
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/21 09:23:12

我爱中外的文学艺术之美,记得我曾在卢浮宫(the Louvre)里的蒙娜丽莎(Mona Lisa)画像前伫立二十分钟,欣赏她微笑的面容,搜寻她的手指、甚至衣服褶皱里的神秘微笑.许多优秀的话剧使我感动的热泪盈眶.我向学生介绍的欧洲和美国的伟大戏剧家,成了我的好朋友;他们教给我的关于生活的知识远远超过了我能讲他们介绍给学生的内容.有时他们会与我面对面交谈.

I love beautiful things, first is the beauty of nature. Lots of my poems are about nature. When I go to the mountains, the lakes or the seas, and when I see the flowers on the roadside, or even the wild grass in the rock cracks, I'm always moved and excited from the heart. Sometimes I feel that I've also been one of them ,and forget that I'm a man. I talk with the waterfalls from the rocks and the floating clouds in the heaven, or communicte with the old pine trees near the temple,or pay my respects to the blooming purple wildflowers in the early spring in the Summer Palace.
I love the beauty of the literature and art in China and foreign countries. I still remember I've ever stood in front of the portrait of Mona Lisa for twenty minutes in the Louvre, just appreciating her smiling face, searching for her fingers and even the mysterious smile in the clothes drapes. Many excellent dramas moved me to tears. Some great Europen and American dramatists , whom I introduced to my students, became my good friends, they taught me the knowledge of life, that went far beyond which I could introduce to my students. Sometimes they talked with me face to face.

英语翻译我爱美好的东西,首先是热爱大自然之美,在我所写的诗里相当多是关于大自然的.每当我到山里、湖边、或海上,甚至看到路旁开放的野花、或者只是岩石缝里挣扎着往外长的野草,我 大自然是美好的.请以《我爱_________》为题,把你对大自然景物的新发现、新体会写下来,今天就要, 《我爱大自然》的阅读答案可以说,世界上的一切美好的东西都值得我去爱,而藏在我内心深处永恒的爱却是对大自然的爱,大自然中的一花一草,一山一水,都是我爱的对象.那美丽,辽阔的草原 热爱大自然,共建美好家园 演讲稿 英语翻译大意即可.最好口语化一些,通顺,不一定一字一句翻,不要有语法错误.问题是为什么你愿意住在乡间,而不是大城市里?首先,我热爱大自然的一切,空气清新,环境幽静.我们可以聆听鸟儿 我爱大自然大自然地板的主题曲 热爱大自然的文章 热爱大自然的作文 热爱大自然的作文 热爱大自然的诗句 我爱大自然的文章 作文:我爱大自然 (500字左右)大自然是人类的故乡,是心灵的家园.大自然赐给我们生命与灵感,它是美的源泉......请从以下几方面内容中任选一项,写一篇习作,表达出你对大自然的热爱之情. 你热爱大自然吗?爱它什么? 描写热爱大自然的文章热爱! 美好的大自然作文 热爱大自然的文章无 关于热爱大自然的作文? 写热爱大自然的句子.