征集一段英语口语情景对话Should a college srudent take a driving course?ROLE A wants take a driving course.ROLE B tries to dissuade him/her.要求五到六分钟,急啊.呜.求善良热心的人们帮帮忙啊~能不能再补充一下,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/18 18:28:25

征集一段英语口语情景对话Should a college srudent take a driving course?ROLE A wants take a driving course.ROLE B tries to dissuade him/her.要求五到六分钟,急啊.呜.求善良热心的人们帮帮忙啊~能不能再补充一下,
Should a college srudent take a driving course?
ROLE A wants take a driving course.
ROLE B tries to dissuade him/her.
能不能再补充一下,着重探讨college student 应不应该take a driving course,why or why not?

征集一段英语口语情景对话Should a college srudent take a driving course?ROLE A wants take a driving course.ROLE B tries to dissuade him/her.要求五到六分钟,急啊.呜.求善良热心的人们帮帮忙啊~能不能再补充一下,
A(Peter): Hi Judy , how are you doing today ?
B(Judy): I'm fine ,Peter ; And you ?
Peter: I'm OK , but I sill want to learn driving . What do you think of it ?
Judy: Really ?! I don't think that good for you .
Peter : May I ask why you thought that way ?
Judy : Why ? You don't have to , you may take a bus to your college which is not too far from home .
Peter : Even it's not too far , but driving is cool ! I'm just want it .
Judy : Have you ever thought about you'll spend more money for your cool ,like gas is expensive now , parking at your shcool,you need to buy a parking permit . The important thing is for traffic on a road , polution on an environment , globle warming and so on .
Peter : mm..mm.. ,oh yeah . You are right ! but , I'll need shoping and visiting of friends and take my Mom and Dad to somewhere to ..
Judy : Do your Mom and Dad agree with you ?
Peter : No , I'v never asked them ?
Judy : So ! You don't even asked them about this important activity ? How come !
Peter : I'm a big man .
Judy : How big you are ; You're only 19 years old and still young !
Peter : Yeah !? Seems you are right ,; I have no word on it .
Judy : May I advise you that you won't learn untill you finish your college .
Peter : Now I understood . COOL was nothing , who care about COOL or not .
Judy : You are OK now.
Peter : Thank you very much for your advice .
Judy : You're really big man now . I'm so happy you took my advice . Thanks .
Peter: Thank you , you're my real good friend .
Judy : Bye.
Peter Bye ,see you soon.

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