well as the reasons for marriage, the parties themselves. Based on this, the author discusses this issue with a view to initiate the hope that more scholars can pay attention to China's domestic violence.


summary(a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form)
Domestic violence is the violent behaviors between family members by one of the members to the others, including physical...


summary(a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form)
Domestic violence is the violent behaviors between family members by one of the members to the others, including physical injury, mental torture and sexual violence. Domestic violence is an illegal act which violates the personal rights of others. Because the domestic violence always happen within the family , the victims are unable or unwilling to expose it, and moreover, the society pays little attention to the domestic violence and the judicial authority seldom get involved, all these make domestic violence covering up easier, more complicated and last for a longer time. For various reasons domestic violence exits and shows ascending trend, it could be the influence of the traditional and feudal ideas, and also could be economic and social system reasons, or the problems of a party itself to a marriage. Base on these facts, the author, I would like to take this issue for discussing, hope "A sprat to catch a mackerel" happen, and hope that more scholars can pay attention to China's domestic violence.
[key words] "domestic violence" "reason" "countermeasure"


英语翻译【摘要】家庭暴力是指家庭内出现的家庭成员间的一方对另一方的暴力行为,包括身体伤害、精神摧残和性暴力.家庭暴力是侵犯他人人身权利的违法行为.由于家庭暴力多发生在家庭 英语翻译家庭是社会组成的细胞,它的、和睦与否,直接关系着国家的繁荣安定,和睦的家庭也使人们的生活幸福,稳定,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要基础.然而家庭暴力发生具有普遍性目前,全 英语翻译社会是由人组成的大集体,家庭则是由人组成的小团体,社会的安定和谐需要家庭的和睦友好来支撑.然而家庭暴力已成为社会上一个不可忽视的问题,尤其是针对妇女的家庭暴力,妇女 英语翻译家庭暴力是一种社会和生物因素共同作用的现象,而暴力本身更趋向生物性,因为它是一种野蛮的行为.自人类组成家庭以来,家庭暴力也随之而来.尽管引起暴力的因素很多,但心理和生 英语翻译1楼不对,它是在结尾时出现的,摘要位于开头,是abstract 英语翻译中国中低收入家庭住房保障的现状和建议摘要:住房问题关系到千家万户,是人民群众切身利益之所在.而解决城镇的中低收入家庭住房问题更是广大群众的强烈呼声,也是让全体人民 英语翻译中文中的说明书、说明书摘要、权利要求书怎么翻译成英文,要翻译的是 说明书 说明书摘要 权利要求书这三组词,还有这些词是在中文专利中的出现的,翻译的要专业点才行,google 上 英语翻译【摘要】经济周期是指经济发展过程中按相近的时间长度出现的经济增长速度的波动,可划分为四个阶段,即繁荣,收缩,萧条,扩张.它是不以社会制度为转移的,资本主义存在经济周期, “疯狂英语”创始人李阳为什么对妻子实施家庭暴力?“疯狂英语”创始人李阳对妻子实施家庭暴力!【首席执行官-讯】日前,署名“丽娜华的Mom”的网友发微博称:“李阳,你需要帮助.家庭暴 英语翻译家庭暴力危害受害者的身心健康,危及社会的安定和谐.而在家庭暴力现象中,妇女受到的暴力侵害是普遍的,她们受到的身心侵害也是最大的.而我们国家的现状是,以男方为施暴者的家 家庭 英语演讲一片关于家庭权利的银行与演讲稿,要提到家庭中家庭权利的滥用与好处.有关于家庭暴力和一家之主的好处.大概500字左右!谢谢了~~~! 英语翻译求半小时内给我下面中文的英文翻译答案1、启动仪式盛况2、“相聚书香家庭”活动(意思是:一些爱好读书的家庭聚在一起)3、“传递知识、共享书香”图书漂流(图书漂流指: 什么样的男生有家庭暴力倾向 啃老族的出现是社会问题 还是家庭问题. 英语翻译这不宜于家庭和谐,对孩子有深刻的影响,不利于孩子健康的成长,家庭暴力应该是大人工作压力大引起的,使大人的心理方面有一定的问题,也反映了大人的道德品质.大人需要一个良好 英语翻译我国《最高人民法院关于(中华人民共和国婚姻法)若干问题的解释(一)》对家庭暴力做出了具体的定义和分类.近年来,家庭暴力受到越来越多的关注,逐渐成为一个法律问题.通过 家庭矛盾有哪些类型需要写一份资料 家庭矛盾 如 家庭暴力 婆媳关系 等 英语翻译关于农村留守儿童的文献综述背景意义 研究措施还有这个 [摘要]:“留守儿童”是我国社会转型时期的一个特殊群体,他们因为缺少父母亲情的关爱,行为出现了偏失,或染上社会恶习